@Serabee They didn't say anything, but again everyone just assumed they would take what worked with Smash4's online and rework some of the parts that were rough around the edges. Like Smash4 has two different modes. 4fun and 4glory (casual and hardcore/veteran) In these modes you could pick free for all, team, and 1 on 1 only for glory.
But on Ultimate online you don't get a say. You want 1v1? Too bad you get team. You want to casual team battle? To bad you get free for all where someone changed the entire item drop rate to be trophies on high (trophies are like overpowered nukes) and it's just a cheese match so they can farm for gsp points. Which is global smash points and it's just a point system where people pat their butts and try to find any way to change the rule setting to make it easier on them.
You also can't change your fighter once you start. In the other games you could change from ex; Bowser to Mario, but you need to just keep using Bowser or exit out and go back online. There's so much more I can say about it, but this was all stuff they changed that did not need to be changed.
A bit off topic though, so I will leave it at that.