Nintendo Switch General Discussion

More game reveals to come in the coming weeks!
his comments on Mother3 just confirm that they've been withholding it for years to get people hoping and buy other stuff in the meantime. I'm sure they'll continue to do so.. i can't stand reggie..
but whatever
I just can't understand why they would announce the paid online 3 minutes or so in.. or in the reveal presentation at all. it hurts idk
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I can't be the only one hype for Bomberman though, right?

And I love the idea that some of the VC games on the switch will have online play implemented into them.
tbh I don't like it, I'm not paying $470 for a system that's basically a 3DS but with less battery life, and $70 for one of them controllers plus all of these fancy dancy accessories that you apparently need, in total I imagine it to cost $800+ all up, I think it will flop like the Wii U and won't live up to expectations.

Nintendo is straying from the consoles I know and love, soon we will have to pay for online like PSN and XBOX Live, I'd rather buy a PS4 for a lot cheaper even though its not portable its cost so much less and has better graphics. just because something is over hyped isn't an excuse to charge $470! ($550 in Canada!). people just like it at this time because of the new Zelda, Mario, and Splatoon games coming to it. and sorry to disappoint you but there will be no new AC game until 2018 and even then its very unlikely.

I feel like Nintendo is trying to be something there not, no longer do they provide affordable gaming systems the whole family can enjoy, its like gaming now days has become a hobby for the rich and not something an average wage person can afford. its just... not Nintendo anymore... I was expecting better graphics and battery life for something that doubles as a handheld and console, you can't really call it a console the way it is its more handheld than anything, and I think its a poor excuse of Nintendo trying to make up for the devastating failure of the Wii U. I can't even describe my disappointment when I saw the specs... like wth? all and all, I'm not impressed and won't be investing any time soon.

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I totally agree with you there, the mario game looks cool but it has rl people, makes it feel like a non mario game...

With the handholdyness they are doing with a few of their 3DS games, Nintendo has been on my watch for a year now. Instead of being hyped for a game, I am more cautious. Should I buy this game or would it be a waste of money? Is the question I ask now and it's a shame. I love Nintendo but they have been disappointing me as of late and frankly, if it wasnt for Animal Crossing, I'd be moving onto another game console. Seeing the switch makes what I say even more valid in my eyes. 1 2 Switch? Arms? Do they really think that will sell the console? The console is coming out in March with only BOTW as a main seller. No one wants those other two crappy "games." I felt embarrassed watching and it makes me really sad. Nintendo is falling apart. After yeard of being on top back in the day, now with Sony amd Microsoft doing well, they are crumbling, struggling to even keep up. You can play Skyrkm on the switch now? You mean the 2011 Skyrim everyone has already played on PS or XBox? Just...

Nintendo is the Internet Explorer of gaming. End of story. This sounds mean but it's true. They finally didnt include region locking? It's awful it took them that long. I really hope the switch does poorly again like the Wii U. They need to get their **** together and right now, it doesnt sound like they understood why the Wii U was a failure. At this point in time, as far as I see it, there is no good reason to go with Nintendo anymore. I sincerely hope another company buys Animal Crossing or something cause I really dont wanna buy this garbage. I am praying a new Animal Crossing doesnt come out for the switch soon or at least make it a spin off.

Nintendo is falling. Help them.
Seeing the switch makes what I say even more valid in my eyes. 1 2 Switch? Arms? Do they really think that will sell the console?

I really hope the switch does poorly again like the Wii U. They need to get their **** together and right now, it doesnt sound like they understood why the Wii U was a failure.

Are you saying that Nintendo never learns anything? Whatever could give you that idea?...

When I look at the focus they put on the joy con motion controllers, Arms and 1 2 Switch, that's where I see Nintendo failing (well, okay, there's a couple areas I see them failing...). Not because those things exist, them existing is fine I guess, but the focus on them. They're obviously still banking on the success they had with the Wii and they're really not going to hit the jackpot based on gimmicky controllers and tech demos for a second time.

It didn't work with the Wii U and it won't be what sells the Switch either.

I would honestly love to know where Nintendo would be right now if the Wii wasn't gathering dust in the cupboards of 99% of its owners since the week after they bought it a success. Would they still be bothering with motion controls? Would they still be trying to pass off tech demos as big releases?

On another note: as somebody who only saw screenshots of games but didn't actually see/read about the presentation till hours later, I was disappointed Arms is just another tech demo. The screenshots I saw actually had me interested in what it was, even if it was just from the character designs.

Wasted potential.
I must say that while I was somewhat interested in the lead-up to this recent event, now I'm pretty much deflated and don't really think I care enough to pick up the console.

- About the only positive I can think of is that the Virtual Console is going to expand to include GameCube games. If this includes Fire Emblem Path of Radiance so that people can acquire that game more easily, that's a success. I wouldn't buy it since I already own a copy, but hey.

- I've thought for a while that a Fire Emblem x Warriors game would have a lot of potential considering you have 25 years worth of characters to work with and a wide variety of classes and weapons. Unfortunately from the teaser we were shown, it looks like they're ignoring all of the old games and just using Awakening and Fates characters. This could be wrong and they're just hyping it up to the newer fans, but I'm a pessimist so I doubt that. If I'm right, I won't be buying it at all because I have no interest or investment in those characters. If I'm wrong, I might be tempted to pick it up.

- We'll have to see what's up with Pokemon moving forward, but that's the only other series I'd be interested in at the moment.

- Not happy at all about paid online service when they hadn't previously implemented that with their other consoles. Part of the appeal of Nintendo was being a cheaper alternative to Sony and Microsoft, their costly machines and paid online.

- I'm generally more of a fan of the party and sports games from the Mario series rather than the platformers since I wasn't raised on platformers like some people and it's just not a genre I'm that great at. Super Mario Odyssey will probably be fine for people who are used to Mario games, but for me, eh, I'll pass. At the same time, I don't feel any desire to spend money on Mario Kart 8 again even if it does have King Boo.

- I prefer to watch other people play Zelda games instead of playing them myself, so Breath of the Wild is again something that exists outside my realm of interest. I know other people who are excited to play it, but yeah, no, I'm not buying it.

- Same for Splatoon and Xenoblade. I've heard praise from friends for Xenoblade so I might be interested in that someday, but I'm not one who gets much enjoyment from competitive shooter games so Splatoon is out.

- I cannot care less about Arms or 1, 2 Switch.
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I really love that Ninty is ditching the usual frame they have on their game boxart in favor of a small little Switch icon in the top corner, makes the game cover look cleaner and a lot less cluttered.
Am I the only one who thinks ARMS looks great? It's a new concept we haven't seen before, and it looks fun. Tf are they doing with 1 2 Switch? Who would actually buy that? And the joy cons are wayyy too expensive - ?80, just to let another 2 friends join mario kart? I think I'll still get the switch though, it looks like a good console overall. (Besides, I've been using a Wii for the last 7 years)
Mario Odyssey looks pretty good (the hat is sentient). Finally a Mario adventure game. Haven't had one since the Galaxy games.
Breath of the Wild looks breathtaking, and the thought of gamecube games on the virtual console sounds cool.

I can hardly wait.
Mario Odyssey looks pretty good (the hat is sentient). Finally a Mario adventure game. Haven't had one since the Galaxy games.
Breath of the Wild looks breathtaking, and the thought of gamecube games on the virtual console sounds cool.

I can hardly wait.

I need VC Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Kart Double Dash!!
I really like the looks of Super Bomberman R, and Breath of the Wild continues to impress with every trailer!

I was interested in 1 2 Switch, until I saw the price tag. Fifty freaking dollars for a tech demo!? No thanks.
I actually preordered Switch from Best Buy by sheer luck, but I can't deny that the thing is kinda expensive in Canada. Here in Qu?bec, I had to fork about $460 CAD taxes included.
I can definitely see Nintendo easily offering a Switch unit that would be cheaper than the launch unit in the future. It would excludes the dock, the HDMI cable and the Joy-Con grip, while still being perfectly playable for just $200 USD instead of $300 USD.

As for the online subscription service, I'd imagine it was a tough pill to swallow for those who are used to the free online service that Nintendo offered for about 12 years. The company was simply just jumping to the same bandwagon that Sony and Microsoft went in, albeit with much less value you'd get with the free games. As opposed to a wide and varied selection of titles that are kept forever and accessible whenever you're subscribed to, Nintendo has chosen to limit with one NES/SNES game per month and you don't get to keep it after said month ends. Thankfully, most of these games won't take long to beat them if you're great at video games in general.
If Nintendo's online subscription costs much less than those on PS4 and Xbox One, say about $20 USD per year, then the value would feel justified.

That being said, I'm not a guy who would often go online and I prefer to play VC games whenever I'd like to. Therefore, I'm not going to miss much by not opting for the subscription.

For those wondering if the GameCube VC games would come on Switch, you might need to know that the triggers and bumpers are going to be digital just like every compatible Wii U controller and 3DS are. This might put some more doubt to the compatibility of these games, since the L and R buttons from the original GameCube controller are analog. Said GameCube game would react accordingly on how far you press those buttons. The digital triggers and bumpers can't do such feat, which would pose some issues to certain titles, such as Luigi's Mansion.
I really like the looks of Super Bomberman R, and Breath of the Wild continues to impress with every trailer!

I was interested in 1 2 Switch, until I saw the price tag. Fifty freaking dollars for a tech demo!? No thanks.

It should have been packed with the console like Wii Sports...
I'm pretty interested in Arms tbh, it looks like it could be fun, but only if the controls are extra-precise and responsive. It's too early now to say how well it's gonna pay, since it's the kind of game whose quality will be 100% dependant on the controls. I sure hope they updated their motion-awareness tech since the Wii...

But 1, 2 Switch is just silly. It's gonna be the Switch equivalent of Wii sports: I'm not even gonna bother looking at it unless it comes with the console. In which case I'll still play for like 5 minutes at most before going on to start better games.
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But 1, 2 Switch is just silly. It's gonna be the Switch equivalent of Wii sports: I'm not even gonna bother looking at it unless it comes with the console. In which case I'll still play for like 5 minutes at most before going on to start better games.

sadly, doesn't come with the console, but costs 49,99 ... ...
1,2 Switch isnt even a video game. You can play the same game for free with your phone's stopwatch.
I don't see everyone's problem with Arms. I think the game looks actually entertaining! I've read nothing but positive stuff about the game from people who have played it hands on.
Am I the only one who thinks ARMS looks great? It's a new concept we haven't seen before, and it looks fun. Tf are they doing with 1 2 Switch? Who would actually buy that? And the joy cons are wayyy too expensive - ?80, just to let another 2 friends join mario kart? I think I'll still get the switch though, it looks like a good console overall. (Besides, I've been using a Wii for the last 7 years)

I actually think it looks fun, even for some kind of a party game. I probably wouldn't get it right away though. Its not like a top priority game for me right now, but I'll probably get it eventually.


I'm just waiting to see if they're are any upcoming bundles. I'm hoping for a Switch/Mario Kart 8 Bundle but I don't see that anywhere. Are there bundles around yet? Also, has anyone seen how much the paid online service is going to be? I'm waiting to pre-order or not depending on how much the service is..
Was up until 3am the night of the event waiting for Amazon to put up their pre-orders. Nabbed that, then got a few hours of sleep and hit my local Gamestop at 8am and waited two hours for them to open and got one there (the very first one!). The Amazon pre-order is a backup just incase things fall through with Gamestop.

As for games, I pre-ordered just about everything.

~ Grey Nintendo Switch Console
~ The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Special Edition
~ Super Mario Odyssey
~ Splatoon 2
~ Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
~ Xenoblade 2
~ Screen Protectors

And yes, ARMS looks absolutely fantastic. I have high hopes that it'll be the next Splatoon. They just gotta advertise it right, especially with the Overwatch-esque character pool they got going. I am looking forward to online play greatly.

Online confirmed to suck so far, that one "Free" game you don't even get to keep. What is the point in charging us for a subpar service and splitting things across the Switch/phones?

My guess from the very second that announcement was made was so that Nintendo can hold monthly competitions, at least for the online SNES games. This would give that particular title a large player pool since everyone paying the subscription fee would have access to it. That and maybe subs will get discounts on these specific titles?

That's just my hope/predictions for it. It's really too soon to jump to any major conclusions considering we know so little about that aspect or what they're planning in full. That said, I am disappointed about the fee, but I'll live.
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I love how everyone here is little getting the switch while i sit alone, without one. GOD WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME