Nookmiles 4 the update.


Junior Member
Oct 2, 2020
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Hi I just wanted to post a question to see what people assumed. A lot of people are saying we need 20,000 nookmiles for the update. Or to enjoy the update and it’s new perks so to speak. But then others are saying you need closer to 90,000 miles.

which one is it? So if it actually is 90k I can begin to panic :)
20,000 is enough if you want to unlock new reactions, hairstyles, fencing customization, additonal ramps/inclines, cooking.

The 90,000 includes the new Nook Mile furniture like gazebo, ferris wheel, etc.

Personally, I'm not in a rush for the furniture. I'd focus on the "essentials" first.
People are just guessing right now. We'll find out for sure on Friday.

I'm not worried as I'm just happy I'll have something to spend my 900,000+ nook miles on.
I'll need to farm them quickly if I want to unlock nice things for the update! As I restarted my island two hours ago, I have only few Nook Miles. I'll work hard during my short weekend (today and Monday)!
I heard for ALL of it, it was 80,000-90,000. I have enough to cover it, so I am not worried, but I plan on taking my time.
As @Garrett pointed out, the 89,000 number is for all items that are known via the Direct— this number could go higher if there are more items out there that were not shown in the Direct.

However, most of these are for items in the Nook Miles catalog. If you just want the basics, like the decorating and hairstyle unlocks, the number is closer to 20,000. There is no need to get 89,000+ nook miles by Friday if you don’t plan on buying all of the Nook Miles furniture that will be available.

*On a related note, that number doesn’t include trips with Kapp’n, who charges 1k a pop.
From what I heard it seems that there are more items that were discovered in the Nook Mile shop that wasn't discovered in the Direct and they were saying to have like at least 85,000 Nook miles. For me I have 250,000 nook miles so I have nothing to worry about.
I would say to plan big just in case. It looks like they included a lot with the nook miles.
Even if you don’t have enough now though, don’t worry, the items won’t be going anywhere. You have forever to unlock the miles.
You need 18200 to unlock all currently known "unlocks" bought with Nook Miles; I'd aim for about 25,000 to be safe. However, the 80,000-90,000+ is ALL known items, including unlocks. Furniture, DIY, etc.

If you want EVERYTHING, I would aim for at least 100,000+ since there may be even more items we've not yet seen.
I got about 300,000 on my first island and 190,000 on my second. I'm ready to go
I think the higher number is more for completionists who want ALL the new items available but if you just want a couple 50k is probably fine. It just depends on you
As a few others have said, the 20k is for the new unlocks, upgrades, and features. 100k includes all the new items.

If I were you, I'd aim to have more than 20k for sure, because Kapp'n will require 1000 nook miles per trip and you may want some of the new items.
I’ve been sitting on 165k for a while, so I personally was never concerned about it. I figured I’d have just enough. I’m gonna for sure need that carnival stuff, I have an outdoor arcade/play place it would be perfect for!
No offense to anyone but I personally don't understand why you'd want to buy everything on the very first day. I'd rather take it slow and have things to look forward to for a while. But that's just me.
No offense to anyone but I personally don't understand why you'd want to buy everything on the very first day. I'd rather take it slow and have things to look forward to for a while. But that's just me.
I guess it’s because some people have been playing the game for hundreds even thousands of hours so our enjoyment of the game has been to say, “maxed” out. No point in artificially prolonging something that we could be enjoying once it comes out and its already been a long wait.
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