Ocarina of Time: Love it or Hate it?

Ocarina of Time: Love it or Hate it?

  • I love it! GOTY, every year.

    Votes: 21 42.9%
  • It's okay...

    Votes: 23 46.9%
  • I don't really like it...

    Votes: 3 6.1%
  • I absolutely hate it.

    Votes: 2 4.1%

  • Total voters
I love it so much, but also probably because it was my first Zelda game! I like more than Majora's Mask because while Majora's Mask did have more and better sidequests, Ocarina of Time had more dungeons and a better plot. Can't live without this game!!! I hope you continue to enjoy it!
I've only ever played Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and so far a little bit of Twilight Princess. Ocarina of Time is pretty good in my opinion, though I don't find myself as hyped up over it as other people might be when playing it.
It's alright, kinda overrated as for being one of the best ever but yeah it's good.
Without a doubt, I love it 100%! :)
My fave Zelda so far, with Majora's Mask closely being second.
I loved it ever since the game was released on the Nintendo 64 and I still love it to this day. Ocarina of Time is one of the few childhood games that sort of in a way taught me to never give up and make sure to check every place. because you never know what you may fun. It is nostalgic and very fun to replay it now and then.
i rly love it!! the first time i played it i sucked because i was like a noob 6 yr old then i played it again when i was 11 and then i played it again when i got it for my 3ds last year and i really enjoyed it. the temples and puzzles are really nice, the monsters are good and the story is nice.

i started playing majora's mask, but the time aspect of it made me put it off because it stressed me out so i honestly prefer ocarina of time over majora's mask.

ocarina of time is not my favourite zelda game (i like wind waker, twilight princess and skyward sword better lol) but it is definitely a great one, especialyl considering its age
Like many others here, it was my first Zelda game, so it'll always hold a special place in my heart based on nostalgia value alone. That aside, I think it's aged well enough to be replayed even now, and I always found it to be pretty peaceful riding Epona around as the sun would rise and set. I hear the Water Temple's been made a bit more simple in rereleases, but I've only played the original on N64, and ugh. It wasn't complete hell because a friend had warned me to make sure I either had a guide or physically had him next to me when I got to that temple so things would go more smoothly. Fond memories.

I wouldn't say it's game of the year every year. Or any year, really. But it's definitely a game I love, and I'm a little shocked at the idea that anyone would outright hate it.
it's an absolute classic, i don't know if it's because most of the users are younger but i'm surprised it's not as loved, it's one of the best games nintendo has ever released imo (although i did prefer majora's mask) when it came out i remember thinking there was nothing else like it and it was the first game that got me into all things video games and nintendo

I think there is a generational divide on OoT. For people who grew up with the N64, OoT was such a revolutionary game for its time that they have come to think of it as the greatest game of all time. Of course there are better games overall than OoT, but OoT may have done a better job exceeding expectations for a game in its era than any other game. For people who grew up later and just played the re-releases, I can understand why they think OoT is a somewhat dated game.
Didn't vote on the poll; I'm somewhere between "it's okay" and "love it".

It's such a complete experience that I can't help but really like it but it definitely is dated now in some spots.
I think it's a really good game, especially for its time. I'm replaying it right now on the 3DS (literally just started today and did the Deku Tree) and I'm loving it so far just like I used to. Wind Waker is better IMO, definitely not Majora's Mask.
I love this game so much I've beat it on the N64, Gamecube, Wii, and now the 3DS. I'm doing a three-heart adventure on the 3DS Master Quest right now!
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I like it, not love it to pieces. It's the first Zelda game I played, played it on Wii Virtual Console when I was 5 I believe..
Love it, though not to the point of GOTY, every year. Ocarina of Time is my most favorite 3D Zelda title until I played/finished Twilight Princess.