Oceanside Aquariums (Buzzy Bees and Poliwags Cabins)

Since I restarted my island, I didn't have that much to use... which was a pleasant challenge in itself!
Here's a little biology major doing camping by the beachside to do a little fishy research. 🐠


Welcome to Buzzy Bees Aquarium! An outdoor pop-up aquarium we put together on the beach with our catches from the Aquatic Album challenge. Not sure where all those pufferfish are, though. 🐡


i tried my best lol, i don’t have switch online atm so i wasn’t able to use any custom designs so i just worked with what i had

I have very little space left and no room for more custom designs, but here it is.
Welcome to the Night Aquarium! Remember to buy a drink on your way out, all proceeds go towards care for the fish. We'll let you play ball with Pai the Arapaima if you buy one.

Well here's mine:

*Puts on a fake pirate accent* AHOY! Welcome to koopa's ship, where these fine fishes swim in the ocean surrounding us! We have here a killfish, a crayfish, a zebra turkey fish, and a ribbon eel! Putting ye finger in the tanks is not recommended, especially for the crawlfish! Har har harr! And here's a picture with me with my builder's hat to confirm that the one and only koopa took this photo! Yarr!