Odd things your villagers do.

I have a terraformed area around the Resident Services plaza where I made a waterfall around the two sides and back of the plaza, there's no more water around the waterfall though - it just goes from the top and essentially disappears into the ground below - yet my villagers always fish there, either from the plaza fishing into nothing or even odder they'll sometimes stand atop the terraformed area and just fish down into the waterfall.
Also they have a habit of walking away when taking photos, sometimes I'll see a couple of them sat together and will try and take a picture with them but they leave while I'm trying to get the right angle.
I have some trees and benches near my museum and without fail, someone will be sitting on the grass under the tree instead of on the bench that's 2 spaces away from them.

I also have my nook store really close to the water with some fencing. At the corner, Tank is always fishing there even though I made a perfectly good boardwalk for my villagers to fish at but no one ever goes there.
I live in a small part of the island made specially for me.
You have to go up 2 ramps to get there and the area is all fenced off.

Villagers like to walk up there and just casually chill. And then they have the audacity to be all surprised to see me... 2 inches away from my front door.
I have this one river they will sit by, except I have objects and fencing in front of it, so they end up just sitting in front of the trash can or vending machine

Today all of my villagers are dancing on carnival, except for Genji, who just hiding at his home all day. Maybe it's because he's freshly adopted, still I feel kinda bad for guy...
found something cute they do today ! i have this small little alley way on my island with sea creatures on display. lobo was examining them but i had to push him to get through. he did not care whatsoever. he simply walked back to the same starfish and kept looking at it. so odd
My villagers like to sit wherever I'm walking. It annoys me, but I always end up sitting next to them...
I have a music player next to my resident services but it doesn’t have any music playing on it, yet I’ve seen multiple villagers bopping next to it 😂 it also cracks me up when they intently examine furniture outside. Derwin was in awe of a dolly I plopped next to the museum. But I guess I understand that one cuz a dolly hanging out there doesn’t make much sense lol.
It's always so odd when I see my villagers sitting beside or just a few spaces in front of a bench! Always makes me shake my head, lol. I have a little section with four benches surrounding a campfire and the other day I spotted Diana sitting between two of them, lol.

Sometimes my villagers will hang out behind houses/buildings, too. I won't see them unless I happen to walk by and then I'll notice them like ... facing the cliff behind the house, lol.

One time I saw poor Gabi walking into the fence! I think it must've been a bug but it made me laugh. She just kept trying to get past the fence but couldn't.

I love when they exam things!! Especially if they're holding soup and they end up basically tipping it over to stare at something 😂
Just to revisit this again, I have one specific villager with the play hobby that without a doubt will mow me down. No other play hobby villager has done this.

It's Reneigh. Is anyone elses Reneigh a runaway train?
All the time, lol.

I was villager hunting the other day and my return trips to sell/drop off stuff often had me colliding with Reneigh at the entrance. She is pretty wild with her pathing and usually where I need to do something. Sly was typically more off to the side with his antics or at the plaza. Reneigh is everywhere with her's.

Besides Reneigh, I had Rocket who enjoyed looking in my windows, Pierce who loved to patrol Molly's yard for dangers when she lived on the island especially when I was redecorating it, Sydney who fell asleep often inside/outside and wore a white tank top randomly, and Colton who I have caught up on my stage starting to sing twice... to stop after one note and walk off immediately.

Oh, Wolfgang was my first official (real home) hunt villager to take home that I been close to, and he recently sent me like a baby romper or pacifier (which I take as a insult) in the mail followed by running up and giving me the soft serve hat in brown as I walked away from the mail box. I felt attacked.