Awwwww. I want GS5 now D= I'm going to look up some stuff to refresh my memory on Maya and them, now that we're on the subject. [/quote]Shadow_] [quote="Gengar said:I'm pretty sure there isn't. My guess is it's gonna' be a while.Shadow_] [quote="Gengar said:[quote="Shadow_] Is there a tentative release date for GS5 in Japan?
I've been browsing profiles on Court this whole conversation.
You should make an account there if you haven't already. It really isn't the best...I personally think their forums kinda' suck, but, you know, they're ALL obsessed fans just like us. =P
My name there is "Frollophile". Bul's got one too, I think...he asked me if I had one, so I'm guessing he does. [/quote]
I'm always on Court-Records
"Our newest member is Shadow Link 92"