Official Turnip Prices Thread

To any not aware, this is still going on! c: Reese is still buying at this price! Please message if interested!
she is rude dont go their if you run on here flowers on acident

1. she certainly is not rude.
2. people put a lot of time and energy into decorating their town - it's understandable to be upset when someone could potentially ruin things.
3. she may not have even known it was an accident - towns glitch all the time when you have multiple people around/etc.
4. proper spelling makes a more prudent point when trying to insult someone.
5. don't be mean.

why, as a 25 year old adult i'm sticking my nose into this, is beyond me. but she was really kind to me and I don't think that comment was deserved.
Hey everyone! Anyone has good prices? Reese constantly dropped the prices in my town and today we're down to 37 (yesterday was 42) so I'd rather find something a bit more profitable for the 500 turnips I'm keeping in my basement x -x
I have a small turnip spike of 306. Let me know if you’d like to come over, will be online for a few hours.
Please don’t run, pull weeds, or take anything. I haven’t any paths, and the shop is quite far from the train station, but going right is the quickest route. You’re welcome to stay as long as needed. :)
I have a small turnip spike of 306. Let me know if you’d like to come over, will be online for a few hours.
Please don’t run, pull weeds, or take anything. I haven’t any paths, and the shop is quite far from the train station, but going right is the quickest route. You’re welcome to stay as long as needed. :)

I'd love to come around! I'm going soon so I'd just need to get to Re-Tail to sell my turnips and then leave ~
Have added LittleDryad & Cheekyimp.

Gates are open :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ok I'm going to close them again. Let me know if you intend to come over. xD
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Have added LittleDryad & Cheekyimp.

Gates are open :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ok I'm going to close them again. Let me know if you intend to come over. xD

Sorry, my laptop was lagging and I had to restart! I'm ready whenever you are ~
If anyone has any turnip prices over 250, would you let me come by and sell? I will tip high!