Official Turnip Prices Thread

Ok, I will add you in a little while and gate will be open for you tomorrow morning!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ok, I'm going to add you right now and then open for you. Nothing needed in return :). I've been selling like crazy :)

Oh thank you so much!!! You're saving my life, I've had three turnips offers turnt down for different reasons so I was a bit disappointed. Plus I missed a scorpion in my town today, I was so mad lol
Let me know what I can do for you in the future :)
This time is just about perfect for me at least since I will getting off work. Thank you for opening your town.
My friend code is 0877-1553-8728
Excellent, I'll add you in just a little while :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Awesome I added you, thanks! Mine is 0748-3905-2798.

I will add you too in a little while!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh thank you so much!!! You're saving my life, I've had three turnips offers turnt down for different reasons so I was a bit disappointed. Plus I missed a scorpion in my town today, I was so mad lol
Let me know what I can do for you in the future :)

Awe, that's no fun :(. But, I'll be keeping this town "frozen" on this date for at least a few more weeks, so everyone can sell!
Sundance99, can I sell turnips in your town tomorrow? I'm just not sure about when to do it. Are you going to be online all day?
Sundance99, can I sell turnips in your town tomorrow? I'm just not sure about when to do it. Are you going to be online all day?

Yes, you are more than welcome to sell in my town tomorrow. I'll be open all day tomorrow so you are free to come and go as you please :). I'll add you in just a little while!
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Could I be added to a good price town? I'm currently at 48 bells per turnip with the decreasing pattern :<
Xyst - Would you like to sell in my town tomorrow? My cycle town has turnip prices at 511. Just let me know.
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Yes Sundance, I would love it o_O
You make me regret not having bought more..

Lol, not to worry. I have this town "frozen" just for the turnip prices :).

My Fc (for this cycling town) is 5198-2998-6456. I'll add you now.

I'll open the town tomorrow morning, so feel free to come over whenever you are ready.

The town name is Tranquil. Feel free to run and visit villagers. There is a path from the station to retail.

Please don't leave anything for me. This is strictly a cycle/turnip town :)
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May I come and sell my turnips in your town too, please, Sundance? Tomorrow, if need be (since at my time, Retail is closed)?