On what device do you usually use The Bell Tree?

I previously used my iPad a lot for TBT, but I usually just use my laptop now.
Mostly my phone, but I use PCs and laptops occasionally.

And I'll use the Wii U browser when I'm bored lol
I use either my iPad mini or iPad Air. I just swap from one to the other when one gets flat :p I have a laptop that I could use but it takes ages to turn on, and the iPads are so much more portable. I can't imagine someone going on TBT on a PC.
Mostly android tablet sometimes laptop and very rarely phone
I was like the only kid to grow up without a laptop (I had a desktop) until I was 18. Now I feel like if I'm on my laptop I should be doing college work which is why I finally got one. So, I'm usually on my iPhone because I'm used to it. But sometimes I'll be on my laptop if I know I'll be posting a lot.
Used to mostly use my phone...then my laptop if I felt like turning it on. Now I almost exclusively use my Galaxy Pro Tab. It's big enough to view threads without having to zoom in and way less bulky than my laptop.
I don't own a laptop so I use my iPad. It's just 20 times easier then a laptop on my opinion.
My laptop or desktop. I don't like using forums on mobile, everything's so small and scrunched up.
My PC or laptop. I don't like the way forums look on my iPhone, and the iPad keypad drives me nuts.