Shop 💖🌸 [ONLINE] Catalog ALL 422 ORDERABLE Furniture Sets/Variations in the game (over 2,000 items) for 250 TBT | HALF OFF 🌸💖

  1. TBT Bells
IGN - Rosch
Island Name - Flexmont
Internet Connection (Good/Bad) - Good
Cataloging (All/Individual Sets) - All Sets
TBT/Collectibles Payment - 500 TBT
Availability - Now until 2AM PDT, then 5AM to 7AM PDT
Questions/Comments - Thank you so much in advance! :D
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I am curious how long you are planning to keep this running? I would love to participate, but need to earn the tbt. Do you have an end date in mind?
No end date in mind atm! But if I ever do plan to end it I'll give a couple days or a week notice :3

For now, no plans of ending since it's on my bf's switch/island. He doesn't play acnh so I just use his island as my catalog island x)
No end date in mind atm! But if I ever do plan to end it I'll give a couple days or a week notice :3

For now, no plans of ending since it's on my bf's switch/island. He doesn't play acnh so I just use his island as my catalog island x)
Tysm! I will return after I earn tbt!😁
IGN - Mikaiah
Island Name - Xanthye
Internet Connection (Good/Bad) - usually decent
Cataloging (All/Individual Sets) - all <3
TBT/Collectibles Payment - 500 tbt ~
Availability - usually between 8am-8pm EDT
Questions/Comments - piske best
Tysm! I will return after I earn tbt!😁
Sounds great!! See you soon! 💖
IGN - Mikaiah
Island Name - Xanthye
Internet Connection (Good/Bad) - usually decent
Cataloging (All/Individual Sets) - all <3
TBT/Collectibles Payment - 500 tbt ~
Availability - usually between 8am-8pm EDT
Questions/Comments - piske best
Sounds good! Once I've received the tbt payment, I'll send over the instructions + dodo code 💖
Payment received! Just added you to the scheduled slots section in the spoiler! Thank you so much as well!!! See you Thursday! 💖
i totally forgot i have plans with my partner on thursday lmao, would you be willing to move this to friday? sorryyy
i totally forgot i have plans with my partner on thursday lmao, would you be willing to move this to friday? sorryyy
Yeah! That's perfectly fine! No worries! Same time okay? :3