I am curious how long you are planning to keep this running? I would love to participate, but need to earn the tbt. Do you have an end date in mind?All slots are now open! ᕙ༼◕ ᴥ ◕༽ᕗ
No end date in mind atm! But if I ever do plan to end it I'll give a couple days or a week notice :3I am curious how long you are planning to keep this running? I would love to participate, but need to earn the tbt. Do you have an end date in mind?
Tysm! I will return after I earn tbt!No end date in mind atm! But if I ever do plan to end it I'll give a couple days or a week notice :3
For now, no plans of ending since it's on my bf's switch/island. He doesn't play acnh so I just use his island as my catalog island x)
Sounds great!! See you soon!Tysm! I will return after I earn tbt!
Sounds good! Once I've received the tbt payment, I'll send over the instructions + dodo codeIGN - Mikaiah
Island Name - Xanthye
Internet Connection (Good/Bad) - usually decent
Cataloging (All/Individual Sets) - all <3
TBT/Collectibles Payment - 500 tbt ~
Availability - usually between 8am-8pm EDT
Questions/Comments - piske best
i totally forgot i have plans with my partner on thursday lmao, would you be willing to move this to friday? sorryyyPayment received! Just added you to the scheduled slots section in the spoiler! Thank you so much as well!!! See you Thursday!
yep! ty for your flexibilityYeah! That's perfectly fine! No worries! Same time okay? :3
Nope c: To catalog individual sets, it's 25 tbt per set.Do i have to pay 500 if I just want to catalog one set?