People aren't perfect and we can't force them to be perfect.
bb true
People aren't perfect and we can't force them to be perfect.
I've noticed a lot of people bringing up freedom of speech, and I just want to note something important:
freedom of speech means that (within reason) the government can't arrest you for what you say. it doesn't mean you can say whatever you want, whenever you want. if you say something folks don't like, you can and may face repercussions for it.
also, I've seen it said that citing free speech when called out is the ultimate concession: you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say in defense of your position is that it isn't literally illegal to express.
I've noticed a lot of people bringing up freedom of speech, and I just want to note something important:
freedom of speech means that (within reason) the government can't arrest you for what you say. it doesn't mean you can say whatever you want, whenever you want. if you say something folks don't like, you can and may face repercussions for it.
also, I've seen it said that citing free speech when called out is the ultimate concession: you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say in defense of your position is that it isn't literally illegal to express.
To the people who say "I still have faith in humanity" does that mean that literally anyone who tells a politically incorrect joke is a terrible human being? I'm just asking!
Whether they like it or not, everyone's told an offensive joke at least once in their lifetime.
I know I'm repeating myself but if you've told the "why did the chicken cross the road" joke to somebody aka the base of all humour itself, you have indeed told an offensive joke. You have told an offensive joke to suicidal people(?) and all chickens around the world. The Cuckoos hate you.
Whether they like it or not, everyone's told an offensive joke at least once in their lifetime.
I know I'm repeating myself but if you've told the "why did the chicken cross the road" joke to somebody aka the base of all humour itself, you have indeed told an offensive joke. You have told an offensive joke to suicidal people(?) and all chickens around the world. The Cuckoos hate you.
How is the chicken joke a suicide joke
Exactly, but its understandable why people would get offended by jokes about suicide, abuse, racism and so on. They may have experienced these and when people joke and mock those topics they will be hurt by those jokes. It all comes down to whether or not you care about strangers feelings, telling a joke like that doesn't make you a bad person but if you went up to a rape victim and you knew they were a rape victim and still told a rape joke to hurt them deeply, it does mean your a jerk. (Obviously)
The conclusion to the joke "to get to the other side" is metaphorical for "to die". The chicken willingly crosses the road, knowing that he would be hit by a car, thus committing suicide.
It's not even a funny joke. Everyone seems to think this is the safest of safe jokes but really, if you put even a smidge of thought into it, it's offensive.
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Yeah, as long as you're not saying it maliciously or to cause harm, offensive humour doesn't make you a criminal. We shouldn't ban offensive humour, because (for some people) they're often the best kinds of jokes. Stiff and safe jokes like "haha i walked into a wall" is funny (I wrote that it wasn't and then started laughing, what is wrong with me), but there's barely any comedic value if you don't have a wild imagination. Until you add "and then I broke my nose" or something, it spices up the joke. But even a "safe joke" like that is at the expense of another person. Comedy is usually always at the expense of someone else.
I've tried to commit suicide multiple times and I tell suicide jokes, it helps me cope and I enjoy mocking myself. Sensitive people can't censor what they don't want to hear.
But they're just jokes. We'd be better off being programmed machines if we couldn't tell jokes. It's sensitive people like this that ruin it for everybody.
Now I'm not trying to say that you are one of these guys, but did you know that those who try to use the strict definition of freedom of speech to point out that it doesn't protect speech from political correctness and those who find people who complain about political correctness and SJWs annoying are actually SJWs? When people are annoyed by anti-SJWs or annoyed by those who think political correctness is a bad thing, it kinda hints that they actually support political correctness (which includes the suspension of those five students that worn American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo, one of the few cases where it has gone too far). Even at the beginning, it was ridiculous. Now it's mutated to a more dangerous level.
I did want it to become illegal because of the damages done, but I don't think it doesn't need to be illegal anymore. Why? It's because when people use coercive political correctness to bully someone else, the one applying PC gets a major backlash. Remember when Food Network fired Paula Deen for saying the N-word 28 years before she got fired. Although people would not defend her use of that word, Food Network lost a lot of viewers because of that. They even received several hate comments on their Facebook page. Remember when a Christian bakery refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple and got sued for that. The lesbian couple received tons of death threats from others, really bad ones, worse than the kind of death threats companies normally get when something isn't going peoples' way. And all these people who beg for safe spaces, trigger warnings, and no-platforms in college, more people view them negatively. As much as aggression against people who are PC can get really mean, and as much as I do not tolerate this kind lf behavior if it gets that bad, I felt it's justified. The reason, if you are unwillingly to respect their right to have an opinion or even respect their rights in general, then you shouldn't even get respect. Sure it doesn't have to be in form of death threats, but bullying people with political correctness should guarantee a backlash.
I understand some would pull the SJW card or "political correctness" card to defend their bigotry, but those who complain about that usually support political correctness and find politically incorrect stuff to be offensive.
Whether they like it or not, everyone's told an offensive joke at least once in their lifetime.
I know I'm repeating myself but if you've told the "why did the chicken cross the road" joke to somebody aka the base of all humour itself, you have indeed told an offensive joke. You have told an offensive joke to suicidal people(?) and all chickens around the world. The Cuckoos hate you.
The conclusion to the joke "to get to the other side" is metaphorical for "to die". The chicken willingly crosses the road, knowing that he would be hit by a car, thus committing suicide.
It's not even a funny joke. Everyone seems to think this is the safest of safe jokes but really, if you put even a smidge of thought into it, it's offensive.
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Yeah, as long as you're not saying it maliciously or to cause harm, offensive humour doesn't make you a criminal. We shouldn't ban offensive humour, because (for some people) they're often the best kinds of jokes. Stiff and safe jokes like "haha i walked into a wall" is funny (I wrote that it wasn't and then started laughing, what is wrong with me), but there's barely any comedic value if you don't have a wild imagination. Until you add "and then I broke my nose" or something, it spices up the joke. But even a "safe joke" like that is at the expense of another person. Comedy is usually always at the expense of someone else.
I've tried to commit suicide multiple times and I tell suicide jokes, it helps me cope and I enjoy mocking myself. Sensitive people can't censor what they don't want to hear.
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Everyone's told the chicken joke and you suck because of it. So now you are all hypocrites. BOoM
Please point out to me where I said we couldn't ever make any jokes ever. If hearing "don't make jokes that rely on bigotry and hurting others" causes you to reach the "we can't ever make any jokes ever again" conclusion, maybe you ought to reevaluate your sense of humor there, bud.
I don't know why people keep spouting this "respect all opinions" stuff. The idea that I should treat harmful opinions like "we need protect white people from other races!!!" and "gay people deserve to go to heck!!" as being equal to "POC and LGBT people are human beings and deserve to be treated with respect" is, frankly, pure bologna.
And supporting equal rights yourself doesn't give you a free pass to spout bigotry. So if I see someone make a "hurr durr i identify as a fighter jet" or whatever like it's pure comedy gold and dig their head in the sand when called out, than I really don't care if they're a total grade A homophobe/transphobe or "actually an ally!!". If it quacks like a duck.
But there's a difference between telling bad jokes before, but feeling guilty and knowing better now vs telling trashy hurtful jokes in the present and than sticking your fingers in your ears and going "wahh wahhh sjws are taking my freedon of speech" when you're called out.
That's like saying that as long as you're not trying to hurt anybody, that you should be able to shoot bullets into the air or something. "I wasn't trying to hurt anybody" means squat when exactly that happens. You don't know if a sexual abuse surviver might be walking by when you tell your oh so funny rape joke. And if you were so imaginative, you should be able to think of jokes that aren't "lol gay people/trans people/black people/ect are different than us!!! #joke!!!"
And since you keep bringing up that chicken joke, please bring proof that it's about suicide. As far as I know, it's a joke because you expect something crazy to happen but it literally just gets to the other side of the road.
special snowflake alert
We can't shelter you because you're 'offended' or 'triggered'. Comedy doesn't cater to the sensitive. Grow a backbone and then come back.
But you're right; we don't know who's gone through what when you're walking past a stranger on the street. Millions of people have gone through and continue to go through sexual abuse, domestic abuse, racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia around the globe. If you tell a joke on the street, you don't know who's going to overhear that joke or how they react to it. Newsflash: that isn't the person who's telling the joke's problem. You're a dickhead if you tell a somethingist joke with intent to hurt someone who's is of that race/gender/sexual orientation or who's gone through what. The way you're wording yourself is that we should shelter everybody and every place on the internet should be a "safe zone1!!!1!!" and nobody should tell any jokes ever.
Nobody's flaunting white privilege here, so stop saying that.
And the chicken joke is anti-comedy to theshelteredsimple minds, disguised as an offensive joke that thoseshelteredsimple minds can pick up on.
I don't know why people keep spouting this "respect all opinions" stuff. The idea that I should treat harmful opinions like "we need protect white people from other races!!!" and "gay people deserve to go to heck!!" as being equal to "POC and LGBT people are human beings and deserve to be treated with respect" is, frankly, pure bologna.
And supporting equal rights yourself doesn't give you a free pass to spout bigotry. So if I see someone make a "hurr durr i identify as a fighter jet" or whatever like it's pure comedy gold and dig their head in the sand when called out, than I really don't care if they're a total grade A homophobe/transphobe or "actually an ally!!". If it quacks like a duck.
Chill out there, kiddo. I'm not saying people who make terribad jokes should be thrown in the dungeon or executed on the streets! You can make your 2edgy4you unfunny "jokes" all you want to! Just don't throw a fit when people call you out on your behavior.
And please explain to me the difference between telling a rape joke with the intent to hurt someone and telling a rape joke with the intent to entertain your buddies. Either we shouldn't care about anyone's feelings and tell anyone that we hurt to shove it, or we put thought into the things we say and care about others feelings. You can't have it both ways. Again, intent isn't a magical get-out-of-jail free card that makes it so the things you do somehow manage not to hurt anybody just because you don't want them to, ya nutterbutter!
Uh, I didn't say anybody was flaunting white privilege, did I?
I still don't see any proof, just some "Ash is in a coma" esque theories.
The idea that I should treat harmful opinions like "we need protect white people from other races!!!" and "gay people deserve to go to heck!!" as being equal to "POC and LGBT people are human beings and deserve to be treated with respect" is, frankly, pure bologna.
The thing with SJWs is that not only they will accuse people like me of bigotry for having the part of the beliefs they find politically incorrect, but they will also use that as an excuse for bullying. They even think it's moral to bully people who disagree with them while they think it's immoral to treat them with respect. They may say that conservatives, whites, Christians, and men are intolerant with no proof, but their actions prove otherwise. SJWs are the real bigots, yet they don't realize it.
I don't defend bigotry, nor would I support it. But in some of these cases that bother me (like that wedding cake case), the one being persecuted isn't being a bigot. If a religious for-profit business refuses to attend a wedding that violates their beliefs for supporting, they have the right to refuse. If someone chooses not to have diversity in their art, they have the right to decide what's in their art. That's what SJWs fail to recognize. Instead, they would continue harassing people, shoving their beliefs down their throat, as they want the world to revolve around them.
Another thing I have a problem with political correctness is that in the past few years, it became more of a tool of oppression against straight white males and conservatives. I do not support prejudice or discrimination towards African Americans, women, non-Christians, LGBT, the poor, and foreign-born people. However, as much as I oppose discrimination towards these people, I am also against discrimination towards whites, men, Christians, straight people, the rich, and Americans. Political correctness has been used to target these people, as well as conservatives of the other groups. You see, I may support voter ID laws and stand-your-ground laws while I have no respect for Black Lives Matter, but I'm against racial segregation and racial disenfranchisement like what we seen in the Jim Crow Era. I am pro-life and against radical feminism, but I have more female friends than male friends (I'm a male) while I oppose patriarchy like what we had before. I believe businesses have the right to refuse service or participation in any wedding, but I support keeping same-sex marriage legal. I oppose censorship of art and history no matter what content people are offended by, but I find offensive jokes and stereotypes to be very offensive (even if they don't describe me). The thing with SJWs is that not only they will accuse people like me of bigotry for having the part of the beliefs they find politically incorrect, but they will also use that as an excuse for bullying. They even think it's moral to bully people who disagree with them while they think it's immoral to treat them with respect. They may say that conservatives, whites, Christians, and men are intolerant with no proof, but their actions prove otherwise. SJWs are the real bigots, yet they don't realize it.
do u mean when u said
but nobody's forcing the "white people are so precious" down your throat like a SJW (like yourself) here like you claim?
Don't turn around and say "chillax kiddo omg" when people call you out on shoving your views and beliefs down people's throats.
All I see is that you can't respect opinions that don't match your own and, therefore, should be demonised. And please stop jumping the gun on rape jokes.
It is not anyone's responsibility to care about others. We don't have to, but it's ideal. Freedom of speech is being able to say what we want without being prosecuted for it. Trying to restrict that is against human rights. What I am saying is that if you walk up to a rape victim knowingly and tell a rape joke, you are an *******. I don't know how bigger I need to make the text; it's pretty clear what I'm trying to say and what the difference is. I see no need to repeat myself further.
Nobody here has said you need to accept opinions. All we've said is to respect them, because it's the basic human right.
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While I don't agree with your opinions (which you are entitled to), I agree with this. I agree that SJW are the real bigots. They make bigots look bad and people who are fighting for equality look like ****. Somehow they need to represent the feminist fight in the media, but they're such extreme views and they're shoving their extremist views and bigotry down people's throats, when the only way we can ever move forward is with acceptance of other opinions, respect and coexisting to teach that POC, women and other sexualities that aren't straight aren't any different.
sorry if there's typos, my computers lagging and i'm tired lol
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haha, treating other people's opinions with respect because they don't match my radical and restricted views??????! well, i never!!!! just the IDEA is disgusting
And here's where I stop taking you seriously. You're not the oppressed gender/race/sexuality because a bunch of people online called you a bigot. Is it jerkish to assume someone is bigotted because they're white/cis/straight/whatever? Yes. Is it oppression. Heck no. You said it yourself that people act rude to your based on your beliefs, NOT based on being a straight white dude, and until you get paid less, abused, disowned, fired and even killed for being a straight white dude, you don't get to wave your "b-b-but i'm oppressed!!" flag.
Tbqh, in that specific instance I feel like a better thing to do would have been to tell others what happened and let other people decide if they would have wanted to boycott the place or not. Likewise, if someone, for whatever reason, doesn't want to have diversity in their art, then fine by me. They'll just lose out on money and fans they could have gotten and probably fade into obscurity.
And here's where I stop taking you seriously. You're not the oppressed gender/race/sexuality because a bunch of people online called you a bigot. Is it jerkish to assume someone is bigotted because they're white/cis/straight/whatever? Yes. Is it oppression. Heck no. You said it yourself that people act rude to your based on your beliefs, NOT based on being a straight white dude, and until you get paid less, abused, disowned, fired and even killed for being a straight white dude, you don't get to wave your "b-b-but i'm oppressed!!" flag.