the only thing that worries me is people who actually find rape jokes funny![]()
Rape jokes aren't funny, though. At least not to me.
the only thing that worries me is people who actually find rape jokes funny![]()
You can't be racist to a white person. Racism is the systematic oppression of a people, and in this case, minorities, or marginalized groups. So in order to actually be racist against a white person, we would have to go back in time and put in place a system that would benefit a marginalized group.
You can be prejudiced towards a white person, but you can't be racist.
Women, minorities, and members of the LGBT community experience discrimination on a much worse level than straight white men, but discrimination going the other way does exist. As someone who is a straight white male, it bothers me when people throw terms like white privilege or male privilege in my face. I'm not racist or sexist and I don't owe anyone an apology for being white or male or straight just like no one should have to apologize for being black or gay. Millennials in particular are much more accepting and respectful of all people than older generations, but we don't appreciate people trying to shame us or make us feel guilty because we may have a racist or sexist or homophobic uncle or grandparent. Most people support equality, but when people start going for restitution, it just reopens wounds and makes people bitter and angry and sabotages the push for equality.
Women, minorities, and members of the LGBT community experience discrimination on a much worse level than straight white men, but discrimination going the other way does exist. As someone who is a straight white male, it bothers me when people throw terms like white privilege or male privilege in my face. I'm not racist or sexist and I don't owe anyone an apology for being white or male or straight just like no one should have to apologize for being black or gay. Millennials in particular are much more accepting and respectful of all people than older generations, but we don't appreciate people trying to shame us or make us feel guilty because we may have a racist or sexist or homophobic uncle or grandparent. Most people support equality, but when people start going for restitution, it just reopens wounds and makes people bitter and angry and sabotages the push for equality.
Exactly, but its understandable why people would get offended by jokes about suicide, abuse, racism and so on. They may have experienced these and when people joke and mock those topics they will be hurt by those jokes. It all comes down to whether or not you care about strangers feelings, telling a joke like that doesn't make you a bad person but if you went up to a rape victim and you knew they were a rape victim and still told a rape joke to hurt them deeply, it does mean your a jerk. (Obviously)
I would also like to say that it's not just bigotry and intolerance to invoke the privilege card, but that's the pinnacle of online bullying too. As much as we scorn intolerance, bullying is much, much, worse than that. It's also another stupid term made these days such as "micro-aggressions" and "cultural appropriation". I don't know why people make up these terms, but it sounds like they're preaching intolerance.
If you can't respectfully disagree with someone, you shouldn't be posting in threads like this.
I think you worded your point pretty well and I agree with you. But I just felt like clarifying that the earliest existence of cultural appropriation was black-face. Culture appropriation is defined by portraying someone else's culture, usually in a negative or mocking way (as was black-face), or using it and trying to claim it as your own without saying that it's from said culture.
Micro aggression is a thing, invented by psychiatrist and Harvard University professor Chester M. Pierce in 1970 to "describe insults and dismissals he regularly witnessed non-black Americans saying to African Americans", but it's become a bit of a laughing stock because of SJWs also pulling that card when they're 'triggered' by something. Here is an example of 'micro-aggression' in the media.
Like what??
Also you all need to learn the difference between racism and xenophobia.
I'm just gonna pick those goalposts up and put them back where they belong...Sexism is treating somebody differently based on their sex. Racism is treating somebody differently based on their race. White males are not excluded from that and saying they are is ironically both sexist and racist.
Meh, never mind.
Just looking at the picture, I don't any racist there, but in recent times, it's only "taboo" to give students bad grades because students have become spoiled brats. Judging by that picture, I can see that it's now "racist" to give non-white students low grades, but "not racist" to give white students low grades, if in both cases the low grades were well-deserved. Points are only counted off if anyone is not doing the work correctly. They don't care who you are, whether you're black or white, male or female, or even the teacher's pet.
Though I did hear that in some colleges in the Northeast, instructors are afraid of giving students C's or even B's, no matter how incorrect they are. Seriously, millennials are ruining college. They don't do the work right, but they beg for good grades. They're not gonna get good jobs if they do that.
There are literally hundreds of scholarly journals/articles proving cultural appropriation, sexism, racism, white privilege all exist within english speaking countries.
Also you all need to learn the difference between racism and xenophobia.
You mean to say SJWs are quick to accuse others of bigotry when they are in fact extremely bigoted themselves? What do you expect from a group that's obsessed with viewing everyone by the color of their skin, by what they have between their legs, and by what people they prefer to **** all the while judging the **** outta people based on these attributes? In other news: water is wet. More at 11.
My mom taught at a historically black college here in Jackson from 2003 until 2007, and by 2006 her job was in jeopardy because she wouldn't pass people that had averages in the 30s because it was "racist".