Opinions on cheese?

Never tried American Cheese but cheese is life 😊😂

ok apart from blue cheese and goats cheese 😝
Ok so I love cheese, it's one of my favorite foods. I wish I didn't love cheese very much because it's not very good for us, really. Ok, now, storytime:

I read this really interesting book called "Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us". It covers a wide variety of subjects in the area of food science, marketing, and manufacturing. One element that stuck out for me was the evolution of cheese as an American food. Cheese wasn't always consumed in such vast quantities like it is now. This high consumption is a result of a concerted effort on the part of the dairy industry, who worked with the US government to promote cheese to the American public as a food one should eat. The US government also purchases massive amounts of cheese from dairy farmers - subsidizing the industry - and stores it in these underground caves. Yep. Massive cheese caves are a thing, and the US has so much of it, it goes bad before it can even be eaten.

An increase in cheese consumption over the past 50 years is also a contributing factor for health issues such as obesity. But you won't see any firm messaging from the USDA or other US government agencies about that, because the dairy industry is too closely intertwined with the government.

Anyway, TLDR: you can read up on it more if you want, but basically you're better off without cheese, even if it does taste really good.
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I LOVE cheese so much! Cube, string cheese, melted, oh my! Some kinds of cheese I like are cheddar, brie, mozzarella, cotija, blue cheese, parmesan, queso fresco (fresh cheese), nacho cheese, and aged cheese. Swiss cheese is ok. I used to love American cheese, but not anymore.
I don't like cheese on its own, but it's delicious when paired with food/integrated into food in reasonable amounts. Cheese and crackers, pizza, pasta, sprinkled on salads, etc. Yum.
@Nunnafinga That brings back memories! I remember those commercials and that song/slogan lol. They liked to play it during Saturday morning cartoons a lot when I was a kid.

I'm addicted to cheese, but don't care for fake cheese unless it's specifically the kind they put on nachos at places like the movies or the zoo, which is horrible for me but it's sooo yummy... :9
I remember tasting cheese in my French classes before and I like the Gouda the best. American cheese is nastyyy. I also remember trying one of the blue-vein cheese and it was super strong. I wasn't a big fan of it.
Cheese is the ambrosial nectar of the gods. Any dairy product is, really. 🥛 ❤️
I love cheese! My favorite types are usually harder cheeses like sharp cheddars, parmesan, etc. , and I really don't like American cheese. It's fine when on grilled cheese but other than that I tend to not use it.
Cheese is love, cheese is life! I'm lactose intolerant and I don't even care when it comes to cheese. I just deal with the repercussions.

So far the only cheese I've tried that I don't like at all is blue cheese. American cheese is not my favorite and I'll never buy it or ask for it, but I'll eat it if it's all that's available. Some of my favorite cheeses are swiss, provolone, and mozzarella.

My nickname amongst family is Cheese Monger (idrk what monger means) cause I love putting cheese on food. Even if it already has like 4 cheeses in it like pasta or pizza, I'll put more cheese on it. I even like blue, goat, munster, gouda, havarti, other not typical yellow basic cheeses. Althou my fav is a basic Colby Jack. The only cheese I know I don't like is Pepper Jack, but it's only cause the peppers in it. I like peppers but somethin ain't right in Pepper Jack cheese.
I love cheese, but never by itself! I like it on sandwiches, sauces, dips, and pretty much anything else. But again, can't stand to eat it when it's just by itself, or with things like crackers. (Little lactose intolerant but it doesn't seem to bother me as much as coffee, ice cream, etc does)

Edit: How could I forget about hot pepper cheese? It's my favorite cheese BY FAR. It is the only cheese I can stand to eat without anything going with it!
@Nunnafinga That brings back memories! I remember those commercials and that song/slogan lol. They liked to play it during Saturday morning cartoons a lot when I was a kid.

I'm addicted to cheese, but don't care for fake cheese unless it's specifically the kind they put on nachos at places like the movies or the zoo, which is horrible for me but it's sooo yummy... :9
Yeah,the weird looking round guy was called Timer and I seem to remember that his commercials promoted healthy habits for kids.I remember the cheese one the most...probably because it was about cheese.

I hanker for a hunk of,
A slab or slice or chunk of,
I hanker for a hunk o’ cheese!
Yeah,the weird looking round guy was called Timer and I seem to remember that his commercials promoted healthy habits for kids.I remember the cheese one the most...probably because it was about cheese.

I hanker for a hunk of,
A slab or slice or chunk of,
I hanker for a hunk o’ cheese!

Oh goodness, yes, I remember his voice and the music.
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hated cheese as a kid growing up but now i love it!

except for blue cheese. gross.

im always down to try new kinds!
it’s delicious! it’s been one of my favourite foods my entire life to the point where one of my nicknames as a child was “mouse” because of how often i ate cheese aha 😋