Character Name: flea
Town: bluepool (i remade)
3DS Friend Code: 2680-9751-7047
Time Zone: US pacific daylight time (i think thats right? west coast) - my job is shut down and so i'm laid off and social distancing anyway.. i'm free pretty much whenever lol
Delivery or pickup: delivery, please
Items you want/how many: all DLC from this wishlist
Sets: sloppy set
Landscaping(-30): 20 holly bushes if possible
price: not sure of your pricing on bushes or if i'd be able to get a bulk discount on the unorderables? just let me know!thank you. i'd like to pay in tbt, btw
edit: just read your previous post! that is such a bummer. i'm happy to wait, if you're still taking orders
Excuse me, do you have any of my items?
I have returned once again!:3
Character Name: Maraki
Town: Hope
3DS Friend Code: signature&sidebar
Time Zone: EET
Landscaping Bulk order(30+): I'd like 35 cedar saplings and a mix of 35 bush starts! How much tbt would that come to?♡
Hello again,could I please alter my order a little?I need 25 saplings and 45 bush starts after all♡
Not a problem I can do 50 TBT for that. My tracking says arriving Saturday so fingers crossed!
Hi I know things have been crazy with your store lately so I hope you're still taking orders!
Character Name: Rachel
Town: Province
3DS Friend Code: 3067-7490-1970
Time Zone: EST
Delivery or pickup: pickup or whatever's easier
Tools: Golden axe, golden watering can, golden shovel
TBT to IGB: 500K IGB
I can do it now if your able, ad main fc and i will open Caprica
Not a problem i should have the rod the bells ate free and tools with be 6 tbtNow is good! And I forgot but can I also order a silver fishing rod too? How many TBT will that be? Thanks!