Out of the Woods - Answers Revealed!

@Milleram who's the rest of our team? i know we're still a ways out, but we should probably look to make a discord or group DM to share info and stuff. (unless it's already been done.)
@Milleram who's the rest of our team? i know we're still a ways out, but we should probably look to make a discord or group DM to share info and stuff. (unless it's already been done.)

Aside from me and you, we also have @Giddy @Tulaash and @zarf joining us. :) I agree, we should definitely set something up to make communicating easier. I'll PM you. :)
Hello @Shanica92, @tiffanistarr, & @Flicky, would all of you like to make a team possibly with me? I'm looking for a team to tackle this quiz with, and would love to form a group. Please just let me know, as well as any one else that may be in need of a team. 🙂
Sure, I'll try my best to help with the quiz.😊
As someone who's never really properly done one of these before, I'm excited- and nervous, to see what's gonna happen.

My team has been found and I'm sure that we can do it,,, I hope. I have the memory of a potato so this should be fun.
Still looking for a team if there's anyone gathering a group :0