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Paranormal experiences thread

I was home alone all day yesterday and the tv in my living room happened to turn out randomly in the night. lol

Other than that I haven't really thought about paranormal stuff since I was a kid. I had a pretty active imagination and I used to think I could see things as a kid and I'd get scared a lot but it went away eventually. I'm open to possibilities, so I don't believe or disbelieve many things.
Ugh weird stuff would happen to me as a kid when I was alone in the house. But as kids we would always make up sounds and noises, right?

Although there was one particular thing that still confuses me to this day. My grandparents own a cabin in an open field in a wodded area (away from where others live) that would occasionally be rented out to deer hunters. When they weren't there we would go and clean it. My grandma would tell me that there was a ghost who lived there, and that the t.v in there would only come on if there wasn't anybody home. I believed her for a while, but eventually you grow out of stories like that. Then one day I was alone working on something inside and the t.v all of a sudden flicks on. I thought it was someone playing a prank, but no one else was there and the t.v was not plugged in. Sort of eeriee. I don't know what kind of t.v it was or why it would do that, but it was pretty old.

The only other thing I remember going on in our house was after my great grandpa died I would sometimes hear footsteps down the hall when one else was awake. My mom admitted she heard them too. We also had a cat who died and occasionally I would hear faint mewing.
Ugh weird stuff would happen to me as a kid when I was alone in the house. But as kids we would always make up sounds and noises, right?

Although there was one particular thing that still confuses me to this day. My grandparents own a cabin in an open field in a wodded area (away from where others live) that would occasionally be rented out to deer hunters. When they weren't there we would go and clean it. My grandma would tell me that there was a ghost who lived there, and that the t.v in there would only come on if there wasn't anybody home. I believed her for a while, but eventually you grow out of stories like that. Then one day I was alone working on something inside and the t.v all of a sudden flicks on. I thought it was someone playing a prank, but no one else was there and the t.v was not plugged in. Sort of eeriee. I don't know what kind of t.v it was or why it would do that, but it was pretty old.

The only other thing I remember going on in our house was after my great grandpa died I would sometimes hear footsteps down the hall when one else was awake. My mom admitted she heard them too. We also had a cat who died and occasionally I would hear faint mewing.
*shivers* </3
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(not as creepy as the hand in the window, but I don't want to talk about that)

That just reminded me, I've also seen a hand in my neighbor's window back at the old apartment complex I lived in... it was doing a beckoning sort of gesture in the space between the blinds. For sure, nobody was home because the lights were out and I saw the neighbors leave. I was also a constant visitor there, so I knew nobody was staying over... o.o (Didn't think that was a thing other people have seen)

I also remember when my other neighbors moved out from upstairs (at the same apartment complex) and I saw a guy in shadow at the window behind the blinds. It was in the middle of the day and I thought my neighbor came back because he forgot something. The guy was standing at the window while I looked at him and he slowly pulled the cord and dropped the blinds gradually until I couldn't see him anymore. His inside door was open, so I ran upstairs and looked inside the empty apartment (the door was locked so I couldn't enter), but nobody was there. The entire apartment was bright and flooded with sunlight, and I didn't see a shadow or speck of anyone inside, even in the sunlight in the room that extended to the hallway... I also saw a hand in that apartment's window as well at a different time. I can't believe I almost forgot about that. :eek:
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I just remembered that my son would freak out before because he kept saying he's seen the ghost at the doorstep that sounded like the one I said about before. The way he described him sounded like how he would of been laying at the door step when he was found.
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Sometimes I hear dripping in the night when the taps are off and creaky floor boards when no one is home
I just woke up in the middle of the night because of a stupid ghost dream I had.

I don't know who this girl was but I must of been friends with her since she was staying in my room. There was an extra bed in my room that she was laying in while I was laying in my bed and she was talking to this doll. It was sat at the desk where the computer is instead of the computer. I was getting scared so I asked if she wanted to sleep in my bed. She said "no, the little girl won't like it. I can't remember what I did next but I remember suddenly being outside in the back garden and looking in next doors bedroom window because the ghost (and maybe the girl) was from next door, so I wanted to know if she was gone. The next minute I was suddenly inside with my boyfriend and there were toy cars rolling around on their own. Me and my boyfriend got cameras and recorded it. One of the cars left the room so we followed it and kept recording it but that's when I woke up.

See I'm really intrigued about what was going to happen next but at the same time I'm f*****g relieved I woke up. XD
Since that dream felt realistic and ghost children REALLY freak me out, I don't think I'll be going back to sleep any time soon. XD
I just woke up in the middle of the night because of a stupid ghost dream I had.

I don't know who this girl was but I must of been friends with her since she was staying in my room. There was an extra bed in my room that she was laying in while I was laying in my bed and she was talking to this doll. It was sat at the desk where the computer is instead of the computer. I was getting scared so I asked if she wanted to sleep in my bed. She said "no, the little girl won't like it. I can't remember what I did next but I remember suddenly being outside in the back garden and looking in next doors bedroom window because the ghost (and maybe the girl) was from next door, so I wanted to know if she was gone. The next minute I was suddenly inside with my boyfriend and there were toy cars rolling around on their own. Me and my boyfriend got cameras and recorded it. One of the cars left the room so we followed it and kept recording it but that's when I woke up.

See I'm really intrigued about what was going to happen next but at the same time I'm f*****g relieved I woke up. XD
Since that dream felt realistic and ghost children REALLY freak me out, I don't think I'll be going back to sleep any time soon. XD
I think there's a theory that you've seen every person in your dream at least once, be it on TV or in real life, but basically your brain never makes up a person's face. So maybe you do know who that girl was ;)
I think there's a theory that you've seen every person in your dream at least once, be it on TV or in real life, but basically your brain never makes up a person's face. So maybe you do know who that girl was ;)

it was me
Okay, well here's a few more experiences from a place that I lived in for quite a while. The experiences I'm mentioning aren't quite that scary, but are out of the norm.

In every day life, there are times when you know or feel when people are watching you. For example, you're in front of a class giving a speech or a presentation and people are looking at you. You feel like you're on the spot or you're being... exposed.

Well, about 10 years ago it was late at night and all the lights were off.

I was in a deep sleep at the time, like any other person in the house. But while I was asleep, I had the feeling that someone was watching me. I mean it's weird, to have that feeling when I wasn't even conscious, you know?

That feeling of being observed and on-the-spot was so strong, that it roused me from whatever dream I had. The moment I drifted from unconsciousness, I had that feeling that I wasn't alone. The sensation of being watched was so intense that I immediately rose and sat straight up from the bed quickly, opening my eyes at the same time, and looked in the direction I felt the stare coming from.

And standing a few feet away from my bed, darker than the darkness of the room, was this tall shadowy figure. What stood out from its tall shadowy form was its eyes. Its eyes were like the average person: white and bright with dark pupils in the middle. I remember those eyes because they contrasted its dark body. And the intensity of those eyes... it was like those eyes were scrutinizing and observing you.

If that had been moment I'd seen something I couldn't explain for the first time, I'd have freaked out. But I didn't, I just stared at it unblinkingly. Fortunately, it didn't make a move. We just stared at each other for a bit before it dissipated into the air like it was made of smoke.

After that, because I was still tired, I immediately lied back down on my bed and went to sleep... I was pretty crabby to have been woken up lol.


The experience didn't really bother me that much and I didn't have that experience again. Just a the sound of a couple of bangs, knocks, and/or scratches on the wall or furniture every day and night. I was pretty much used to them, except for those moments when a loud bang would happen in the silence of the night.

I've also seen a fast shadowy figure fly past the open window when I was on the toilet (lol, why do things have to happen when I'm in the bathroom), as well when I was walking out of the kitchen to see a tall, transparent shadow watch tv from the couch and get up towards where I was before disappearing. (hehe, ghosts watching tv)

There's more stuff, but they'd sound crazier and confusing if I mentioned them, so I won't. I could barely make sense of them myself, so sorry to not elaborate further.


Fast forward a couple of years later and I'm on my laptop in the middle of the night (this time the light is on). I'm college freshman by then, just doing whatever on the net. Even though I'm on my laptop, I was sitting in front of an unused computer screen. I was minding my own business, when I just happened to glance up at the computer screen for a moment.

In the reflection of the computer screen and standing behind me, was this figure dressed in a long robe. Its entire body and face was covered. I stared at the reflection in shock, surprised that it was directly behind me. I was sure that I was the only person in the room and that I didn't know who the figure was. It looked so real that I quickly swiveled my head around and expected it to be there, but nope, nothing was standing behind me. Nothing. I turned back around to the reflection, and yep, it was gone.

So yeah, the only thing that was constant in the place was the banging, knocking, and scratching rather than the shadow figures, but those always reminded me that I wasn't alone. >_>


As I said earlier, these experiences aren't scary, but they aren't normal either... *does jazz hands while readers stare unimpressed*

Apologising for bringing an od post on this thread back up, but I really like the writing of this one xD
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I just woke up in the middle of the night because of a stupid ghost dream I had.

I don't know who this girl was but I must of been friends with her since she was staying in my room. There was an extra bed in my room that she was laying in while I was laying in my bed and she was talking to this doll. It was sat at the desk where the computer is instead of the computer. I was getting scared so I asked if she wanted to sleep in my bed. She said "no, the little girl won't like it. I can't remember what I did next but I remember suddenly being outside in the back garden and looking in next doors bedroom window because the ghost (and maybe the girl) was from next door, so I wanted to know if she was gone. The next minute I was suddenly inside with my boyfriend and there were toy cars rolling around on their own. Me and my boyfriend got cameras and recorded it. One of the cars left the room so we followed it and kept recording it but that's when I woke up.

See I'm really intrigued about what was going to happen next but at the same time I'm f*****g relieved I woke up. XD
Since that dream felt realistic and ghost children REALLY freak me out, I don't think I'll be going back to sleep any time soon. XD
that's freaky omg, if I had a dream like that i'll be sleepless for weeks D:
http://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/k8ktr/footsteps/ there's this I'm reading due to friend sending it and because I'm wide awake right now. It's not paranormal but it definitely fits into the horror category. Be warned there's 4 parts to it and they're all really long but they are really good stories. I don't know if these actually are true or if she just saying that but either way these stories are creepy.
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Yeah. I don't believe in that.

That's actually a pretty likely case. Your brain processes faces even if you only glanced at them or passed them while walking. You remember pretty much everything that has ever happened, it's just you can't always recall them when conscious.
It been a while since the last time I visit this thread lol. Gotten nightmare and make me stay away from this for awhile =x