Pencil Passports

My entry:
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May have forgotten how to use ps but tried

Looks good, but I'm unfortunately missing an ACNH theme on this entry and won't be able to accept it as it is, sorry! Feel free to resubmit in a new post or let me know when you have an updated version.
Wait Mick real quick I wasn't paying attention and accidently made Lily's birthday February 14th instead of February 4th can I edit it with the corrected version (I have the file)
Wait Mick real quick I wasn't paying attention and accidently made Lily's birthday February 14th instead of February 4th can I edit it with the corrected version (I have the file)
Haha, oops. As with all TBT events, we prefer people not to edit their entries once submitted (especially after being accepted). You're welcome to change it, but please send it to me instead and I'll edit it in for you. :p
Looks good, but I'm unfortunately missing an ACNH theme on this entry and won't be able to accept it as it is, sorry! Feel free to resubmit in a new post or let me know when you have an updated version.
Apparently I can't read too :') updated with ac elements
Oops, thought it was still in date...

Okay, I am seriously happy with my work this time, I finished it last night, but had to wait for daylight to take a pic.
Hope it's accepted, also all the stamps are all my own original towns, cities and Island. So it was nice to add all the games I've gotten over the years. (RosySoot is the gamecube version) Hopefully you can tell which game it is by the logos~ One day I'll visit my old towns one day.

poassport yay.jpg


Is it ok for the two pages to be two images or do they have to be together on one?
Journal Entry - Day 3:
Crew 4 is a blast. I’m fortunate to have so many talented and friendly individuals as part of our crew. Because we’ve been doing so well on our mission, we’ve been granted permission to visit other crews. I’m most excited about this, and plan to visit with some friends in Crew 3 as soon as possible.

My passport features two friends - @Bob Zombie and @LittleMissPanda in the form of her OC, Li’l Ears! I wish I could include all of my friends in each Crew. My username is very small in the bottom right corners of each page.

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I see a lot of people who are beating themselves up on their passports... Come on, you're doing amazing !

We're here to have fun and you're having fun by creating something that didn't exist before you put your hand to it ! Be proud of your participation, you're making us happy as much as you were happy to create it, and you're winning points for your crew !
Pencil Passports.jpg
My very legitimate passport is done! Snuck in a Code: Realize reference in the form of the central logo on the top page (hopefully the officials won't recognize it and instead take it to mean that I am someone Very Important™️), with stickers inspired by the patches from major events I've participated in! Oh, and the apples on my island are completely normal.