Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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I really love the pixel background that you got xD
But it hard to pick one out of so many :/ Lol

Yeah, it was HARD to narrow it down since there were like several hundred of them, but still... I ended up picking out a lot anyway. XD I definitely don't plan on adding more since there's already so many choices.
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I only sent you 100, do you want me to send the additional fiddy? Let me know <3

Nope. You already sent too much, which ya already said I could keep as a tip. X3 <3 I'd only want 150 if it was a town reset, which from what you've mentioned, it's only a basic update. :) A lotta stuff, but it's a regular update.
Nope. You already sent too much, which ya already said I could keep as a tip. X3 <3 I'd only want 150 if it was a town reset, which from what you've mentioned, it's only a basic update. :) A lotta stuff, but it's a regular update.

Okay, was just double checking. I didn't want it to seem like I was cheating you, haha ^^

& yes, keep it as a tip <3
Okay, was just double checking. I didn't want it to seem like I was cheating you, haha ^^

& yes, keep it as a tip <3

Believe me, you're not. :) Thank you again for the tip!! <3


For banners, I'll definitely get Kammeh's done today and most likely acnlfan121's as well.

As for mayor art... I started on ReiraEvenstar's. Have a basic sketch, but still needs work. XD

MayorAvalon: Still need payment from you, so please send that as soon as you can since I WILL NOT work on your banner until I get it. Thanks. :D
Hey pengutango, when I opened the PM you sent me, my computer froze and shut down >.< It does that on certain PMs, like wi-fi feedback notifications. Idk why. D: Is there some other way you could show me the mockup?
I can post it here. Rather not, since I'm gonna delete it anyway when you approve it, but here ya go:

Mockup approved.
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AAAH! I love it! It looks great! Actually, I like how the roses in the first one aren't totally black, it looks really good that way. It's awesome. c: I like the top one best.
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:) Top one right? Just making sure. :) Will go and delete the mockup and go and upload the final version.
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You can try PMing it to me but I'm not sure if my computer will cooperate >.< How exactly do I get it into my signature? o:
hehe, thanks! *///*

So excited for the signature <3


You can try PMing it to me but I'm not sure if my computer will cooperate >.< How exactly do I get it into my signature? o:

Okie dokes. I'll send it over and it it doesn't work, I'll post it here later since I have to head out for a lil while. To get it into your siggy, click the "Settings" link. Scroll down to the "Edit Settings" sidebar tab and click on "Edit signature." From there, use this code in the edit signature box:

[img]link of image goes here[/img]
Another one done! Thanks Kammeh and hope you enjoy it!! :D In case you can't get the PM to work (it's strange that happens... o_O; ), I'll have it on the front page shortly with the rest of my finished commissions. Let me know if you're still having trouble getting your banner to work in your siggy.


Gonna stop taking names for the PM list tomorrow night, so if you're interested in being on the PM list, let me know. :)

MayorAvalon: Still need payment from you, so please send that as soon as you can since I WILL NOT work on your banner until I get it. Thanks. :)
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acnlfan121: Just sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when ya get a chance. :3


I would start MayorAvalon's banner, but because they haven't paid me in full yet, I'm gonna skip them for now and start on Xige's banner. Dunno if I'll finish it tonight, but least I'll gather up the sprites.
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I replied, when exactly are you gonna be done with it?
I just want to know because I am to anxious to have it!:)
Oh, just replied back. XD Just had a quick question about the font colors. I'll be done with it within 5 minutes or so after ya approve it. :) It's pretty quick turn around time, especially if I have to make no chances.
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