Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Ohh, I'm sorry, I forgot Sydney ;__;

Edit: I just got Apple from a very nice person ^o^
Could you also add her? <3
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Ohh, I'm sorry, I forgot Sydney ;__;

Edit: I just got Apple from a very nice person ^o^
Could you also add her? <3

No prob and thanks for the info. :) I'll have your banner mockup done tonight... maybe into tomorrow, depending when I get back home tonight.


Also, FINAL day for taking names for the PM list. I'll stop taking names at 10PM tonight. I may or may not be home at that time, but that's the planned cut off time.
Username: melsi
Town: Tadaima
Mayor: melsi
Border: dotted
Template Shape: rounded rectangle
Colors: I'll leave it up to you based on what you think would be best with the below picture.
I like simple styles I suppose.
Background: None
Font Preferences: Cursive would be cute.
Villagers: Apollo, Octavian, Zucker, Marina, Katt, Carmen, Coco, Moe, Marshal, Ankha
Everyone except Marshal is staying...I don't know if there could be blue roses marking them for who is staying and white for
who isn't. Names under sprites would be amazing.
Anything else: Is it possible to get this in the corner like how some people
have their mayor or a blown up villager pic to the side of the signature?
It was an art request made for me by molamola on ACC.
My FC for Tadaima is 061934425412. And then if where you usually put dream address if you could
just put my second town Oyasumi: 418423808155

I know you aren't taking requests right now. :) But I figured I'd post it for when you are again.
Thank you so much for reading.
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Update time~

I am NO longer accepting names for the PM list. If you are interested in a banner from me, you'll have to wait 'til I re-open to get your request in.

Also, I've gotten a few requests (like with all the info), and while I know you're excited to be a banner from me, which I'll put you on standby until I re-open, so you can send me payment then.

However, PLEASE refrain from posting your request until I re-open, unless you're on the PM list during the priority window. :D I don't want your requests to get lost in the shuffle. Thanks! I really appreciate it. :3

If you are currently on the PM list: I will be sending a PM about the 2nd 24-hour priority window at some point next week, so MAKE SURE you have room in your inbox!! :D


melsi: No worries. :) I'll put you on standby, so just send me payment when I re-open.

Xige: Yeah... so not gonna have you banner done tonight. :( But, it WILL be done by point tomorrow. :D
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Another one done! Thanks Xige and hope you enjoy it!! :D It'll be added to the front page shortly. I'll be working on mayor drawings, so will get to banner updates tomorrow.

If I make enough progress, I'll do a banner update or two tonight. :3 MayorAvalon's will be the final banner I post today... that is if I hear from her today. :3

MayorAvalon: Sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when you get a chance. :)
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Yay thanks!!
Beardo and Klaus moved out, and Bones is moving in today. c: Add a golden roses next to Bones ^^ Also, could you add Bam to my dreamie list? That's 10 TBT bells right?

I was also wondering if you could sorta switch the colors on my banner around o: The background black(Can the background be just the color black instead of the 1C snow path or whatever it was called?), and the roses and text light blue ^^ That'll probably cost me more tbt bells, so let me know the total :3
Yay thanks so much! I requested alot so I'll give you 10 extra tbt bells as a tip ^^
Another one done!! Thanks MayorAvalon and hope you enjoy it!! :D I'll up adding it to the front page shortly.

Nothing else right now, but will post updates later today.

Kammeh: Awesome! I'll add ya to the list and will get yours later today. :3
Antonio moved in. You think you can update the current list, also adding Antonio to the permanent villagers list (Replacing Graham)? :eek:
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OH, I'm getting Joey today as well so could you add him to my villager list and put a gold rose next to him? ^-^
Whoo! Bunch of banner updates to do, but will definitely get through most, if not all tonight. :D

DeviousCrossing: Okie dokes. Please send me payment as soon as you can. :)

Kammeh: Yep, yep.
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