Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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I just got Rosie by a nice person named EgnimaK on Gamefaqs
Please put a purple tulip by Rosie then >w<
Mario.: Finished it! :) I'll PM this to you as well. Normally, for updates for banners I've made, I charge 10 TBT per update. Like I said, not sure what to charge for this... XD



Note in general: I don't plan on updating other people's banners that I didn't make on a consistent basis, especially since I already have a lot of requests right now. However, I can try to help out if you can't get a hold of the person who created your banner and if ya catch me at a time where I'm taking a break from working on someone's request.

I will also finish mszcheysser's banner today, so I'll accept 2 more requests for the wait list until I temporarily close requests.
The person that made me my signature i had to give credit to the other user because he was using his idea. Now the person that made me my signature he told me he was taking a break on signatures, so i waited then i pm asking him if he's done taking a break i pm about 4 times this was 2 months ago he didn't message me back so i figure he doesn't wont to edit it for me anymore or he was just ignoring my Pm :(
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I just got Rosie by a nice person named EgnimaK on Gamefaqs
Please put a purple tulip by Rosie then >w<

That was nice of them. :D Will update your info. :)

The person that made me my signature i had to give credit to the other user because he was using his idea. Now the person that made me my signature he told me he was taking a break on signature, so i waited then i pm asking him if he's done taking a break i pm about 4 times this was 2 months ago he didn't message me back so i figure he doesn't wont to edit it for me anymore or he was just ignoring my Pm :(

That's annoying. :( Maybe he's been busy with school or something? No idea. I got your PM and I can do the lil fix in a lil bit before I get back working on mszcheysser's banner & mayor art. Will PM you the finished ver.


Whoo! Heard back from mtam3211 and now finished their banner!! Thanks mtam3211 and I hope you enjoy it!! :3 I'll be updating the front post in a lil bit.

And~ to DeviousCrossing, LonghornGirl, and mayoraydin: You are now off the wait list!! :D
Hi, Pengutango! Before i tell you my request, i need to ask you a question. Is it possible to make a signature that fits TWO towns in one picture? I'll obviously pay the fee for two towns, if you were wondering.
Stargazer741: Hello, hello! :) Hm, this'll be a first. Never had someone interested in two town banners, let alone putting them in one pic. I could do it one of two ways: two separate banners merged into one (could be two different designs or same... your pref) or a divider separating the two (thinking is what you want based on your question). It's doable, but it could end up a huge banner... depending on what ya want. XD

Minth: Awww!! Thanks, Minth!!! :3
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The reason im asking this, Pengutango, is because i own two copies of the game, thanks to my friend. Anyway, i would actually prefer the banner to be like yours, in terms of how the villagers are placed, with the first ten villagers on top, and the second ten villagers on the bottom.
Ah, okay. Yeah, I can do that. :) In that case, I shouldn't need a divider, unless you want one of course.
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Thanks, PT! I'll start writing my request now, and it'll take a bit, since im using the 3DS browser.
Oh wow, didn't know you could access the internet with your 3DS. XD Learn something new everyday. :) No worries. I can hold a spot for you on the wait list in that case. Usually don't hold spots, but I can make exceptions from time to time. :p Doubt it'll fill up tonight, but who knows. XD
And~ to DeviousCrossing, LonghornGirl, and mayoraydin: You are now off the wait list!! :D
I'm very glad to hear that! :D And yeah,there is a 3DS Browser. But I'm using the Wii U Browser so I'd also need to wait until I get to a computer (iPad broke) to put the image into my signature. lol.
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I'm very glad to hear that! :D And yeah,there is a 3DS Browser. But I'm using the Wii U Browser so I'd also need to wait until I get to a computer (iPad broke) to put the image into my signature. lol.

Yep, yep. :)

How well does it work compared to the browser on your computer?

mszcheysser: Soo... shading's a PAIN. IN. THE. ASS!! >.< I'd be done if it weren't driving me mad! Besides that, I'm done with the actual banner. I'll try again tomorrow... XD Think I tried to work on it too much, but I'll get it done somehow. :)
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Sorry, had to leave for a bit.

Username: Stargazer741
Towns: Empyria and Jedecca
Mayor: Tesena
Border: Regular
Template: Rectangle
Color: Text #5100FF, Border #40FF00
Background: (The image i want is the one with eight people on it, with each of them doing a weird pose. It should be the next image after the OP pic.)
Font: Ariel
Villagers: (Empyria) Rasher, Marcel, Dotty, Queenie, Samson, Hans, Lucy, Sylvia, Jambette, Vesta; (Jedecca) Maple, Static, Deli, Kevin, Bonbon, Olaf, Soleil, Diva, Chrissy, Francine
Include names under sprites?: Yes.
Include Dreamies?: No, put the Jedecca Citizens in their place.
Anything else?: Yes, my FC, its on mini profile on the left.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Shoot, handed over too many bells. Can i have the 26, or 28 bells i think, back please?
Stargazer741: No worries. :) I'll update your status now that you actually put the request through. For the background ya want, I clicked the link, but it said, "File not found." Could you find the direct link for the image?

I can definitely give you a refund of the extra, but not sure how much to give ya. XD Ya gave me 600 in total, so I dunno if there was any tip included in that. Let me know and I'll refund ya then. :)
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Yep, yep. :)

How well does it work compared to the browser on your computer?

mszcheysser: Soo... shading's a PAIN. IN. THE. ASS!! >.< I'd be done if it weren't driving me mad! Besides that, I'm done with the actual banner. I'll try again tomorrow... XD Think I tried to work on it too much, but I'll get it done somehow. :)

Awww. D:

Sorry about my banner driving you crazy. I hope it'll end soon. Lol. Sorry!
Awww. D:

Sorry about my banner driving you crazy. I hope it'll end soon. Lol. Sorry!

No prob. :) I could have finished at the flat coloring, like when I sent ya the mockup, but it felt really blah to me. XD There's a reason why if I were to draw more mayors in the future... I NEED to be bribed (probably with in-game items). :p Then again, I feel like I got lucky when I drew your mayor though. It came out a lot better than I initially thought. XD
Username: GinevaWhisper
Town: Whisper
Mayor: Gineva
Border: dotted
Template Shape: rounded rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors) D61BE0, 1BAFE0
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") 3B squares
Font Preferences:
Villagers: (names and include if you want the names included with the sprites) Whitney, Coach, Benedict, Frank, Henry, Astrid, Pancetti, Peggy, Penelope, Lucy
Include names under sprites?: N/A
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") Henry, Pancetti, Lucy, Bam, Lily, Stitches, Hugh, Sprinkle, Roscoe, Agnes
Include names under sprites?: N/A
Anything else:
GinevaWhisper: Thanks for the request! I'll add ya to the wait list for now. Will let ya know when you're off it, so please check back every so often for updates! :) Also, please send me payment as soon as possible. I PMed ya how to do it, but I can explain it again, if ya don't get it.

EDIT: Got it! :) I'll update your status.
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OH MY GOODNESS! *w* I can't wait until I get more TBT bells! I will certainly let you know when I can afford such a delightful signature. They are very breathtaking! Keep up the amaziiiiiing work. :O *A*
OH MY GOODNESS! *w* I can't wait until I get more TBT bells! I will certainly let you know when I can afford such a delightful signature. They are very breathtaking! Keep up the amaziiiiiing work. :O *A*

Awww, thanks! :D Thanks for the compliment!

Awesome! :) It's 150 TBT, plus 10 TBT per extra, so unless ya want a LOT of extras, and/or ya wanted to tip me (which I appreciate everyone who has, though it's not required. :3), you technically have enough as of now (ya have like 200 something). If it fills up before ya can request, I can send a friendly reminder when I re-open requests if you'd like. :D
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