Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Hey ! Could you make me a banner please ? I'm pretty much going to give you artistic licence to make it as you wish if that's ok ? I'll just provide the bare bones of info and leave the rest up to you (and I'll give you a nice tip for having to do all the work ;) )

Username - CovisGod
Mayor - Tommy
Town - Gunnston

These are my villagers, could you include them with names please -


Could you include my 3DS code please that's in my current sig.

The rest is up to you :) I'm colourblind anyway so there's no point in me picking colours and whatever you decide to make I'll be happy with !

Thanks very much
@ pengutango, u know how i said that i had fang on my current villagers list? could you replace him with Erik plz? ill send ya 10 bells
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Hey Pengutango, could you please put Sly into my current villagers? I finally got him. (yay) Thanks!
We have a problem, PT.

Can't find the pic? Dunno how much ya want me to refund ya back?

Hey ! Could you make me a banner please ? I'm pretty much going to give you artistic licence to make it as you wish if that's ok ? I'll just provide the bare bones of info and leave the rest up to you (and I'll give you a nice tip for having to do all the work ;) )

Username - CovisGod
Mayor - Tommy
Town - Gunnston

These are my villagers, could you include them with names please -


Could you include my 3DS code please that's in my current sig.

The rest is up to you :) I'm colourblind anyway so there's no point in me picking colours and whatever you decide to make I'll be happy with !

Thanks very much

Yeah, I can do that. :) Will add ya to the wait list and let ya know when you're off, so please check back every so often for updates. Please send me payment at your earliest convenience. :D Also, anything you don't want? Figured I'd ask so I don't accidentally pick something you'll hate? XD

@ pengutango, u know how i said that i had fang on my current villagers list? could you replace him with Erik plz? ill send ya 10 bells

Yep, I can do that. No charge since I haven't even started your banner, let alone given ya the final version of banner. :)

Hey Pengutango, could you please put Sly into my current villagers? I finally got him. (yay) Thanks!

LUCKY!!! I'm jealous!!! :p I'll add him in a lil bit. I totally wanna talk to him, if possible, whether in your dream town or actual town. :3
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Neither. Diva and Francine arent actually in my town, thanks to an error on my part, and i have Charlise instead.
LUCKY!!! I'm jealous!!! :p I'll add him in a lil bit. I totally wanna talk to him, if possible, whether in your dream town or actual town. :3
haha oh jeez I didn't even realize he was in your dream villagers aaaaaa sorry. Of course you can talk to him whenever you like!! I even updated my dream town a earlier today. (But if you wanna visit my actual town that's cool too!)

Also thank you <3
Neither. Diva and Francine arent actually in my town, thanks to an error on my part, and i have Charlise instead.

Ah, okay. But yeah, still need the updated link for your background image, since the link you gave me doesn't work. And also not sure of how much to refund ya... Ya gave me 600, but dunno if tip was included in that. Mentioned those two things on the last page, so it's a reminder this time around. :)

haha oh jeez I didn't even realize he was in your dream villagers aaaaaa sorry. Of course you can talk to him whenever you like!! I even updated my dream town a earlier today. (But if you wanna visit my actual town that's cool too!)

Also thank you <3

I didn't even realize he was on your dreamies list. XD Oh, do you want me to take him off your dreamies list or keep him there? I know some people keep them there, despite them being in their town.
I didn't even realize he was on your dreamies list. XD Oh, do you want me to take him off your dreamies list or keep him there? I know some people keep them there, despite them being in their town.[/COLOR]
Take him off, please. The only guys I would like in that section are the ones I'm actually looking for, which would be Cole, Flora and Frita. TY :>
You're making me sweat bullets here, PT. Anyway, i had 26 bells after the 300 i gave you, and im still looking into the image problem.
Take him off, please. The only guys I would like in that section are the ones I'm actually looking for, which would be Cole, Flora and Frita. TY :>

Kk, sounds good. :)

EDIT: You not looking for Queenie anymore? She was on your dreamies list originally.

You're making me sweat bullets here, PT. Anyway, i had 26 bells after the 300 i gave you, and im still looking into the image problem.

Really? Didn't think I was asking it in a harsh manner... :/ Just a friendly reminder... :) But, anyway, I'll just give ya back 300 TBT bells since you gave me 600 and the two banners total 300 TBT bells. If ya wanted to give me any tip, that's at your discretion. :)


Finished another banner!!! Thanks mszcheysser and I hope you love it!!! :D I'll add it to the front page shortly!!

I also wanted to thank FayeKittie for being a such a LIFESAVER!!! <3 Helped me out BIG time with the shading for mszcheysser's mayor pic and I REALLY appreciate her help with it. :3

Forgot to add, but I really DON'T plan on doing mayor pics for people for their banner on a consistent basis, since they do take more time and frankly, I don't think I'm all that great of an artist. Think I got lucky this time. XD But, if you're truly interested in me drawing your mayor, I'd have to be decently bribed. :p

And, to DaCoSim: You are now off the wait list!! :D
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I tend to get nervous around pressure, and, for some reason, the word "Reminder" gave me a chill. You werent harsh, PT, you just made me feel nervous.
Hello everyone! :D

Take a look at my beautiful banner! Thank you, thank you!

And I was the lucky one got the chance to get my mayor drew! I'm sorry for the hardship that it brought but I appreciate it so much. It's beautiful! <3
Kk, sounds good. :)

EDIT: You not looking for Queenie anymore? She was on your dreamies list originally.
oop I forgot I put her there LOL no she's not on it anymore. Sorry about that. I'm so scatterbrained lately. ;__;
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Morning ! (Or evening depending on where in the world you are !)

Nope there nothing I really dislike, how do I go about paying for mine ?

Thankya :)
Hello everyone! :D

Take a look at my beautiful banner! Thank you, thank you!

And I was the lucky one got the chance to get my mayor drew! I'm sorry for the hardship that it brought but I appreciate it so much. It's beautiful! <3

SO glad you love it! :D It was a lotta work, but it was TOTALLY worth it!! :3 If I could do the in-game emoticons here, I'd do the Bashfulness one. :3

oop I forgot I put her there LOL no she's not on it anymore. Sorry about that. I'm so scatterbrained lately. ;__;

No worries. I'll take take her off your list. :) I can join that boat. Been rather scatterbrained myself. >.<

Morning ! (Or evening depending on where in the world you are !)

Nope there nothing I really dislike, how do I go about paying for mine ?

Thankya :)

When ya posted your reply, it was night time, but now it's morning! :D As for how to pay me, here's how:

On the side panel where all our user info is, there's a line called "Bells." Next to it, is the number of bells ya currently have. Click that number, a window will pop up and you can send bells to someone.

If you wanna send it to me, for instance, click on the number of bells I currently have, then ya can send me how ever many bells ya wanna send me. :) Hope that made sense.
Hello everyone! :D

Take a look at my beautiful banner! Thank you, thank you!

And I was the lucky one got the chance to get my mayor drew! I'm sorry for the hardship that it brought but I appreciate it so much. It's beautiful! <3

Awwww I'm so jealous <3
Awwww I'm so jealous <3

It was funny in the fact that it originally started as a misunderstanding since she wanted me to draw her mayor and I thought she wanted her in-game sprite in her banner. In the end, I got it done, with help from FayeKittie. :) I surprised myself as well since considering I don't really draw that much these days and I've never thought of myself as a good artist, it actually came out a LOT better than I expected. :D
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