Awesome, CorvisGod! Got it and I'll update that ya paid!
You're all set for now.
I managed to find a (hopefully) working link to the image from before. If it doesn't work, tell me. Also I noticed you draw mayor characters, if bribed decently. What would it cost to draw the mayor(s) of Empyria and Jedecca for me?
Username: Hikari
Town: Hikari
Mayor: Jordan
Border: Regular
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors:1500FF, 1500FF, FF6A00 (text, border, background colors)
Background: 1B-Square (if transparent, put "N/A")
Font Preferences: All: Fixedsys
Villagers: Dizzy, Merengue, Goldie, Renee, Paula, Chops, Opal, Jay, Aurora.
Include names under sprites?: Yes!
Include dreamies?: Poncho, Maple, Zucker, Biskit, Dizzy, Merengue, Aurora, Goldie, Apple.
Include names under sprites?: Yes.
Anything else: Could I have a mayor picture added? Here's the pic:
Ingore the other two, messed up...
View attachment 14038
Okay, like I said, NOW you can send it.Stargazer741: Oh, okay. I'll fix that. Good thing I double checked.Ah, okay, that sounds great.
DeviousCrossing: I'm done with your mockup, but when I tried to send it, said your inbox is full, so please clear some space so i can send it. Thanks!![]()
Okay, like I said, NOW you can send it.