Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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I managed to find a (hopefully) working link to the image from before. If it doesn't work, tell me. Also I noticed you draw mayor characters, if bribed decently. What would it cost to draw the mayor(s) of Empyria and Jedecca for me?
Username: Hikari
Town: Hikari
Mayor: Jordan
Border: Regular
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors:1500FF, 1500FF, FF6A00 (text, border, background colors)
Background: 1B-Square (if transparent, put "N/A")
Font Preferences: All: Fixedsys
Villagers: Dizzy, Merengue, Goldie, Renee, Paula, Chops, Opal, Jay, Aurora.
Include names under sprites?: Yes!
Include dreamies?: Poncho, Maple, Zucker, Biskit, Dizzy, Merengue, Aurora, Goldie, Apple.
Include names under sprites?: Yes.
Anything else: Could I have a mayor picture added? Here's the pic:

Ingore the other two, messed up...



  • ss (2013-08-02 at 11_06_16).jpg
    ss (2013-08-02 at 11_06_16).jpg
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  • JordanFall.jpg
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I managed to find a (hopefully) working link to the image from before. If it doesn't work, tell me. Also I noticed you draw mayor characters, if bribed decently. What would it cost to draw the mayor(s) of Empyria and Jedecca for me?

Cool, I'll update the link for the for the background image ya want.

Hm... didn't think someone would request a drawing so soon. XD Anyway, besides TBT bells (not sure how much would convince me... Maybe 300 or more each? *shrugs* Honestly, don't know.), I'm looking for items from the Princess series (everything), Sweets series (everything besides sofa, bed, and minitable), purple tulips, purple pansies, and white carnations. Don't really want in-game bells though.

Let me see what you have to offer and pics of your mayors and we'll go from there.

Username: Hikari
Town: Hikari
Mayor: Jordan
Border: Regular
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors:1500FF, 1500FF, FF6A00 (text, border, background colors)
Background: 1B-Square (if transparent, put "N/A")
Font Preferences: All: Fixedsys
Villagers: Dizzy, Merengue, Goldie, Renee, Paula, Chops, Opal, Jay, Aurora.
Include names under sprites?: Yes!
Include dreamies?: Poncho, Maple, Zucker, Biskit, Dizzy, Merengue, Aurora, Goldie, Apple.
Include names under sprites?: Yes.
Anything else: Could I have a mayor picture added? Here's the pic:

Ingore the other two, messed up...

View attachment 14038

Thanks for the request Hikari!! :) I'll add you to the wait list and please check back every so often for updates. :) Yes, I can include your mayor. Also, please send me payment at your earliest convenience.

EDIT: Got it! Thanks! :D


rudythecat: I just sent you your mockup. Please check it out when ya get a chance. :)
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Just got it and I'll update it. :D


DeviousCrossing: Working on your banner and I think I can make the circle work. :3 I'll still make the rounded rectangle and you can make the judgement call. Just thought you should know.
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good day pengutango! :)

i have tangy now. if you have time can you edit mine and put her on my current villagers?? and also reduce the size of my sig.(got a warning from a mod last time) hahaha! thanks in advance. ^_^


how much will i have to pay for the additonal??

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snillos: Hello, hello! :D

Aww, that sucks. :( Sorry about that. But I can make it a lil smaller.

Nice job! :D And congrats on getting her! With the changes, that's 10 TBT. I'll get to it when I can, probably after I'm done with DeviousCrossing's banner.
hey there! i sent my payment. you can check. :)

thanks in advance and keep up the good work! ^_^
Well, i managed to save Francine, but not Diva, meaning Charlise will take her place on the sig. Also, would an entire Princess Set cover the cost of both mayoral drawings, or just one?
Congrats for saving Francine. :) Sorry for you losing Diva, but on the bright side, she can come back after 16 cycles. May take a while, especially if ya don't TT, but you'll get her back eventually. :)

Okay, just to clarify: You want me to take out Diva and Chrissy and add Charlise in Diva's place. As a result, you have 9 villagers in Jedecca?

As for the Princess Set, yeah, the whole set will cover both. :D I'll PM you a lil later today with my FC and we'll figure out when to meet up. Also, post or PM me pics of your mayors so I can get started with the sketch. Think I have a few ideas in my head already. :3 Pretty sure this time around, I might go a lil simpler on the shading/design, since when it's shrunk for the banner, details are lost. But, we'll see.
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Chrissy is still in, just switch out Diva with Charlise. And im also looking into getting you the remaining Sweet Set pieces too.
Stargazer741: Oh, okay. I'll fix that. Good thing I double checked. :D Ah, okay, that sounds great.

DeviousCrossing: I'm done with your mockup, but when I tried to send it, said your inbox is full, so please clear some space so i can send it. Thanks! :D
Stargazer741: Oh, okay. I'll fix that. Good thing I double checked. :D Ah, okay, that sounds great.

DeviousCrossing: I'm done with your mockup, but when I tried to send it, said your inbox is full, so please clear some space so i can send it. Thanks! :D
Okay, like I said, NOW you can send it.
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Hey! If its not too much trouble, would you mind switching up 2 in my currant villagers, (I'm on your list, but off the waiting list). I just got Zell and Spork is now leaving. Thank you very much!
Finished another one! :D Thanks DeviousCrossing!! Hope you love it!! Will update the main post in a few.

To Feraligatr: You're now off the wait list!! :D

DaCoSim: Yep, I can do that. :) Will make the changes in a lil bit.
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I think a good time to show you the Empyrian Mayor is when i give you the Sweets Pieces, which will be in a few hours. Is that alright with you, PT?
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