Bread Kennedys
One more thing;can you remove Kabuki from the current villagers,remove Dizzy from the dream villagers and add Eloise and Alfonso to the current villagers? :3
One more thing;can you remove Kabuki from the current villagers,remove Dizzy from the dream villagers and add Eloise and Alfonso to the current villagers? :3
Yay! It's Monday :3
It might be Sunday, where you're at though . . .
But have you heard from them?![]()
Mayor of Guam-Bella
Shape-Rounded Rectangle
Dreamies-Lucky,Marshal,Marina,Maple,Fang,Rudy,Punchy,Whitney/Friga,Rosie,Beau (Bolded who I have, color below)
Text-W/Silkscreen text under dreamies for their names.
Color-C55BCF(girls) 4060DE (boys) ,9900FF,FFFFFF
Friend Code-5370-0666-5217
Dream Address
Town/Native Fruit-Perfect pear sprite, or normal one if you would like. Either or is fine w/ me.
Color key for villagers: Purple/Pink-girls Blue-boys
Anything else- Purple tulips next to villagers I've gotten, and black ones to who I haven't gotten. (The sprites.)
Will pay now.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Transfer was a success.
You have your bells now >w<
Cool, thanks a bunch.Queen Greene: Awesome! I got the bells, so you are all set for now.Will let ya know when you're off the wait list. I can do all the things you've mentioned. Also, now that you mention the "dreamies" thing, think I've only used the phrase in one of my examples. XD Otherwise, either there's none, or I put "dream villagers."
I'll save your current avatar for future ref, in case you were to change it in between the time I get to making your banner. And yes, if you need any updates to your request before I work on it, just let me know. You can also let me know after I send the mockup or after some time after I give ya the final version. Though, by that time, I will charge up updates.
Mario.: Yeah, I can take a whack at it. Out of curiosity, do you know what font is being used in the sig? Not sure what to charge, since I didn't make it, so whatever you feel like paying me is fine.What would you like updated?
Mario.: Yeah, I can take a whack at it. Out of curiosity, do you know what font is being used in the sig? Not sure what to charge, since I didn't make it, so whatever you feel like paying me is fine.What would you like updated?
Working on it now. I'll try my best to make the pattern match up, which is lil more difficult since I don't have the original PSD file.Should be done within then next 15 min or so.
EDIT: Scratch that. Make it tomorrow morning. I'm almost done. Just need to add the sprites, but I'm really tired now, so I'll do it first thing in the AM. Sorry for the slight inconvenience.