Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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One more thing;can you remove Kabuki from the current villagers,remove Dizzy from the dream villagers and add Eloise and Alfonso to the current villagers? :3
Yay! It's Monday :3

It might be Sunday, where you're at though . . .

But have you heard from them? :D
Mayor of Guam-Bella
Shape-Rounded Rectangle
Dreamies-Lucky,Marshal,Marina,Maple,Fang,Rudy,Punchy,Whitney/Friga,Rosie,Beau (Bolded who I have, color below)
Text-W/Silkscreen text under dreamies for their names.
Color-C55BCF(girls) 4060DE (boys) ,9900FF,FFFFFF
Friend Code-5370-0666-5217
Dream Address
Town/Native Fruit-Perfect pear sprite, or normal one if you would like. Either or is fine w/ me.
Color key for villagers: Purple/Pink-girls Blue-boys
Anything else- Purple tulips next to villagers I've gotten, and black ones to who I haven't gotten. (The sprites.)
Will pay now.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Transfer was a success.
You have your bells now >w<
One more thing;can you remove Kabuki from the current villagers,remove Dizzy from the dream villagers and add Eloise and Alfonso to the current villagers? :3

Yep, yep. I'll add those notes now, so I don't forget. :)

Yay! It's Monday :3

It might be Sunday, where you're at though . . .

But have you heard from them? :D

On the East Coast, so still Sunday for me for a lil less than 2 hours from this post. XD

Nope still nothing. At this point, I'm pretty sure they're gonna end up being skipped... unless I miraculously hear something before I log in tomorrow. Otherwise, I will be working on your banner tomorrow. Dunno if I'll finish it, but I'll certainly try. :3 Oh, and btw, I was able to draw your mayor. Yay! Granted, this isn't something I plan on doing on a frequent basis... Dunno if you'll even like it... XD If you hate it, I can definitely put your in-game sprite in its place.

Mayor of Guam-Bella
Shape-Rounded Rectangle
Dreamies-Lucky,Marshal,Marina,Maple,Fang,Rudy,Punchy,Whitney/Friga,Rosie,Beau (Bolded who I have, color below)
Text-W/Silkscreen text under dreamies for their names.
Color-C55BCF(girls) 4060DE (boys) ,9900FF,FFFFFF
Friend Code-5370-0666-5217
Dream Address
Town/Native Fruit-Perfect pear sprite, or normal one if you would like. Either or is fine w/ me.
Color key for villagers: Purple/Pink-girls Blue-boys
Anything else- Purple tulips next to villagers I've gotten, and black ones to who I haven't gotten. (The sprites.)
Will pay now.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Transfer was a success.
You have your bells now >w<

Thanks for the request and payment! :D I'll add you to the wait list and I'll let ya know via this thread that you're off, so please check this thread every so often for updates. Since you already paid me, you're all set for now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)

In other news....

mtam3211: Still waiting for your reply for the mockup...

NinjanaMin and Big Forum User: STILL waiting for payment from you guys... *sigh* If I don't hear anything from you guys by the time I log in tomorrow (probably around noon, Eastern Time), you guys WILL be skipped and I will begin on mszcheysser's banner as she's next in line. I'll keep skipping you guys until I receive payment. :/

Big Forum User: I also need an answer about the colors you want for your banner, whether exact colors or the color palette you'd like me to use. I'll wing it if I have to, but you may hate the colors I end up picking...
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Sure! Not done with the line art, but I can show you the original sketch. I'll PM it to you. Which reminds me, I also need to PM the winner of the Snowman series auction... XD Gah... me being scatterbrained...
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Since I haven't heard anything or received payment from NinjanaMin and Big Forum User, I'm skipping them and moving onto mszcheysser's banner, as she's next in line. They'll keep being skipped until I get payment. Didn't want to, but I can't keep waiting since there are a bunch of people waiting for me to fulfill their requests and I've posted numerous reminders about it.

I also wanted to let everyone know that I will be taking 3 more requests on the wait list before I temporarily close requests so I can work on all these requests. If you are interested while I have requests closed, let me know and I can send a group PM when I'll be open again as a friendly reminder. :) Thanks!

This will also be added to the front page.


mtam3211: Still waiting to hear back about the mockup I sent you...
Well then!! If you have space on your waiting list I may just have to take this opportunity. :V

Username: Queen Greene
Town: Sonytown
Mayor: Eve
Border: Dotted
Template Shape: Rounded rectangle
Colors: #FF45AE, #FFEF45, #28439C
Background: 3B - squares
Font Preferences: I would like the title text to be Mega Man Battle Network and the rest of the text to be the default Silkscreen.
Villagers: Pietro, Beardo, Nate, Alfonso, Freya, Tiffany, Cookie, Marcie, Frank
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: Sly, Cole, Queenie, Flora, Frita (can you pls put dream villagers instead of dreamies? I hate that word lol)
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Anything else: I would like my FC: 1504-6079-7208
Dream address: 4600-2711-4926

Also could you please include the sprite of my mayor done by Jennifer in there? It's one I'm currently using as my avatar. If you need me to rehost it to imgur or something, I can.

Also one teeeeeeeny little thing... the villagers might change by the time you get to making mine, so if it does, I will let you know as soon as possible. If that's okay?

I'll send over 160 bells right away. Thank you!
Queen Greene: Awesome! I got the bells, so you are all set for now. :) Will let ya know when you're off the wait list. I can do all the things you've mentioned. Also, now that you mention the "dreamies" thing, think I've only used the phrase in one of my examples. XD Otherwise, either there's none, or I put "dream villagers."

I'll save your current avatar for future ref, in case you were to change it in between the time I get to making your banner. And yes, if you need any updates to your request before I work on it, just let me know. You can also let me know after I send the mockup or after some time after I give ya the final version. Though, by that time, I will charge up updates.
Template Shape:Rounded rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors)Text: #FF0000 Border: #75FAAD
Font Preferences: Default
Villagers: Ankha, Gengi, Angus, Mott, Tangy, Cranston, Sidney, Eunice, Katt, Keaton,
Include names under sprites?: Yes please
Include dreamies?: N/A
Anything else: Please add my FC: 1891-1352-0237
Please add my Dream Code: 5100-2294-2190
If you think it needs something extra to pull it all together, by all means add it. I can always pay extra^^ Also I'm terrible at picking colors so if you think I picked silly colors, feel free to change them up.
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Queen Greene: Awesome! I got the bells, so you are all set for now. :) Will let ya know when you're off the wait list. I can do all the things you've mentioned. Also, now that you mention the "dreamies" thing, think I've only used the phrase in one of my examples. XD Otherwise, either there's none, or I put "dream villagers."

I'll save your current avatar for future ref, in case you were to change it in between the time I get to making your banner. And yes, if you need any updates to your request before I work on it, just let me know. You can also let me know after I send the mockup or after some time after I give ya the final version. Though, by that time, I will charge up updates.
Cool, thanks a bunch. :) I figured I'd ask just to be safe because I know it's a popular term here (even though I learned of it recently), it just never clicked with me haha.

But yes if anything changes I'll let you know/pay whenever it happens!!
Kaiaa: Thanks for the request, Kaiaa! :D I got your payment with no issues, so you're all set for now. I'll add you to the wait list and I'll let ya know when you're off, so please check this thread every so often for updates. Also, if the colors ya picked look really wacky, I'll try to find similar colors that'll work better. :)

Queen Greene: No prob. :) Yep, yep. Always better to be safe than be sorry. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask! :D

mszcheysser: Just sent you your mockup. Please check it out when ya get a chance. :D

------------------------------------------------ And some old reminders...

mtam3211: Still waiting to hear back about the mockup I sent you...

NinjanaMin and Big Forum User: STILL waiting for payment from you guys... In the mean time, I'm putting your requests on hold and work on other people's requests until I get payment.

Big Forum User: I also need an answer about the colors you want for your banner, whether exact colors or the color palette you'd like me to use. I'll wing it if I have to, but you may hate the colors I end up picking...
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Hello i was wondering if you could edit my signature? yes someone made it for me, but the owner that did it for me doesn't change it for me anymore if you cant it's fine.
Mario.: Yeah, I can take a whack at it. Out of curiosity, do you know what font is being used in the sig? Not sure what to charge, since I didn't make it, so whatever you feel like paying me is fine. :) What would you like updated?
Mario.: Yeah, I can take a whack at it. Out of curiosity, do you know what font is being used in the sig? Not sure what to charge, since I didn't make it, so whatever you feel like paying me is fine. :) What would you like updated?

I really don't know what font is being used. All i want is my villagers to be updated
Ah, no worries. I figured out what the font is (it's Fink Heavy for future ref. :3) and I downloaded it. Sounds simple enough. Who would you like to add/replace on there?
Mario.: Yeah, I can take a whack at it. Out of curiosity, do you know what font is being used in the sig? Not sure what to charge, since I didn't make it, so whatever you feel like paying me is fine. :) What would you like updated?

Villagers i have now are Kyle, Ankha, Freya, Chester, Goldie Kitty, Curt, Bill, Penelope
Working on it now. I'll try my best to make the pattern match up, which is lil more difficult since I don't have the original PSD file. Should be done within then next 15 min or so.

EDIT: Scratch that. Make it tomorrow morning. I'm almost done. Just need to add the sprites, but I'm really tired now, so I'll do it first thing in the AM. Sorry for the slight inconvenience.
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Working on it now. I'll try my best to make the pattern match up, which is lil more difficult since I don't have the original PSD file. Should be done within then next 15 min or so.

EDIT: Scratch that. Make it tomorrow morning. I'm almost done. Just need to add the sprites, but I'm really tired now, so I'll do it first thing in the AM. Sorry for the slight inconvenience.

Ok :)
Mario.: Finished it! :) I'll PM this to you as well. Normally, for updates for banners I've made, I charge 10 TBT per update. Like I said, not sure what to charge for this... XD



Note in general: I don't plan on updating other people's banners that I didn't make on a consistent basis, especially since I already have a lot of requests right now. However, I can try to help out if you can't get a hold of the person who created your banner and if ya catch me at a time where I'm taking a break from working on someone's request.

I will also finish mszcheysser's banner today, so I'll accept 2 more requests for the wait list until I temporarily close requests.
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