Perfect Snowman criteria is annoying

I tried making one today, even followed a visual guide as to how big each has to be and I still got the “so close” dialogue. I tried to murder him with my shovel, but apparently I can’t.
I've used three different methods now. Rolling time doesn't work for me, height doesn't either, and without 11 tile path method I'd give up on this event.

This requires WAY too much precision and I have no idea how children are supposed to do this.
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It was definitely really hard for me to get it right. I made several snowboys that were wrong and I was getting so frustrated. But so far I have made three good ones. I'm still very nervous that I will mess up. It's definitely my least favorite activity, which is sad because it should be fun.

(I'm a completionist but even though I played New Leaf for several years, I never did get all the snow people items because it was so much work.)
I've always thought that Nintendo expects the head to be a teeny bit too big. They seem top-heavy - I like a more notable difference in size. It's bugged me for as long as I've been playing AC (which is all of them).
Every single snowboy I've made so far has been perfect. I don't follow any type of guide or pattern, I just roll them around in the tiny bit of space that I have. I read that the head is supposed to be 20% smaller than the body, so I eyeball it and it has oddly worked every time. It seems too good to be true given how much people seem to be struggling with them.
I'm 3/5 so far eyeballing. With the amount of time we have, I'm fine if that percent rate holds (though it's still a bummer to fail!)

But I really need to clear flowers and some items that are out of season anyway so that rolling the balls is less stressful.
Yippee! I finally did it! I used the 12/17 method, though I was mostly counting pushes (after the kicking stages) rather than seconds. Also had to do a few extra pushes at the end because it was too close to a fence to make the snowboy. But it worked. Once I get a good feel for the proportions doing it this way, I’ll try again with just eyeballing it.
Yes. The first snowboy I made was ALMOST perfect. The next two were perfect. My brother made two. The first one he made was horrible. The second one was almost perfect. ALMOST. Ugh.
Back again because today became my worst nightmare. I’ve hit the you we’re almost there stage, without context on which part was wrong!

This happened 6 times, with a reset every time. I’ve even changed my character’s Hair since the compare to character method worked for 4 of them, but not this one.

I’ve had snowballs spawning so far apart even though there’s plenty of space. I didn’t realise custom paths affected the snowballs movement, so the more you roll the ball on them, the more smaller it gets. I then had dung beetles showing up and deciding that it’s time to take the snowballs for a walk.

It honestly gets exhausting after going wrong 6 times and having issues like that arise.

But when this message appears:

It makes it feel better 😂😂

It’s just annoying and especially for kids, this preciseness for recipes you’ll probably use once. Isn’t worth it.
Am I the only bothered by how precise you need to be with making a perfect snowman? I swear, I've made two in a row now that look exactly like the "perfect" ones that I see in photos...but all I get is " close!" I mean...was it really necessary to make this an exact science? Kinda takes the fun out of making snowmen to begin with. I understand not giving it to you if you're WAY off...but, the fact that the game recognizes that you're "so close"...even saying "90%" sometimes...that's kind of obnoxious, IMO. Anyone else struggling with this?
It is a bit annoying, but I guess I'm use to it from New Leaf. However I do wish like in NL, NH had the option to make different snow people if you failed making a perfect snowboy, like the bingo snowman and snow woman. Now its just extra sad if you don't make a perfect snowboy because you don't get anything lol
My first 2 snowboys were perfect. My third was a mess-up since the bottom accidentally became the top. My previous 2 has been "so close." I keep measuring it but I guess I'm measuring wrong.
I haven't had any trouble with it, but after playing since the original game, the experience adds up.
the first two snowmen i made were perfect, but ever since then i havent gotten any and the "so close" thing gets me so annoyed lol
They make me feel so bad when I don't make them perfect. Like I'm sorry Snowboys I love you but don't be condescending!! I'd do the method if I had the room, but I don't just have space like that laying around, so I just gotta try my best every day and hope that I do it right. my second perfect one today. That's two in a row. And at least I can ask the pre-existing ones for snowflakes each day. There might be a light at the end of the tunnel yet. Now...I just need to get more of these DIYs.
I got my second one today at last too. I reaxed and just eyeballed it. It was a smaller one too. Maybe that is the key.
I just watched a YouTube video on this by Mayor Mori. Make one snowball as big as it can be. Next to it, place 10 sand tiles. Roll the second snowball as big as it can be and then roll across your sand path and onto your first snowball. Voila! Perfect snowboy 😊
I have tried this method myself 3 times now and have had 5 so closes in a row! I think it is far too difficult and I'm genuinely worried that I wont get large snowflakes or recipes :( I've been wanting this furniture for so long and it feels like I wont ever be able to get this stuff by myself :'(