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Phobias, reasons that stop you from seeing some movies

I heard when Saving Private Ryan came out, a lot of people left the theaters upset because of the brutality. They left in the beginning when the allies are invading Omaha Beach. While war is very awful, I'm kind of glad that they didn't shy away or tone down the violence. War needs to be shown for what it is. A brutal gory mess. Believe it or not, a lot of soldiers in the American Civil War were excited to go to war because they thought it would be fun. It wasn't until they got their first taste of war that they realized what they signed up for. Even today people glorify this war.

To many times people glorify war as this amazing thing that it really isn't. In fact. Civilians never understood why soldiers returned 'damaged' when they were fine. It wasn't until Matthew Brady and other Civil War photographers decided to take pictures of the aftermath of war that the public realized what they had sent their husbands, sons, and family off to. Heck even in WW2 the public didn't quite understand what was really going on because all they were getting was radio news of people hyping up the war or exaggerated comical takes on what war is through plays, cartoons, ect.

Anyway I just saw some posting about how they disliked the war movies and I wanted to chime in that it's better for them to depict war for what it is rather than how they used to depict it as this amazing glamorous journey.
I had to watch the beginning of Saving Private Ryan in my freshman history class (high school)…definitely an emotional experience.
I can’t watch Skyfall because of the opening scene with the scorpion. I’m terrified of those things and I almost screamed when I saw it on the screen which I had to hold in because I was on an international flight to Taiwan and the lights were dimmed so that some passengers could sleep if they wanted to. I immediately turned off the movie and have been afraid to watch it since.
I had to watch the beginning of Saving Private Ryan in my freshman history class (high school)…definitely an emotional experience.
Yeah I had to do that to. I remember one classmate actually passed out and started having seizures because of one of the scenes. You mentioning watching it in high school brought back that memory. Was definitely a scary moment as a freshman kid watching the intense scene and then seeing the classmate next to me fall off their chair.

Band of Brothers is directed by those that worked on Saving Private Ryan and they go further with the brutality. I watched the entire series, but there are some moments that are just too intense.

It isn't an easy watch, but it does help for people to realize what those men and women had to go through.

I wouldn't say it's a phobia, but I really don't care for excessive gore when it is unwarranted. Like those over the top horror movies where there is just blood crawling from walls, excessive limbs or whatever, people just randomly blowing up into red blood (there was some movie recently about students blowing up into blood?) I just don't care for it because it feels less like they're trying to make a movie and more just cashing in on shock factor.
i have a ridiculous amount of phobias, but none of them have prevented me from watching any movies. my phobias only affect me in real life situations for the most part (either it’s happening to me, in front of me, or i’m watching real life footage), so they don’t really impact the movies/tv shows i watch.

that being said, i can’t handle it when an animal gets hurt or dies in a movie, even animated or cgi animals. my heart just can’t take it— just one sad scene or one bad thing happening to an animal is enough to gut me. i even have a hard time watching older movies that have real animals in them, because i know that the animals have likely passed away by now, and that breaks my heart. i avoid watching movies that have to do with animals, because they often have sad scenes or end with the animal passing away, and i can’t do it lol. i remember my mom only got me to watch eight below by telling me that none of the sled dogs die, and turns out that wasn’t true 🙃 (she didn’t lie to get me to watch it, she just forgot)

one of my most prominent phobias is emetophobia, so scenes that involve gagging, throwing up, coughing, choking etc are hard to watch and usually make me nauseous and anxious, but i don’t avoid watching movies because of it. i just look away and zone out until the scene’s over. i’m also very squeamish when it comes to eyes, so i gotta look away from any scenes that involve them as well lol
"Does the Dog Die" has been an absolutely invaluable resource to me because I also absolutely cannot stand it if a pet of any kind gets killed in a show. ;; I generally have a higher tolerance for things in Youtube gaming playthroughs (I guess because I'm less watching the game and more the reactions to it?) but even then I pause immediately if a dog or cat shows up. If I can't confirm that there is no way for them to die, I stop watching.

I also really really hate intense emotional abuse scenes, or malicious destruction of creative works/a child's belongings. I'm not a Disney fan anymore, but when I was little I absolutely hated the grotto scene in The Little Mermaid. ...Actually, it still makes me mad tbh. I don't care if he felt bad afterwards, screw Triton lmao. I also avoid sad endings and stuff like that too. Of course these things are generally supposed to give you a negative reaction and I'm not necessarily arguing against their depiction, but this kind of stuff just tends to stick with me to an unhealthy degree, so I do my best to avoid it for my own mental health's sake.

Oh, and gore/torture/graphic sexual violence is a big nope for me too.
I keep forgetting to add this,

I'm immediately turned off my any kinda animal dying movie. I mean I never saw Dog's Purpose but I was working at the theatre when it came out..

I was given a giant box filled with tissue packs that I had to hand out to anyone who was going in. ;~; that was depressing. I even had to get a new box. A new giant cardboard box of tissues packs on opening night

After the movie if we were cleaning the theatre we had to offer tissue packs again.. Needless to say they were used.

(it was a bad time to be incharge of cleaning auditoriums, trust me, I had to clean one)

It was really hard. I was postioned right by the theatre, and got the joy to listen to the movie too. Boy was I happy when that movie finally left.
Eyes. Yes, update. Aside from Space, I absolutly refuse to have anything to do with eyes. I even panic when people go near my own

I was watching this one movie, Would you rather. One scene in it. Shall never be spoken of. If you have that kinda phobia do not watch that movie.
(I mean just look at the offical poster for it)

Im terrified of hospitals in real life, and I don't do well with them at all.

Creepy hospitals, any horror, psychological, thriller ect in a hospital Im outta there. There was this one horror game that had a level in a hospital, and I made my EX play it.

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I don't really have any, although I will say seeing bugs/insects up close grosses me out. Bugs/insects are one of my few fears in life.
I don't really have any, although I will say seeing bugs/insects up close grosses me out. Bugs/insects are one of my few fears in life.
Aside from Antz and A Bug’s Life, I agree. (I guess bc they don’t really look bug-like in those movies?)
I don't like watching anything where animals are in danger, get hurt, etc. For example, I've always wanted to see Watership Down because I think I'd appreciate the story behind it, but nope. I just can't handle it.

I also don't like anything involving eyes. I have a phobia about that and I feel squeamish just seeing close-up shots of eyes because I'm terrified something will happen. I can watch plenty of gory scenes, but if I see someone just pointing something at a person's eyes I'm out.

I am the exact same regarding eyes. Have no problem with gore in general, but if I know something likely depicts ocular trauma of any sort, I usually avoid watching.
I lack any such phobias. I watched the original Child's Play and played Mortal Kombat when I was like 3, so very early on in life I was able to separate what I witnessed on screen from reality and have never encountered any visual depictions of things, such as those posted throughout this thread, that bother me in such a way as to keep me from watching something.
I don’t know if this counts as a phobia but the true crime genre repulses me. It’s weird because I’m a big fan of some slasher stuff and violent/controversial characters, but I like them so much in the context of them being characters. You make it real life and I just feel like it’s exploitative, and even in the rare cases I’ve seen true crime with consent or even interviews from escaped victims or people close to victims, I can’t shake thoughts about how the criminals would want to be glamorised. Also, frankly, while I can enjoy fictional violence, when it comes to real people it makes me way more sick. I’ve tried so I could figure out where my lines actually are but yeah a lot of the time I nope out quick.

There’s not much I would outright avoid watching so long as it’s fictional, but I still get squeamish whenever you have characters shrinking and going in another’s veins. This was a weirdly common trope in late 90’s cartoons or so, and it always made me feel like it would happen to me and my veins would accidentally get broken or something. It’s about the veins specifically. Ugh.
I don't see many medical movies, but this does pop up in horror movies: Literally anything to do with the eyes.

I can’t handle movies or shows where something happens to a pet or baby/child. Cannot. I will either cry, or internalize it and get depressed and dream something similar. It just hits too close to home for me, since I lost two pets this year and we have children. I get especially sensitive about children because of Nicholas, since he’s fully dependent on me.
Yeah, worst part of M3GAN, imo.
If there are crabs, arachnids, or other creatures with six or more legs in a movie or show, I will not watch it. I haven't watched Home Alone because I know there are spiders involved. I can't watch the majority of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets because that movie is very spider-centred. Same goes for a bunch of major scenes in the other Harry Potter movies, like the Battle of Hogwarts scene in Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 or the scene in Half-Blood Prince where Harry, Hagrid, and Slughorn have a funeral for Aragog.

Completely unrelated, but I once threw out a Harry Potter calender because of a single picture of said spider. It's that bad.
I can't stand throwing up in movies, ugh. Also, if they bring in a cute little animal, like a puppy, just to have something awful happen to it, I can't stand that.

And I'm really not a fan of any kind of romance type films. Too many issues with those - way too many, from characters to plots to small things, like kissing when they just did something that you know makes it gross (like they just woke up, threw up, or ate a garlic meatball). Yuck...
Skyfall was the only time a phobia forced me to stop watching. If I stop watching any other movie, it’s because I find it boring or I just don’t like it as much as I thought I would. There’s this horror movie that is essentially about an evil Elf on the Shelf and I thought that was an interesting concept and a funny one too given the memes of the Elf doing bad things but the first ten minutes after the opening scene is completely silent and similar to Paranormal Activity camera footage and I got extremely bored and was falling asleep because there was literally no noise. I wanted some action like the family putting the Elf out on a mantle and turning around only to find it on another shelf and the mom or dad asking who touched the Elf only to show the kids in a room far from the Elf. Instead what I got was extremely boring camera footage of a dark room with nothing happening for about ten minutes except maybe a pet walking pass the camera.
I'm emetophobic.

When people watch films with me, we either fast forward through that content or I hide behind a cushion for a bit. Party scene in a teen/college movie? You can bet I've something ready to hide behind to hand. Years ago @LaBelleFleur introduced me websites that have emetophobia warnings for TV episodes/film (including details of when it occurs and how graphic it is) and it has been extremely useful in helping me widen what content I watch.
Anything with natural disasters is unsettling for me. Just can't handle to distress they cause, whether it's real or not.

Anything with spiders or insects is gross too as I have arachnophobia 😬
I don't like many action movies because they're violent or too loud.
I'm not a fan of movies that depict surgery. I don't like bringing up stuff like this online, but I was in and out of the hospital when I was little and things like this makes seriously uncomfortable.
Horror films, I can watch most.. but can't stomach others and I'm not a fan of jump scares.
Movies that are TOO dramatic! Especially when I'm in a good mood and then comes a scene where kind grandmother Rebecca dies.
SPIDERS. I am sorry but if you bring spiders into your film I will be full on looking away and not paying attention until it IS OFF THE SCREEN.
Next up is spit or saliva, please stop spitting, please don't drool, please knock it off even if it is totally fake and special effect I do. not. like. it. at.all
I guess that isn't a phobia, but more of a gross out factor