i have a ridiculous amount of phobias, but none of them have prevented me from watching any movies. my phobias only affect me in real life situations for the most part (either it’s happening to me, in front of me, or i’m watching real life footage), so they don’t really impact the movies/tv shows i watch.
that being said, i can’t handle it when an animal gets hurt or dies in a movie, even animated or cgi animals. my heart just can’t take it— just one sad scene or one bad thing happening to an animal is enough to gut me. i even have a hard time watching older movies that have real animals in them, because i know that the animals have likely passed away by now, and that breaks my heart. i avoid watching movies that have to do with animals, because they often have sad scenes or end with the animal passing away, and i can’t do it lol. i remember my mom only got me to watch
eight below by telling me that none of the sled dogs die, and turns out that wasn’t true
(she didn’t lie to get me to watch it, she just forgot)
one of my most prominent phobias is emetophobia, so scenes that involve gagging, throwing up, coughing, choking etc are hard to watch and usually make me nauseous and anxious, but i don’t avoid watching movies because of it. i just look away and zone out until the scene’s over. i’m also very squeamish when it comes to eyes, so i gotta look away from any scenes that involve them as well lol