• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Place your random thoughts.

tbh i would literally cry if that happened, people like that are the reason i never leave the house by myself

If that ever happens to you, just scream "NO!" and run far away!!!

does anyone else remember those grade school days when these people would come and bring a bunch of inflatable bounce houses and slides and other things into the gymnasium, and then kids would get a free day or period to just go in there and climb all over everything and have a really fun time?

yeah I really wish I could do that right now ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

edit: also just realized that there are almost 156,000 members on this forum and seeing my member number as #4,442 makes me feel kinda old lol


It sounds a bit surprising to hear that there might be that many users here. I'm guessing many of those members are inactive now. It just often feels to me as if there's less than 500 active members here (at least, ones that regularly sign in).

Also, seeing individuals on the internet who are like 13-18 makes ME feel kinda old!
it would be nice if discord could save settings like cba fixing appearance and notif settings every damn time i sign in @ desktop
Ordered myself a Switch Lite! It'll be nice to finally have my own again after relying on my sister's for so long. It'll be here by the first week of May...a bit of a ways away but I can wait!:)
does anyone else remember those grade school days when these people would come and bring a bunch of inflatable bounce houses and slides and other things into the gymnasium, and then kids would get a free day or period to just go in there and climb all over everything and have a really fun time?

yeah I really wish I could do that right now ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

edit: also just realized that there are almost 156,000 members on this forum and seeing my member number as #4,442 makes me feel kinda old lol
How do you find what number user you are?
why do I stalk the tbt marketplace so much even though I don't want anything or can't afford anything lol
force of habit lmao

I wonder how many people in my life I've accidentally friend-zoned because 1. I'm aro-ace so I don't know how to flirt or what flirting even is, and 2. I'm autistic so unless someone explicitly tell me their feelings I wouldn't even know what they were feeling 😛
(also 3. the fact that I'm aro-ace makes it so that I would only be comfortable in a queer/quasi-platonic relationship or QPR, and that already heavily narrows down who I could potentially be with)

My mind literally sets me up for failure in the area of finding a partner lol rip
literally just processed that today is Transgender Day of Visibility and the more I don't tell anyone about me being nb the more it really bothers me, especially on a day like today. 😔

I'm calling my uncle later today to talk to him.
Ey yo are my new prescriptions coming in oooorrrrr...?

I mean I don't NEED then atm, the doctors said I can open up the capsule, but still.

Update: BRUH Doxyclene either doesn't come in a liquid form or that pharmacy doesn't make it cause when my parents went to go see if the new prescription was ready, that's what the pharmacist said. Also, the doctor place sent in a new prescription for PILLS, NOT LIQUID. These people some kinda dumb af.
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Mmm love people who play the victim online and is like "lol everyone is rude and I only have 8 real friends online" like okay maybe think before you post at least I was honest with mine (posts) lol

also people who play the blunt card when being actually rude, please jump off a cliff.
Lol, I went to lie down earlier because I was feeling tired, and I immediately fell asleep. Woke up just now, and, oddly enough my arm isn’t sore from the vaccine yet. The only side effect I seem to be experiencing is my body feeling more heavy when walking around, like something is pushing down on me as I’m walking. Just took my medicine and going to sleep for real now though. Maybe my arm will be sore when I get up. But if it’s not I won’t be complaining, lmao.

EDIT: Nevermind, seems this was just me being tired at the time and not an actual side effect. Lmao
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bruh today has been so extra, half the day i was so happy and just enjoying everything around me, then the other half i wanted to just scream and throw my phone into a wall
but i didn't have any reasons for either of those, like why was i so happy then why did i suddenly start hating everything?? i confuse myself, i haven't slept properly in a few days so my brain is probably messing around 😅