Place your random thoughts.

UNPOPULAR OPINION that i talk about nonstop lol
The Better Together (EP) was so amazing, I don't care what anyone says. Its better than their entire discography and the unreleased should of been their first debut album. They cowrote almost every song and they were teenagers so it just makes sense. Sure I love all of their albums but you could tell something was special when these five girls went into the studio together in 2013. Reflection was iconic but nowhere near as personal and good sonically as the pop era 5H was originally going into.
The creator of this thread hasn't been online since April 2021 and it continues to thrive without them. To me, it feels saddening and a little wrong to continue the thread in their absence. 🤔
The creator of this thread hasn't been online since April 2021 and it continues to thrive without them. To me, it feels saddening and a little wrong to continue the thread in their absence. 🤔
The Information Desk thread has been created by someone who’s hardly active on this forum anymore too. And we still use it.
The Information Desk thread has been created by someone who’s hardly active on this forum anymore too. And we still use it.

This is true. Was going to say, whether a person is still around that created a thread or not is irrelevant. I mean, we have plenty of threads in the basement and throughout the rest of the forum that are still actively used, but their creators left awhile ago. Would be kind of weird to force ourselves to stop using them just because the OP is no longer here. :LOL:
I know this sounds completely out of the blue, but for some reason I’ve been pissing a lot more recently. I think I’ve done it more times today than I has in the past two days. I hope I don’t have an infection or something. It’s not even like I’m drinking that much more water than normal.
Why does almost every student at my school think mumble rap is good?? Like I swear that's all they ever listen to. Some of my classmates always play it on the speakers during gym class and it makes me wanna gouge my eyes out. I'm tempted to bring my phone next class and play Slipknot or something (which is, in my opinion, better pump-up music). My friend told me, "why show them good music if they think mumble rap is good", and I guess they have a point. 😭
I doubt I'd be able to get away with it, though. I'll probably get comments like "it's too aggressive" and my teacher won't let us play songs with profanity. Oh well.
There's this weird trait I've had ever since I was little and I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone else talk about something like it, but I've always been easily overstimulated by nice or exciting things?? Like, trips to Toys-R-Us were just so much all at once that I'd usually freak out and cry shortly after walking in LOL, and even when I'd finally worked up the courage to unwrap birthday or Christmas presents, I'd almost never be able to play with any toys I got straightaway. They would sit in their boxes, typically somewhere relatively visible, for months or maybe even a year afterwards until I was accustomed enough to them that I could actually open them and play with them.

Like, even as an adult, I love my new computer now, but it lurked like a dread monster in our spare bedroom for a couple months even though my old laptop was as slow as a turtle, had a broken hinge, couldn't run any games and had a lot of important functions that only worked sometimes.
If I find some really good art of my favorite characters, I often can't look directly at it right away? I gotta give myself a minute, maybe take some deep breaths?? And it takes me ages to be able to watch trailers for games I'm excited for. I just read news about the announcements because anything more feels like A Lot™️

I've just been thinking about this a lot lately and I have no idea why I do this lmao
okay no because yes im literally the exact same thing like. i get so pent up with energy from being so excited that i'll legitimately need to like yell or cry or run or SOMETHING. this is so real. on the flip side i really hate nice things being done for me because i have no idea how to react so i just go like 🧍‍♂️
If I find some really good art of my favorite characters, I often can't look directly at it right away? I gotta give myself a minute, maybe take some deep breaths??

AHHHH same LMAO one of my favorite artists for my fandom fell out of the fandom bc of... stuff. they suddenly came back and was like "hi i drew this character again" and i started foaming at the mouth and running around my room like this

People should have to take a test before they can download TikTok like what you have to do if you’re pulled over for a DUI. The world would at least 2x better if certain people weren’t allowed to use that app. You should have to have a certain amount of IQ before you’re allowed to download it.
People should have to take a test before they can download TikTok like what you have to do if you’re pulled over for a DUI. The world would at least 2x better if certain people weren’t allowed to use that app. You should have to have a certain amount of IQ before you’re allowed to download it.
To be fair, I think people with high IQ wouldn’t have the app in the first place.