to be fair, it IS pokemon, a series marketed towards kids.
Nearly 15 minutes of Oak getting beat/burned/eaten/maimed
Youtube: This is for kids!
Personally, my own advice would be to not let the possibility of a wider age range in attendees turn you off. The events I go to I interact with people as young as 19 and as old as 72. Despite this I've found most people tend to gravitate towards others their own age anyway. For example, the close group of friends I've built through events falls within the age range 25-35, with a couple of outliers.I went to a meet up site for groups around my area (not sure if I can mention it without TBT mods thinking this post is an ad), and saw a few events I might potentially be interested in, such as a game group like what Chris mentioned. However, I can’t know for sure if these groups are strictly for young adults or a mix of people my age alongside middle-aged people. From what I could tell in group photos, there were quite a few middle aged people going to these, which isn’t exactly what I’m looking for in terms of finding friends. The few groups I saw that are strictly reserved for young adults are only for those with social anxiety or disabilities, and that isn’t what I’m looking for either. I’m aiming to find a group populated with young adults in their 20’s or maybe early 30’s, much preferably with a higher female populace.
I suppose because of me having many co-workers that are much older than me, I’m sort of sick and tired of having to be around such people constantly and don’t want to be reminded of work when I eventually go do these activities. Unfortunately, I’m at the tail end of an age range where many people are still attending school, and thus aren’t available to do anything social outside campus grounds. I wish I could just randomly waltz into some University’s student center and participate in something non-sports related, but I know that definitely can’t happen.Personally, my own advice would be to not let the possibility of a wider age range in attendees turn you off. The events I go to I interact with people as young as 19 and as old as 72. Despite this I've found most people tend to gravitate towards others their own age anyway. For example, the close group of friends I built through events typically falls within the age range 25-35, with a couple of outliers.
I'm not sure why you think this would be the case; I meet many college/uni students at events!Unfortunately, I’m at the tail end of an age range where many people are still attending school, and thus aren’t available to do anything social outside campus grounds.
Maybe I have this mindset because of my brief-yet-horrible University experience, and my own negative opinions of such places in general. I’ll really have to do my part and search up more things on Google.I'm not sure why you think this would be the case; I meet many college/uni students at events!
"Cause I'm all aloneThis is outrageous my science teacher seriously changed his profile picture to this. I don’t even know what to say anymore.
View attachment 534044
This gives offThis is outrageous my science teacher seriously changed his profile picture to this. I don’t even know what to say anymore.
View attachment 534044
You just reminded me of this gem of a video:This is outrageous my science teacher seriously changed his profile picture to this. I don’t even know what to say anymore.
I watched this and then became sad that it was all ogre nowYou just reminded me of this gem of a video: