So apparently, there is yet again a chance we may be going on vacation this month after all.
Honestly? I was completely fine with it (almost) getting canceled even if the causes were very unfortunate. I have discussed this time and time again with you guys, but vacations are just not for me. They are a pain in the ass. I always end up forgetting something when I pack, or I can't find the time to get my dad to help the complicated stuff, because HE is busy getting things ready. I hate the homesickness. I hate having to go to the bathroom, but there isn't one for miles away. I hate when "that" time comes when I am on vacation. This **** just isn't for me. This **** is for the birds. -.-
I am perfectly content with just chilling at the house, watching TV, playing video games, outlining on my possible writing projects, and getting out of the house for just a few hours. Yes, I get it. It's not healthy to just be cooped up at home 24/7, even a homebody like me can understand that. But there are way better alternatives then going through the rigmarole of planning and taking a vacation.
That said, there is something I find funny about this whole thing. You know how my grandparents keep bringing their annoying-*** dog over here while they go on trips on their own? Well, guess what? THEY CAN'T DO THAT, IF WE GO WITH THEM!

I honestly do not even mind them bringing him on vacations with us. It's better than them dropping him off over here all the time. He is a lot calmer when they are actually their to look after him and whatnot. During our South Padre trip last Summer, they kept putting him in a stroller when we would go out for meals. It's a bit strange, but hey, whatever helps him stay calm. ^.^
And it is nice being able to do some things that are possibly new, or at least that I do not get to do very often, such as going out to eat in the evening. I love going out to eat regardless, but doing it more towards the evening is ideal for me. I am an evening person and a night owl. The evening hours is when I am at my best. The evening hours is where it's at. All that said, I do not think this is worth all the trouble, especially if these evening outings may not even happen.