Place your random thoughts.

I've heard reflexes can lower when sick. This is the first time I ever experienced it first hand.

I went online in Smash Brothers and could not play properly at all. One guy actually jumped off the stage for me to make it more fair. (and did a little bow with his character).

I wish the switch had a voice chat sometimes. I wanted to tell him 'No you don't have to do that for me'. It was kind though.

I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not ready to drive yet. It’s a lot of responsibility, plus I have to improve a lot of my aspects before I can get studying (which is another problem since I don’t like how you’re supposed to learn stuff for the written test)

@Suguri My mom and I think driving shouldn't be pushed immediately on a kid who isn't ready. I definitely wasn't ready until later.

There are some things that a parent should encourage and rushing a kid into driving isn't one of them. You don't want a terrified or hesitant driver on the road. It's dangerous.

Although if it's any consolation, it's one of those things that does get easier. It may seem like the scariest thing in the world when you begin, but when you do it enough it the fear usually just vanishes. So that's something to keep in mind when you do feel ready. It will get better!
For some reason I think it’s kind of funny how unnaturally you have to say things in songs to make it rhyme.
I was looking at the character pages on the official Japanese Sanrio website, when I realized the blue-haired guy in Show by Rock looks a LOT like Julian the unicorn.


If the olympic and paralympic mascots were good this year, I might make one my avatar. But those hat dudes kinda suck lol. Especially after the last two summer olympic mascot sets being absolute bangers. It’s nice that one has a visible disability for the first time (I think?) But otherwise these things look like yogurt mascots or something idk.
Not sure if I could work at a fast food restaurant or store or anywhere where you’d have to deal with idiot customers. Especially after watching those videos where people start acting like actual menaces at their Walmart. Why can’t people just act normal around employees?
My oldest brother worked at WalMart for a little while.

He looked physically unhealthy whenever I saw him. I don't know what they were doing to him in there. He complained often about verbally abusive management though.

When he quit his face and his demeanor turned normal again and healthy again. He had a glow up and found something better. Which I'm glad for. It was getting concerning.
Please tell me I'm not the only active TBTer who can't be bothered with posting in the Basement Board. I honestly find it too boring to partake.
Not sure but we may get a kitten at some point. Olivia(our current cat) could probably use a playmate and I think she would do better around a kitten rather than another cat who's full grown. She doesn't seem to get along w/ other full grown cats so maybe a kitten would do.
Today is my sister's birthday.

It bothers me that I still can't directly buy and gift her a game directly on the switch. I have to search for a third party retailer that sells digital game code vouchers and I have to manually send that to her.

There's no excuse for this not to be a feature. Especially when it was on the Wii.

Every day, I check online to see if Nintendo has announced any new games coming out on Nintendo 64 app of Nintendo Switch Online. Still no news about Donkey Kong 64 or Diddy Kong Racing, as well as Banjo-Tooie. Maybe two new games every two months is the new standard.

I’ve been waiting for 33 months now. If they release new games soon, it better not be some obscure third-party games nobody cares about.
Not much longer until the TBT Fair. But the hype seems pretty quiet.

Yeahhhhh, the hype doesn't really seem existent aside from a handful of posts. I'm willing to bet what happened in previous events is not sitting right with many, which may be contributing to that. Will be interesting to see what this Fair has in store for us as far as events go, however.
Yeahhhhh, the hype doesn't really seem existent aside from a handful of posts. I'm willing to bet what happened in previous events is not sitting right with many, which may be contributing to that. Will be interesting to see what this Fair has in store for us as far as events go, however.
My speculation is because when there’s no event going on or no new Animal Crossing game, there’s nothing to talk about on the site. When there’s nothing to talk about, there’s no reason to go here.

I do have to say that the vote tampering incident last January did lead to some people leaving, just like how all the drama back in 2015 led to a few users quitting the site. The site tries to be friendly and more welcoming of everyone, yet the collectible craze and its history of fostering bigotry and toxicity has tainted its reputation for some. Remember, a brighter future isn’t going to erase a darker past, nor will it appease people who are too focused on the past.