Place your random thoughts.

Learning a lot about Philophobia (fear of falling in love). Something that is going to play a role with one of my characters. Wish I could find some stories with a character whose going though a similar case; I have seen some, but it's all that A.I. junk.😔
I saw that viral video of a whale attacking a boat off the coast of New Hampshire. It looked scary, but I'm glad the guys are OK. It reminded me of when I was reading one of my family's genealogy books, and an ancestor from the 1740s with an obscure Biblical name was a whaler and vanished at sea while his wife was pregnant. I know life was different then, but it's sad to think the kids never got to know their father.

Yeah, the world of business can be a real scam.
If you played Wild World, you will know.
I get really excited whenever I see something chess related. Even when I haven't been actively playing.

Like, I'll see a chess board in the background of a movie and I'll start trying to analyze the game.

It's one of the fun things about getting into a hobby.
Please tell me I’m not just stupid and I’m not the only one that randomly forgets which way is left and which is right.

definitely not & i struggled so much when i started driving as it didn't come naturally to me like everyone else! i'm fine with enough warning and planning but my brain will take a few seconds to think about it first :cry:
Grappling with the idea of putting Ranma 1/2 characters in the Drag Race Simulator. It would be funny if they made Ryoga the porkchop (you know, due to his pig curse). Imagine if male and female Ranma had to lip sync against each other. 😂
It's far too common for websites to place overly intrusive ads and then hit you with 'We see you have an adblock, but we don't allow that. Subscribe here and remove them'.

Both YouTube and Twitch are getting more and more unusable. Twitch is far worse. I could only watch one minute of a stream at a time before getting a string of 12 ads. (might as well lock your stream behind 'subscribers only' at that point).

Adblock is the result of unhappy consumers. Most of them give you options to disable for certain websites. I'm happy to do it for websites that don't completely get in the way.

But I'm not happy to do it for the websites that villianze you for adblock and then place them all over the screen, enough to cause the page to slow.
Mmm mmm mmm. This place is as dead as a rusty ol' doorknob. Tell em', woofy!

Woofy: "woof woof!"

That's right, Woofy. And three days before the Fair no less.
It almost seems like TBT events are the saving grace of activity on the forums nowadays. After that it becomes a ghost town with collectible scalpers and basement dwellers.

No offense by the way.
I don't know why, but lately one of my friends has been DMimg me on Discord a lot more often. It's usually about their activity on another website... Just typing here because I woke up at around 5 in the morning to a message, and it was some random screenshot of them conversing with someone from there on Discord.

I... am not sure what to do TBH. ^_^;
Uh oh!!! She knew it! o_O

Btw it has something to do with swimsuit thing
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One of my young workmates is just so passionate but humble about his job. He takes pride in everything he does. Even going as far as getting canvas printouts of his work. It just warms my heart 💗

Also I'm seeing a bromance coming along between two of the younger fellas in our crew...never saw it coming lol

My whole crew are just awesome. Never have I felt this attached to a crew before.
I went to the allergist yesterday and got prescribed an EpiPen. I was also told I could eat cooked apples but NOT nectarines based on how bad my reaction was to them. (I showed her a pic of my severe reaction.)

I also got allergy tested, which took 20 minutes. I laid on my stomach and got all these allergens rubbed on my back. One part REALLY itched and of course that was the birch and oak…stuff I’m severely allergic to.

I was nervous since I’d never seen an allergist before, but glad I got everything cleared up.
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