Place your random thoughts.

Part of the reason why Club SpongeBob is in my top three favorite SpongeBob episodes was because of the food portrayed in the episode. They got plenty of food, but they believed that the magic conch provided all that food.

Sometimes, I like certain tv episodes because of the content. Stuff like lights, food, and parties.
Just watched a Siivagunner video from 6 years ago where Yoshi raps about committing tax fraud (it’s even stupider it sounds). Still can’t decide whether it’s the best or worst thing I’ve ever seen.
I can't believe how fast time has flown, I mean I always say that as I have gotten older but it's crazy that once you leave high school time just flies a lot faster. I guess that is just part of getting old, my mom says that it just continues to speed by.

I'm really excited for all the Halloween/scary events to start, they tend to start mid or early September so it's about 1.5-2 months away and I plan on at least doing quite a few events this year if I have the time and money.
I wonder when I'll be through my book burnout. This isn't a rant or me complaining I don't love reading anymore; I do. The only things that have been able to keep me focused are graphic novels/manga/manwha. I have definitely talked about this before, but I'm noticing it especially with my current read. It's a great story and it has be gripped, but something's missing. And I don't have an answer as for what. What's going on with my head or psyche that makes it hard to focus on a written book of words and vivid imagination?
I have Osteophyte (or in plainer words - a bone spur).

It's on the collarbone directly below my neck. Fortunately it's completely painless. I had it checked by my doctor and I had an X-Ray.

My mom was the only one who ever noticed without me bringing it up. A few years ago at Disney World it caught her eye.

It's a physical deformity yet I don't feel bad about it. My shirt covers the spur. I was self conscious that it would be noticed while swimming, but it's been okay.
Man, I wish you can headbang without hurting your neck/head. *v* Not physically possible, but just a fleeting thought that popped into my head (after some vigorous headbanging, of course).
One of the reasons why I never do that in person. Especially when I'm listening to metal. XD (But in my mind, I do headbang-)
I caught both the scorpion and tarantula in my new AC:WW town last night without failed.
And then in my new AC:CF town, I caught both the golden stag and hercules beetle in one night without failed.

Pretty interesting evening...
I want to write a physical letter and mail it to a child at St. Jude Children Hospital. I've found a patient that I'd like to give a message to. It feels more personable than sending letters through the virtual website.

Errrm, problem being, it's much harder forming these thoughts than I realized. I think I have the gist of what I want to say, but trying to place that into real paragraphs is tough.

The virtual letters somewhat 'fill in the blanks' for you.
I'm happy about the TBT Fair starting soon. It's a nice distraction, and it couldn't be coming at a better time.

Also, activity seems to pick up a fair amount during those big events, and the Fairs usually run for a month or so.
Having to read this driver’s manual makes me feel like I’m in school, but a little more bearable because no one from school is here.
Everything eventful turns into a conspiracy theory. I believe that many things in life are as they seem and don't require looking beyond that. Even if that's boring.

I wonder if some people feel being contrary makes them sound more intelligent.

Or maybe I'm a gullible fool who takes the world at face value.

Who knows.
Today is my 20th anniversary of playing RollerCoaster Tycoon for the first time.

I still think RCT2 is better than RCT3. And RCT Classic (the mobile/iOS app) is almost the same as RCT2.
I want to meet the people who designed Rolling Gizmo Galaxy. I just want to talk to them.
I got these sugar cookies from the grocery store.

They don't really taste like cookies but they sure are delicious. I love them.

The economy right now and with how difficult it is to find a job reminds me of my research topic senior project. I was very interested in job and housing markets, and how they varied in different parts of the United States. I ended up going to Fresno, California during my senior year of high school. I spent a total of seven days there. It also got me excused time off school. Fresno particularly grabbed my attention because of the high population of homelessness and an equally bad job market.

I ended up staying in this homeless shelter. I won't mention the specific shelter. The females were treated so much better than the males in the shelter. I'm AFAB, so I experienced the female side of things. Women had their own rooms, granted they were just like any shelter. There were three bunk beds with very thin sheets, and about three to four women were assigned to each room.

The females all had a chance to participate in this drawing each week where they had a chance to stay in a nice bedroom with comfortable sheets without having roommates. I ended up winning, somehow, but I turned it down since I had to go back to Pennsylvania (my place of birth).

The males had to sleep on the floor in a room with the other males. The misogyny was obvious, at least in this specific shelter. I personally wasn't a fan of how males were treated here. I managed to talk to one of the males there, and he told me about how obvious the favoritism of women was.

In addition to this, I applied for several entry level jobs in different categories (food industry, retail, warehouse, and call centers) in Fresno, and was only called back for one within a 90-day period.The senior project was ongoing throughout the year. The one job that called me back was Wendy's (food industry). I made a point to apply to three jobs in each of the four categories listed above. This means twelve total jobs were applied for all on the same day in Fresno. I was applying entry level for all of these jobs. The few locals that I spoke with while I was there told me about how their kids have been looking for jobs and couldn't find any.

Keep in mind this was in 2015-2016, my senior year of high school. I had this trip approved by staff towards the end of my senior year to round out my senior project. That made me 18 years old at the time, a legal adult.

I'm also proud to say I had one of the best senior projects from the school, as this was a topic I found really interesting.