Place your random thoughts.

Genuinely felt like I was having a Mortal Kombat fight with my urge to fall asleep earlier today.
I ended up staying in this homeless shelter. I won't mention the specific shelter. The females were treated so much better than the males in the shelter. I'm AFAB, so I experienced the female side of things. Women had their own rooms, granted they were just like any shelter. There were three bunk beds with very thin sheets, and about three to four women were assigned to each room.

The females all had a chance to participate in this drawing each week where they had a chance to stay in a nice bedroom with comfortable sheets without having roommates. I ended up winning, somehow, but I turned it down since I had to go back to Pennsylvania (my place of birth).

The males had to sleep on the floor in a room with the other males. The misogyny was obvious, at least in this specific shelter. I personally wasn't a fan of how males were treated here. I managed to talk to one of the males there, and he told me about how obvious the favoritism of women was.

In addition to this, I applied for several entry level jobs in different categories (food industry, retail, warehouse, and call centers) in Fresno, and was only called back for one within a 90-day period.The senior project was ongoing throughout the year. The one job that called me back was Wendy's (food industry). I made a point to apply to three jobs in each of the four categories listed above. This means twelve total jobs were applied for all on the same day in Fresno. I was applying entry level for all of these jobs. The few locals that I spoke with while I was there told me about how their kids have been looking for jobs and couldn't find any.

Keep in mind this was in 2015-2016, my senior year of high school. I had this trip approved by staff towards the end of my senior year to round out my senior project. That made me 18 years old at the time, a legal adult.

I wanted to touch on this topic as somebody who has Been Homeless and stayed in a shelter for approximately 2 months.

It's a really hard environment to navigate. I was staying in a Family Friendly Shelter so it was co-ed as well and I'm wondering if maybe the shelter you stayed in was taking on more people than they had rooms to accommodate. Our shelter was able to give everyone a room and then they had to turn people away to avoid having anyone sleeping on the open floor.

Please note with "giving everyone a room" that doesn't equate to everyone having a  bed. It was moreso about having the boundary and safeguard of the door to separate each other.

If the shelter had to resort to letting people sleep out in the open it makes sense that women and children would get first priority for the closed off safer rooms, even if it feels unfair. The rate of sexual assault that women face vs men especially in a highly stressful situation I can see why they made that choice.

The draw for the fancy room is definitely odd though.
I hate back to school ads so much. It’s July wtf let me relax.

Also, they said the word “rizz” in the ad, and they were only a little self aware, so I’m about ready to dive into a tub of acid right now.
I hope I'm not the only one who thinks the generative AI thing that pops up whenever I look up stuff in Google is unnecessary T^T The worst part is that I can't find an option to disable it!!
It's very unnecessary. I've already seen it giving out false information sometimes, which I don't know where it's getting that from, especially when the actual search results say the correct answer.
I saw a commercial for the Borderlands movie today and it actually looks good! I’ve never played the game but I know the general idea of it…I’d like to try it one day. But the movie looks promising either way.
Was randomly searching up the music that plays in Sand Canyon for reasons and found this work of art:

I hope I'm not the only one who thinks the generative AI thing that pops up whenever I look up stuff in Google is unnecessary T^T The worst part is that I can't find an option to disable it!!
Not really a surprise that I’m not the only one that doesn’t want or need this feature. Most of the time, the questions I type in on Google are very specific (such as uncommon program error messages or how to fix a certain thing on an antiquated electronic). When I first saw this “AI Answer” thingy, I immediately tried to find a way to disable it as it’s always the top “result” every time. Knowing Google, however, you can’t turn off certain “in-your-face” features such as this. Could you imagine students in school getting answers for their research projects from this? If I were an actual classroom teacher, I’d be driving myself up a wall.

I prefer to search for proper answers myself, and usually, there’s only a very specific list of sites I can somewhat trust to get the answers I need. I don’t need this annoying AI bot to stitch together answers from cloud cuckoo land that won’t help me. The technology can be used for something else.

You know, AI tech support bots in general are pretty stupid. I once went on an endless loop with Amazon’s bot when trying to return a $12 cat door. I got so angry that I “forced” the bot to have it contact a real support agent, who quickly refunded me and told me to keep the door. What a relief. It’s like even they know how terrible their own “replacements” are.
a few weeks ago i was having minor stomach issues everyday but that’s when i realized i was accidentally drinking two cups of espresso iced coffee a day, i didn’t realize the packaging said “expresso” 😂
It’s not really something that’s bothering me, which is why I’m posting it here, but I seriously can’t believe or stand how stupid people can be. And it gets worse and worse and worse every day. This species is beyond the point of redemption.
Never felt like violently ripping a steering wheel off and punching a hole in the dashboard before today lol.
I hope I'm not the only one who thinks the generative AI thing that pops up whenever I look up stuff in Google is unnecessary T^T The worst part is that I can't find an option to disable it!!
it used to be an optional thing that you could turn on if you wanted to, but now there's no way to turn it off. I think there is an extension for Chrome/Firefox that you can get to get rid of it, but that's all you can really do. it's very annoying.

anyway, I came here to say that the snow leopard is slowly but surely becoming my favourite big cat hehehe 💙🌟🐆
I hope I get to see my friend's and crush's camp show Friday. I need a day off from the day-hab.
Then again, when it comes to the crush part, would it be considered stalking? Hmm :unsure:
I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not ready to drive yet. It’s a lot of responsibility, plus I have to improve a lot of my aspects before I can get studying (which is another problem since I don’t like how you’re supposed to learn stuff for the written test)