Place your random thoughts.

I think I’m on confetti cooldown; I should go to sleep but probably will stay up until I need to feed my kitties. I’m also hungry so I’ll grab something to eat then too.

I’m happy Spanky got out of her pineapple bed and came back on my bed ☺️.
I can’t wait until I get my Besting Blunders entry accepted. I know it won’t happen until this Saturday, but I’m too excited.
Why am I so tired and sleepy all of a sudden DX
I dont wanna sleep, i got things to do.
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maybe some dr pepper will make me feel a lil awake
So, I'm not happy that they changed the electric hat man in withering waves. Maybe it was just for that quest (illusion)? I'll have to double check later.. but it was upsetting to me last night. He doesn't throw his hat anymore and he isn't as fast. Throwing his hat was handy and was practically a signature move. If this change wasn't just for this particular quest, the only reason I can think of, of why they changed him is to make the newer electric gaullent man more appealing.
I wish I can have 6,000 more TBT Bells, but I don’t have anything to sell for that much.

What else would I like? 30° weather. If it’s 30°F outside, I’ll probably go for a walk outdoors.

I finally caught two of my duckies in the pond. :love: They're so cute!
I was never a fan of J.K. Rowling. I liked Harry Potter, but once she joined Twitter, I felt like there was something…off about her.

She used to troll on Twitter. Not the transvestigating like she does now, but she would tell people off for random stuff. News media at the time were like “YASS Go Joanne!” And I was like, “Joanne, you’re doing too much. Focus on your writing. These dumb trolls will suck your joy.”

(Little did I know how right I would be…or that she would become a troll herself.)

Another thing that was weird was that when someone called Serena Williams a man, she said something like “Yeah right. My husband looks like that in a dress.” (Sarcastically, I guess?) And the tweet wasn’t really aimed at her, she just felt like responding. Either she wasn’t being sarcastic in her response, or she was already obsessed with policing women’s femininity. It’s fine to defend people from bullying, but…Idk, just seeing that she NOW calls women of color men (like Imane Khelif) it’s a drastic change. At the time, I didn’t think much of it, but looking back…it does seem a little weird.
I still didn’t get the mail I’m waiting for. I’m wondering if I should let the person know or wait until at least the end of the week. I know a couple years back, when there was issues with the postal service, it took a couple weeks for some cards to go through. But my card was already received so, I would think I would get mine a few days later after that at most. Is there still problems with the postal services or something? 🤔