There's a lot of debate on phone use in schools. Should they be banned completely? What if there's an emergency? In today's climate some people feel it's not the appropriate time for this discussion.
I don't think there's a correct answer for this. It's most likely going to be up to each teacher and what they think of it.
On the morning of an active shooter, my older brother texted me "Where are you? Are you okay"?
I was able to respond with "Yes. I'm sheltered. I'm hearing lots of sirens".
Some families are going to want the reassurance and contact in case of an emergency. There's the con of 'what if a phone goes off in an active shooter situation'? There's also the con of 'What if a parent can't get into contact with their kid one final time'?
It's bleak. I don't think there's a resolution that will satisfy everybody. There's a portion of adults who don't feel these scenarios are common enough to factor into the cellphone ban discussion. That schools need to simply 'move in the best interests of the school with this as a non-factor'. Considering it's usually the first counter argument people are bringing up, I don't think it's that simple.
I will say that being able to contact my family was a comfort. It also made the process of finding my uncle easier. (He was the closest and first family member I saw).
(/long winded ramble).