Place your random thoughts.

Why is YouTube suddenly giving me ads for mobile game crossovers? I don't even play these games. I have seen 3 different crossovers within the past few days. The one I just saw is Sonic but I have no idea what the mobile game is he's being added to.
What do you mean by game crossovers? Pardon my old man question, just curious...

I ignore ads, no matter what they are, so I wonder...
They were really cooking when they invented classical music tbh. Mozart symphony no. 40 in G minor goes hard lmao.
Look up "Dixit Dominus". I think its by George Friedrich Handel? I may have the name wrong.... he was 22 years old at the time of composing that.

Again, I could be getting this wrong, but I am pretty sure it was either Mozart or Beethoven who said Handel was the father of us all"

Give it a listen on YouTube, its AMAZING!
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So I’m learning about how to have a good judgment in character, so I can tell who to follow and who to avoid. It’ll also help me avoid being the kind of person to watch for.

For starters, here’s how you can tell if someone is up to no good:
  • They behave abnormally (like loitering in a crowded space with others).
  • They constantly whine over hot-button issues or stuff like video games are going downhill, toxic fandoms, or other small-scale controversies,
  • They gossip about others too often.
  • They constantly make political posts on serious issues, featuring Animal Crossing screenshots.
  • They cuss excessively or needlessly.
  • They hold grudges in the past.
  • They pretend to be an associate of a company they do not work for, then ask for your personal details.
Watch out for these people. And if you are one of them, you should stop doing what you’re doing. The path of light will open if you do.
  • They constantly whine over hot-button issues or stuff like video games are going downhill, toxic fandoms, or other small-scale controversies,
I will work on that. I hope you know that I am a good enough person to acknowledge what I should work on. Thanks for the list! Good stuff!
I will work on that. I hope you know that I am a good enough person to acknowledge what I should work on. Thanks for the list! Good stuff!
For me, I gossip about other people and hold grudges against those who wronged me. I’ll try working on both to become a better person, I mean better apple.
I went to bed early and I woke up early... Why am I surprised about it??

Anyway, I wanna go to the store for milk, but we also need cat litter... And I don't want to carry both by myself since I'm walking. Or, I can get the milk now and wait for my brother to be up for the cat litter. I'd rather not make multiple trips, though. Hmmm.

(Sleepy rambles.)
I'm not into most horror movies.

There's lots of creative stuff that can be done with the genre.

Unfortunately, too many films rely on gross shock value. Watching people get tortured is not scary to me. It's just sad to watch.

If I were asked my favorite horror movie, I'd honestly just say Coraline. It's better than so much of the 'adult' horror that is put out.

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3 chapters left and an close!!!
There's a lot of debate on phone use in schools. Should they be banned completely? What if there's an emergency? In today's climate some people feel it's not the appropriate time for this discussion.

I don't think there's a correct answer for this. It's most likely going to be up to each teacher and what they think of it.

On the morning of an active shooter, my older brother texted me "Where are you? Are you okay"?

I was able to respond with "Yes. I'm sheltered. I'm hearing lots of sirens".

Some families are going to want the reassurance and contact in case of an emergency. There's the con of 'what if a phone goes off in an active shooter situation'? There's also the con of 'What if a parent can't get into contact with their kid one final time'?

It's bleak. I don't think there's a resolution that will satisfy everybody. There's a portion of adults who don't feel these scenarios are common enough to factor into the cellphone ban discussion. That schools need to simply 'move in the best interests of the school with this as a non-factor'. Considering it's usually the first counter argument people are bringing up, I don't think it's that simple.

I will say that being able to contact my family was a comfort. It also made the process of finding my uncle easier. (He was the closest and first family member I saw).

(/long winded ramble).
I really don’t think they should ban them completely. I don’t think they should be used during class but emergencies do happen . Unfortunately on Friday there was a lockdown at the high school most of my coworkers kids go to. Them being able to be in contact with their kids helped ease their and their kids fear.
Technically, a linked game of Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons is the longest Zelda game. You got 16 dungeons (8 in each game) a bunch of weapons and upgrades, magical rings, secrets and a pretty big story with tons of characters. Plus, the girls are all over Link, as is tradition in any LoZ game lol you got Zelda, Din, Nayru, Farore, Impa, Maple, Queen Ambi, Veran, Rosa, the Maku Tree... Yes, even a TREE 🌳🌺💖

Then there's Ralph 😂
I really don’t think they should ban them completely. I don’t think they should be used during class but emergencies do happen . Unfortunately on Friday there was a lockdown at the high school most of my coworkers kids go to. Them being able to be in contact with their kids helped ease their and their kids fear.

I'm sorry they had to go through that.

Some people think kids can just go grab their phones when this goes down.

I can attest that it's not so simple. It's chaotic. I was thinking of the school breakfast pizza that morning. Not getting shot. Thousands of other kids are freaking out and not processing it either.

Not everybody will be in reach of their phone either. For example: I wasn't in a classroom when it started. I helped prep the cafeteria each morning.

Those are factors that need to be considered before there's a nationwide ban.
We have a mountain of wood chips from 3 trees being chopped down (they were a danger to buildings/unhealthy). Tomorrow I am going to put some around other trees, but honestly idk if I'm gonna use all those chips.
But I'm excited to see how it turns out. Actually I was looking a little online at some yard statues because we have a dwarf pine tree thing that stays super small for a long time and I thought maybe it would look cute with a gnome or shroom house thing next to it after I put wood chips down. I didn't see anything that would strike my fancy yet... But I did notice there is an abundance of metal plants and little lights on plastic grasses for yard ornaments. Are these really that popular?
I could see the metal plants being kinda neat in a rock scape yard for someone who can't or doesn't want to care for plants at all.. but those light grasses I would think would negatively effect fireflies.
I'm sorry they had to go through that.

Some people think kids can just go grab their phones when this goes down.

I can attest that it's not so simple. It's chaotic. I was thinking of the school breakfast pizza that morning. Not getting shot. Thousands of other kids are freaking out and not processing it either.

Not everybody will be in reach of their phone either. For example: I wasn't in a classroom when it started. I helped prep the cafeteria each morning.

Those are factors that need to be considered before there's a nationwide ban.
Yea it definitely is not simple and there are many factors that have to be considered. I am sorry you and them and so many have gone through that. No one especially children should. My best friend’s daughter said it stated at the end of 1st will take awhile for them to process.
We have a mountain of wood chips from 3 trees being chopped down (they were a danger to buildings/unhealthy). Tomorrow I am going to put some around other trees, but honestly idk if I'm gonna use all those chips.
But I'm excited to see how it turns out. Actually I was looking a little online at some yard statues because we have a dwarf pine tree thing that stays super small for a long time and I thought maybe it would look cute with a gnome or shroom house thing next to it after I put wood chips down. I didn't see anything that would strike my fancy yet... But I did notice there is an abundance of metal plants and little lights on plastic grasses for yard ornaments. Are these really that popular?
I could see the metal plants being kinda neat in a rock scape yard for someone who can't or doesn't want to care for plants at all.. but those light grasses I would think would negatively effect fireflies.
I'd probably keep the woodchips away from any buildings in case it attracts termites.