Place your random thoughts.

There was this one time in math in 9th grade when a girl asked me to do her work because she was one of those kids that just uses their phone all class and never shuts up. To be honest I have no idea why I agreed to do it, because I don’t even like that person, but I did anyway. And then everyone called me a simp for the rest of the class. Totally deserved that, I want to backhand smack tf out of myself remembering that I ever did that.

This is what happens when you’re too nice to people.
There was this one time in math in 9th grade when a girl asked me to do her work because she was one of those kids that just uses their phone all class and never shuts up. To be honest I have no idea why I agreed to do it, because I don’t even like that person, but I did anyway. And then everyone called me a simp for the rest of the class. Totally deserved that, I want to backhand smack tf out of myself remembering that I ever did that.

This is what happens when you’re too nice to people.
If she asks again, you should say no. And if she throws a fit because you won’t help, it’s her fault that she wasn’t paying attention.
If she asks again, you should say no. And if she throws a fit because you won’t help, it’s her fault that she wasn’t paying attention.
It was a few years ago, and I’m not sure if people even remember anymore. But I have been trying to do what you said more in general since this happens a lot.

why does she sleep like this...... how is this comfy LMAO
Like most people I dread going to the DMV, but it’s not as bad as I fear. (usually) I guess because one time I got made fun of there by some other customers. But thank God nothing like that has happened since. I know people give the staff a bad rap, but honestly they’ve been pretty nice to me.

It’s a lot better than letting things expire, though….
The day that I can eat a plate of poutine without it feeling like it was injected with salt is the day I die. 😭 (Slight exaggeration, but I just had some very salty poutine. Blegh. It was still good, though.)
These free TV streaming apps (like Pluto TV and Roku) are disappointing.
I love that it has stuff I grew up with and other stuff...but still.
I know what you mean, but since my service cut off NHK I’ve never been happier to finally watch sumo again! (On Roku)

But I don’t know much about Pluto TV….
I called Pokemon easy.

But that level 40 Kingdra in the final gym of Crystal caught me off guard.

I won on my first try through getting lucky. (confusion status).

Until that happened it was shredding through my team.

The one battle I lost so far was Whitney. Was getting unlucky against attract. Which let her set up rollout. I avenged that on my second try at least.
So I realize why I dwell too much on the past. It’s not just one event or two from the past I’m too focused on. It’s more of the fact I can’t accept the current reality I live in. It’s hard to move on from the changes I went through from the last quarter of the 2010s decade and the 2020s. I know that I can’t have my old life back, but I do want to escape the life I’m currently living in.
For the past 30 minutes a neighbor has been trying to get the phone number off a cats collar. I told her at the beginning that's it is an outdoor neighborhood cat. It has been around for over a year and it has a collar and looks very healthy. It's also very friendly if you remain calm and let it warm up to you on it's own.

Well this lady doesn't know how to treat cats apparently. She tried to grab it, and of course got scratched and bitten. But she won't let up saying over and over (and over... and over........ ) "WHERE'S YOUR MOMMY?!" And jingling her keys at the cat.

I know she has good intentions, but I can see she is stressing out that poor cat.

I love cats, and have had them in my life forever. I feel bad for this poor cat at the moment!
There's a lot of debate on phone use in schools. Should they be banned completely? What if there's an emergency? In today's climate some people feel it's not the appropriate time for this discussion.

I don't think there's a correct answer for this. It's most likely going to be up to each teacher and what they think of it.

On the morning of an active shooter, my older brother texted me "Where are you? Are you okay"?

I was able to respond with "Yes. I'm sheltered. I'm hearing lots of sirens".

Some families are going to want the reassurance and contact in case of an emergency. There's the con of 'what if a phone goes off in an active shooter situation'? There's also the con of 'What if a parent can't get into contact with their kid one final time'?

It's bleak. I don't think there's a resolution that will satisfy everybody. There's a portion of adults who don't feel these scenarios are common enough to factor into the cellphone ban discussion. That schools need to simply 'move in the best interests of the school with this as a non-factor'. Considering it's usually the first counter argument people are bringing up, I don't think it's that simple.

I will say that being able to contact my family was a comfort. It also made the process of finding my uncle easier. (He was the closest and first family member I saw).

(/long winded ramble).
I finally managed to push myself to start learning sign language, and honestly it's been pretty fun so far! And a lot easier than I was expecting, I had been putting it off for so long because I was a bit intimidated by it. But I figured I owed it to the three customers that come in to our store semi-regularly who are either deaf or hard of hearing and rely on sign language to communicate. No one in the store knows sign language, myself included, so I decided I'd give it a try. I've only done 3 lessons so far, but I at least know enough now to hold some very basic conversations with those customers and sign specific questions and phrases that work well with my job. Plus, I'm hoping it might possibly help give me a bit of an upper hand when I apply for my dream job at Amtrak!
I don't remember the last time I stayed up until 4AM gaming. And I'm only going to bed because I'm too tired to keep playing. 😴

I started playing at 5PM and only took about 30 minutes in breaks (20 mins at 8PM to make dinner; 10 mins at 12:30AM when my partner came home). Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town is addictive. Usually I don't play more than 2hrs of a game in a single sitting. 😳
Why is YouTube suddenly giving me ads for mobile game crossovers? I don't even play these games. I have seen 3 different crossovers within the past few days. The one I just saw is Sonic but I have no idea what the mobile game is he's being added to.
Why is YouTube suddenly giving me ads for mobile game crossovers? I don't even play these games. I have seen 3 different crossovers within the past few days. The one I just saw is Sonic but I have no idea what the mobile game is he's being added to.
Dude same. That recently started happening to me too, and I have no idea why.
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I've got many crossovers in mind. Drawing is very therapeutic, but it's hard when all your favorite movies arnt exactly for everyone,