Gone until April 1st
There are big contrasts between my TBT days and my TV.com days:
- Back when I was on TV.com, I was obsessed over this one character from Chowder. For this reason, people saw me as a weirdo and suggested that I should seek help. However, on this forum, my weird apple obsession was honored, rather than ridiculed when that would make me even more insane than when I was obsessed over cartoon characters because of what they wear.
- On a related note, they didn’t mind me talking about why Panini was my favorite character from Chowder. When I said something like this on The Bell Tree a few years ago, I had my post deleted since it made a few members uncomfortable.
- Back when I was on TV.com, since I got my first warning, I could not go a whole month without receiving a warning. Off-topic posting was my main weakness, but I’ve got several warnings for trolling due to how petty the other members are. But on this forum, I only get two warnings at most per year, and not once have I gotten a warning since 2020.
- I used to be more close-minded, as I would only post on boards about my favorite TV shows (especially the Chowder board). Here, I’m willing to post on any board. You’ve seen me talk about a variety of topics that I normally don’t talk about either.