
I don't like planes at all. I was always afraid that during take off the plane would fall backwards. Like maybe the engine would fail and we'd fall.
I've only been on a plane once when I was really young, and all I remember was that my ears kept popping, causing me to cry since it started to get pretty painful.
However if I ever had the opportunity to go on a plane again, I would jump at the chance! It would be an exciting experience.
Love planes, but accidents do happen. Plane crashed right in front of me a few years ago killing 11 people but sometimes you have to take risks to do things you love
I don't mind planes/flying and have flown close to 100 times over my lifetime. It's not the most comfortable thing in the world to do, but I like traveling and would far prefer to chill on a plane for a few hours if it means avoiding a 20+ hour road trip. Commercial flights are extremely safe these days and statistically speaking you're far more likely to be killed anytime you get into a car than during a flight, so don't let fear hold you back from experiencing a new place or having an adventure! I know some people who take OTC sleeping pills for flight anxiety and are able to sleep during the entire process, so that's always an option as long as you have a responsible travel companion with you. :blush:
I love flying. I love the feeling of taking off and landing, it never gets old no matter how many times I fly. I still get excited every time and I still always get window seats.

Turbulence isn't fun and I've been through some where it got a little scary and I got a little nervous, but it's still safer then getting in a car.
im fine with planes, but in recent years my eyes arent very good at handling the landing process. so i get those ear protection thingys and im good
love planes cause I really love travelling, not scared of them at all thank god; but hate 9+ hours flights tho cause plane food is **** lmfao
Planes are okay, some of my family live in texas so me and my family have flown a couple times there and back. I'm always nervous about the plane crashing and just being in air lmao. Car rides are much better :)
I hate planes, mainly taking off and turbulence.... it’s not natural.

And they do crash at times, and people die from them, such as the recent events in the news if you read articles like that.

Evil.... evil....... I’ll take dying in a car crash over dying from a plane any day of the week, tyvm.
I enjoy flying. I load up my Kindle with a few new books before I travel anywhere and just spend the journey reading. It's much more peaceful than travelling by train or coach - I don't need to keep looking up to see if I've reached my stop.

There was bad turbulence on the most recent flight I was on. I found it more annoying than concerning.
My thoughts on planes are that they are scary, but it's not a phobia. If I have to go on a plane, I will. That being said, I've only been in the air a couple of times. Twice, when I was too young to remembee. The other times was with a family friend who has his own small plane, and took us in the air for like 30 mins. Which wasn't scary because I had trust in said pilot. I think I would prefer my feet to stay on the ground if possible though. Although, I'd rather take a plane than a boat because dying in water is scarier to me than dying on land.
I've been on plenty of planes and it's my favorite way to travel. They can be scary at first but you get used to it eventually.
And after you've been on a few 12 hour long flights, it feels like an everyday thing. :lemon:
the first time i was in a plane i was flying it lol
I don't like them, I feel so uncomfortable around them and on it.
I remember the first time I took a plane to Florida, I took sleeping medicine before going to the airport...and still was awake thought the whole trip. :(
Im okay with them but I don't like being in them for too long. I can't sleep on them so it sucks :,(
My thoughts on planes...? I think they're alright in my opinion. No accidents had happened to me while I was on a plane. Haven't been on a plane in quite a long time. The first time I was going to board a plane was when I was kid was going to visit relatives in Virginia with my family. I think we had to transfer from one flight to another to get there. Don't really remember... :T I do remember that I was a wake the entire time during my flight to Virginia. Probably thought it was really exciting to ride on a plane.
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