Also, these stones. Who was the idiot who thought it was a good idea to remove the sun/shiny/dawn/dusk stones almost completely from the game and add most evolutionary things for BP? -_-
Please understand.
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Also, these stones. Who was the idiot who thought it was a good idea to remove the sun/shiny/dawn/dusk stones almost completely from the game and add most evolutionary things for BP? -_-
Please understand.
YESS I hated that pikachu was like the only good electric type in the game, i mean there was plusle and minun but they were for aesthetic purposes lol. Oh no wait, there was manectric, they were pretty ok.
But yeah, too many water types, in fact too much water. 7.8/10
To each his/her own I guess, but for me I still love Pikachu.![]()
Tbh, I hate that the rarer evolutionary stones are earned thru Super Training. The chance to get them is so slim
DPP mining for stones was win. But random.
Probably the only good thing about the Sinnoh games besides Turtwig.DPP mining for stones was win. But random.
I've got my grumpy old man chair waiting so I can complain about how these remakes just make Sinnoh worse.Wait until the eventual gen 4 remakes
Wait until the eventual gen 4 remakes
This is cool and all, but can you play Panel de Pon on it?
So, on a whim, I decided to finally get to buying Pokemon Puzzle Challenge from the eShop.
Its like I'm reliving my childhood, wasting hours upon hours on this game, without even realizing it.
Yes, you can!
In case anyone else was wondering.
It's really good. It was also surprisingly difficult? I haven't beaten super hard mode yet, and hard mode was a mess that I managed to defeat but just barely
So my pokemon are good, and they know good moves. But when I battle my friend, gallademaster, he crushes me. His pokemon suck though, so I am confused. What do I do then? Can I have some advice please.......
Pokemon?So my pokemon are good, and they know good moves. But when I battle my friend, gallademaster, he crushes me. His pokemon suck though, so I am confused. What do I do then? Can I have some advice please.......