Pokémon Pokemon General

I'm actually excited for Volcanion! I hope it comes out in Canada too. I haven't seen it on the list yet. O:

Hopefully coming soon. I actually had somewhat hacked/saved Volcanion on my last game but yeah if I get sun/moon i'm starting fresh, not paying for that stupid bank service and also more fun that way.
My sylveon was frozen for 7 turns in the last battle. I thought the max was 3 or 4! To be fair, I've never seen anything frozen for more than 3 turns.
Lol, anyone read that recent topic on Bsfaqs? Someone complained rightfully on the stupid bank service and that you have to pay at all when you don't really use it much if at all. Yeah sure it's not much but the idea of Nintendo and so many people actually supporting such a system for a kids' game when they just could have made an one-time paid software or a free one for the purpose makes me want to scream. I don't care about the Pok?mon events you can get from it because they have been bad anyways so...

And yeah since you could just borrow someone else's 3ds or buy yourself a 2nd I'd rather have done like you could do in previous games, there you already got the mechanisms. And as someone wrote on the boards it's not even a cloud service because all that bs is tied to the actual system anyways.
Ay sweet seems like EU is getting those rocket/galactic themes after all. rip EU getting everything 84 years after everyone else though lmao.
Just got over a box of female Pok?mon that I needed from Y version and right now I just need Dragonair, Emolga, and Metang from the Friend Safari. Pretty much just a waiting game right now and I am bored out of my mind, constantly checking two different sites for FC and none of them have the safari I need.
Just got over a box of female Pok?mon that I needed from Y version and right now I just need Dragonair, Emolga, and Metang from the Friend Safari. Pretty much just a waiting game right now and I am bored out of my mind, constantly checking two different sites for FC and none of them have the safari I need.

Why do you need them from the Safari? Just for the HA?

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Just got over a box of female Pok?mon that I needed from Y version and right now I just need Dragonair, Emolga, and Metang from the Friend Safari. Pretty much just a waiting game right now and I am bored out of my mind, constantly checking two different sites for FC and none of them have the safari I need.

Why do you need them from the Safari? Just for the HA?
Why do you need them from the Safari? Just for the HA?

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Why do you need them from the Safari? Just for the HA?

So I can get their hidden abilities and catch them in a ball that matches their shiny color. I already caught a HA Dragonair in a Nest Ball for a shiny Dragonite, and a HA Emolga in a Luxury Ball. I'm not concerned about Metang's HA though, but the Safari is the only place where you can catch them in the wild. I'm aiming for one in a Premier or Quick Ball, though the ball type won't really matter unless SM lets genderless Pok?mon pass down ball types through Ditto.
So I got my Genesect codes from GameStop earlier and it turns out that they didn't receive the cards yet. So what the cashier did for me was print out some codes at the register. I'm not sure if that is a more recent thing but that is really cool regardless, and it actually makes me a little bit more happy with serial code events since it seems that you no longer have to race against the clock to get your codes before they run out.
I'm actually wondering something about Pokemon Amie on Omega Ruby. Does the Lv.3 affection endure chance stack along with a Focus Band 10% enduring chance?
I'm actually wondering something about Pokemon Amie on Omega Ruby. Does the Lv.3 affection endure chance stack along with a Focus Band 10% enduring chance?

Not sure, but if it does it would only be useful during NPC battles since Pokemon Amie effects don't work in PvP or the Battle Maison.
Why did this thread keep saying there are new posts when there aren't?
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Just walked into walmart to find a massive pile of Pokemon center Plush!! Holy crap its hard to get those when you live hundreds of miles from the nearest pokemon center :) It was weird they were all the old gen 5 poke dolls from like 5/6 years ago.. I got the Zorua pokedoll I've been wanting since like forever!! plus got me a darkrai pokedoll~

I'm just super happy and had to say something ^-^
I had nooo idea walmart stocked up on things like this~
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Just walked into walmart to find a massive pile of Pokemon center Plush!! Holy crap its hard to get those when you live hundreds of miles from the nearest pokemon center :) It was weird they were all the old gen 5 poke dolls from like 5/6 years ago.. I got the Zorua pokedoll I've been wanting since like forever!! plus got me a darkrai pokedoll~

I'm just super happy and had to say something ^-^
I had nooo idea walmart stocked up on things like this~

Lucky! There are absolutely ZERO Pokemon Centers where I live. Zorua and Darkrai are the coolest Dark-types!
Holy crud I knew I hatched a lot of eggs but I didn't expect my egg count to double since I checked last year. .-.


You can still see them if you click on someone in the guest list and choose to look at their rankings; it's a bit more convenient this way in my opinion.

Its was just fun to see what random trainers on battle spot spent their time on...if I ran into someone with 37,000+ egg hatches id be kinda scared c:

that has to a world record for a single game card