Pokémon Pokemon General

So Greninja, the Smogon frog...or was the Smogon frog, was banned to the Smogon Ubers tier today (1/11/15, if anyone happens to be reading this in the future). It joins the likes of Mega Kangaskhan, Aegislash, Mega Mawile and others.

R.I.P. Greninja. 2013-2015
Who the **** vested about smogon. They don't own pokemon battling...

I'll use my damn geninja however I please. The rival can disconnect for all I care...
Who the **** vested about smogon. They don't own pokemon battling...

I'll use my damn geninja however I please. The rival can disconnect for all I care...

Smogon is trash, eventually everything will be banned except bidoofs, so everyone will be battling with bidoofs against other bidoofs bidoof bidoof. o wait moody banned rip looks like it's up to sunkern
Why can't we just ban Smogon, Greninja's not even that strong to be considered Uber tier.

I bet they're just salty lmao.
Wow, all this crying about Smogon.

Unless you agree on using Smogon tiers before you set up the battle, then it's all fair game. Their system is just a way to somewhat even the playing field for the players involved. Keeping it all fun and games and that.

Greninja got put into Ubers, likely because of its Protean ability, good range of attack types and base Speed stat. The people there will keep testing Pokemon for competitive battling, so maybe it'll be put back into OU eventually, or maybe it'll stay in Uber forever.

Seeing how much you people are *****ing about Smogon, I think it's pretty safe to assume that you don't battle using their tiers. In which case your *****ing is absolutely pointless, since you don't even use them. Seriously, you're acting like Greninja was removed from the entire series.
Why is Greninja being bumped up a tier such a big deal?

...and what has Smogon done to offend you guys this greatly?
I mean you guys are really treating this like Greninja just died. There are 700+ other pokes you guys.
Why is Greninja being bumped up a tier such a big deal?
Consider the fact there are Smogon users who used Greninja in OU battles, those people will have to change their team layouts to something else considering their lovely frog has been moved to a tier above and is being compared to actual overpowered Pokemon like Mega Rayquaza and Mega Kangaskhan, See that? He's being compared to Megas which is dumb because Greninja isn't all that hard to kill lmao.

I don't even like Smogon but I hate the fact this is going to destroy teams that people have been using for awhile because of pure salt.
Consider the fact there are Smogon users who used Greninja in OU battles, those people will have to change their team layouts to something else considering their lovely frog has been moved to a tier above and is being compared to actual overpowered Pokemon like Mega Rayquaza and Mega Kangaskhan, See that? He's being compared to Megas which is dumb because Greninja isn't all that hard to kill lmao.

I don't even like Smogon but I hate the fact this is going to destroy teams that people have been using for awhile because of pure salt.
I don't see why that's such a huge deal :/ The tiers change so you should always be ready to have to change your team. The whole point of the changes is to balance the game. If a poke is too op in a tier they bump it up, even if it'll do **** in the upper tier. Besides Greninjas strength is to be a sweeper/lead with great coverage anyway so it's not like it has to survive too long. And if he won't work out in ubers they might just put him back in OU so it doesn't seem like a massive change. Also again there are 700+ other pokes to play with...

And why salty? Did Greninja offend Smogons mother or something?
Still, having to possibly make a whole new team because one of your mains was swapped to a higher tier would annoy a few people who take Pokemon seriously like Smogon users do and I can sort of understand that it would be annoying.

The thing is, He won't work out in Uber's because all he does is be a quick lead to getting rid of some of the more dangerous OU tier Pokemon, comparing to people using Mega Kangaskhan which is considered severely overpowered even with weak attacks like Power-up punch having 80 Base attack and adding +2 to Attack buffs is intense.

I mean the term salty as people getting mad when they lose to a person using Greninja, which is why I personally think why people voted to have him banned from OU tier gameplay, I dunno, I could just be dumb and overreacting (this isn't the first time lmao)
why does everyone listen to smorons
who decided that they get to tell you what you can and cant use in competitive battling
I used double team in a battle and the player disconnected. I had to look up why he disconnected because he wasn't the first to flip the switch when I used that move. Apparently, it's banned by smogon and I'm not allowed to use it.
why does everyone listen to smorons
who decided that they get to tell you what you can and cant use in competitive battling
Because you're apparently worthless and not a good sport if you don't follow their rules, according to them! It makes me sick too, buddy.

I used double team in a battle and the player disconnected. I had to look up why he disconnected because he wasn't the first to flip the switch when I used that move. Apparently, it's banned by smogon and I'm not allowed to use it.
lmao, that's pathetic of that person, If they're that much of a Smogon tard then they should be able to deal with someone using Double Team lmao.
i breed pokemon so i can get BP not to fight with 30 year old neckbeards who get worked up over me using a certain move once
Because you're apparently worthless and not a good sport if you don't follow their rules, according to them! It makes me sick too, buddy.

No, the only way you're worthless and not a good sport is if you and the other person you're battling with agree to use Smogon rules and then you or them don't follow them.
Yeah but they try to enforce you to play with their rules anyways so most people are just foolish enough to agree anyway but then break said "rules" and piss them off.

That's why I'm glad nobody here plays by Smogon rules...Right?
Im just waiting for 'POKEMON ORIGINS, SEASON 2 - Gold and Silver'



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Im just waiting for 'POKEMON ORIGINS, SEASON 2 - Gold and Silver'


I liked origins but I liked the manga's versions of Red and Green better and I am sure I will like Gold's manga drawing better.
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