Pokémon Pokemon General

Yeah but they try to enforce you to play with their rules anyways so most people are just foolish enough to agree anyway but then break said "rules" and piss them off.

That's why I'm glad nobody here plays by Smogon rules...Right?

I battles someone on here who said no OU Pok?mon. Then they used Mega Charizard Y.
And then said I broke the rules.
o_o o_o
I didn't know Gastrodon was OU.
o_o o_o o_o
(He should be though)
oh supposedly, in the original red/blue, the starter that you and gary didnt pick would have been picked by oak. you couldve fought against him. the battle coding is still in the game and you can access it via cheats n stuff w/a game shark.
Yes, we should all do Pokemon battles, doing Pokemon battles in our boxers too.


Am I bad boy for hacking in a Suicune with its unreleased HA? :B


Get on my level d00d.

PS the one I use in battle isn't hacked. I was just bored.
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Yeah but they try to enforce you to play with their rules anyways so most people are just foolish enough to agree anyway but then break said "rules" and piss them off.

That's why I'm glad nobody here plays by Smogon rules...Right?
Then they are the idiots. Unless it explicitly states on their PSS profile that they use Smogon rules during battle, you couldn't have possibly known. Not everybody battles using Smogon rules, and they shouldn't be expected to either.

The Japanese have their own tier system, and is more based around base stats and availability, so I wonder how often people disconnect from Japanese battlers.
It's a Smogon forums link, but this is the most I could find on the Japanese competitive battle rules with a quick search: link

I don't use Smogon for building Pokemon or battling in general, and for that reason I don't give a flying rat's ass about Greninja being put into Uber tier. If it destroys other people's teams then it's their own fault for relying on an ever-changing tier system.
Then they are the idiots. Unless it explicitly states on their PSS profile that they use Smogon rules during battle, you couldn't have possibly known. Not everybody battles using Smogon rules, and they shouldn't be expected to either.

The Japanese have their own tier system, and is more based around base stats and availability, so I wonder how often people disconnect from Japanese battlers.
It's a Smogon forums link, but this is the most I could find on the Japanese competitive battle rules with a quick search: link

I don't use Smogon for building Pokemon or battling in general, and for that reason I don't give a flying rat's ass about Greninja being put into Uber tier. If it destroys other people's teams then it's their own fault for relying on an ever-changing tier system.
I remember leaving from a game (back around when I was on X) and this guy got severely angry at me because I wasn't playing how he wanted to, I didn't agree to any rules like so, I left because his team was literally Mega Gengar and other high tier OU stuff and I barely had any idea what I was doing in the competitive category so I didn't want to waste his time.

From my experience, Japanese players tend to use full teams of legendaries or hacked Pokemon to have hacked abilities, I can understand why they'd go for maximized values in stats so they can attempt to win, I still remember an amazing sweep I had on X where my Meowstic's took down a whole team of Legendaries without fainting.

I've only used Smogon for moveset tips, I tend to mix around my movesets to be a tad uncommon towards more familiar players, resulting with me either winning or losing, which is what I intend to do since I wouldn't battle to win but to battle to have fun, which Smogon try to bypass with making these rules, they're trying to make players not play how they want.

I'd like to apologize for my post earlier anyways, it was actually intended for a joke but I can see why it was taken to offense.
Ugh I hate redoing parts of my team because something isn't allowed.

The only good thing to come from Smogon was banning mega kangaskhan.

Get on my level d00d.

My friend hacked me a shiny Azurill that was caught at level 70. Pok?Bank said it was completely normal.

I'm annoyed by Smogon and almost never use their movesets, but my teams always end up fitting their rules so I guess that's good.

Got linked to this. Some explanation on what led to his banning, as well as arguments on why he shouldn't have been.
For those that are still mad or are just interested.
If one is a true pokemon master, one does not need to remove other pokemon from the equation. One will be able to beat any 'mon.
No, legendaries are cheap. They dont count.

Like in anime style battling, Tobias at PL was cheap with dakrai and latias.
Serebii.net ‏@SerebiiNet 20s20 seconds ago

Serebii Update: New Pok?mon game called Pok?Toru announced http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml

Serebii.net ‏@SerebiiNet 33s33 seconds ago

Serebii Update: Pok?mon Shuffle in North America http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml

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Serebii.net ‏@SerebiiNet 9s10 seconds ago

Serebii Update: Pok?mon Kyogre & Groudon Cover plates for New Nintendo 3DS to come at launch in Europe http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml

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Serebii.net ‏@SerebiiNet now3 seconds ago

Serebii Update: Pok?mon anim? to be viewable on Nintendo Anime Channel on New Nintendo 3DS on February 13th http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml
Serebii.net ‏@SerebiiNet 25s26 seconds ago

Serebii Update: Second Pok?mon related New Nintendo 3DS faceplate to come to Japan and Europe. http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml

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Serebii.net ‏@SerebiiNet 13s13 seconds ago

Serebii Video: First trailer of Pok?mon Shuffle http://youtu.be/C3boz2E5_sc http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml

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Serebii.net ‏@SerebiiNet 5s6 seconds ago

Serebii Video: First official footage of Hoopa http://youtu.be/5EejP4BqR4I http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml
Hoopa event confirmed for like five month from now!!!

Pokemon shuffle didn't look that interesting to me. Guess it's a positive that it's free then. When are we going to get another game like Pokemon Puzzle Challenge/League?