Senior Member
So I go to the Play Store and I can't find it. I then go online and apparently it isn't out in Canada or is banned from Canada? Is that true?
It's not out in Canada yet.
So I go to the Play Store and I can't find it. I then go online and apparently it isn't out in Canada or is banned from Canada? Is that true?
Urgghh I'm so mad, I went outside and found a Growlithe...twice! I clicked on the model and the game would just freeze and then Growlithe would disappear :/ Is it because I don't have data turned on (I don't have a data plan)?
At least I got a Hitmonchan earlier on the dining table![]()
>goes to pokestop
>spins circle
>gets nothing
Is this normal or ??? Because I only have 11 pokeballs rip
So I go to the Play Store and I can't find it. I then go online and apparently it isn't out in Canada or is banned from Canada? Is that true?
Then to top it all off, there are no Pokestops anywhere near me. I went out of my way to find one and eventually found both a stop and a gym at the memorial park (that I never knew existed). When I went to claim items, I got three Pokeballs. +1 +1 +1. I literally went out of my way biking an extra 45 minutes to find a stop only to get three balls. Seriously?! Looks like when I run out of Pokeballs it's game over and I'll have to uninstall the app. There could always be a stop at McDonald's but nope. :/
So I go to the Play Store and I can't find it. I then go online and apparently it isn't out in Canada or is banned from Canada? Is that true?
It's worth noting that the Pokestops "reset" after only 5 minutes. So if you're desperate enough, just hang out there for a little while and you can use them multiple times. There's a nice spot by a trail here with 3 stops so I use them a couple times which is pretty effective.
Beyond that though, I just don't think this game is going to be for you at least right now if it's that hard for you to get to locations. Ingress submissions have been closed since last September, so you can't add any locations right now. If they ever open back up though, you'll be able to try submitting new locations near you that may be approved.
I thought stops were supposed to be "historic locations/big businesses" or something to that effect? If so then I really don't understand why I don't have any nearby. The park near my house is a historic location, I have several churches nearby as well that don't register as a spot. And again, I'm really not sure why McDonald's isn't a spot considering they're involved in nearly everything.
It's supposed to be nice tomorrow so I guess I'll go spot hunting. I don't want to go too far since it's easy to get lost on a bike, plus the fact that having max brightness + location + Pokemon Go drains my battery so fast.
Well, the vast majority of locations used were created on the previous game Ingress by other players. So if nobody ever actively played Ingress in your area, then that's why there aren't any. They aren't created automatically -- people had to go and take a photo of a location and submit it to Google for approval. Submissions have been closed for a while, but if they ever open up again for Pokemon Go, then you can try getting some added to your area.
I don't think it's meant to be businesses though, unless they happen to have something of significance on property. Locations like parks and trails definitely can be though... the vast majority near me are signs for parks and trails. Or historic benches on said parks and trails. Oh and power boxes with paintings on them oddly enough.
Niantic, the Google/Alphabet spinoff that created "Pok?mon Go" with Nintendo and The Pok?mon Company, is aware of the problem and hard at work on a fix, CEO John Hanke told Business Insider.
And while it fixes the server capacity, international rollout of the game to countries like the United Kingdom and the Netherlands is "paused until we're comfortable," Hanke said.
It's not uncommon for online games like "Pok?mon Go" to have first-day launch jitters. Hanke said that even though it knew how much interest there would be in a new smartphone "Pok?mon" game, Niantic was still surprised by the phenomenon it has become.
"We thought the game would be popular, but it obviously struck a nerve," Hanke said.
And Hanke said that Niantic has already made great strides in fixing the problem, with "a great run" of server availability on Thursday evening.
~small questions to the people who have already downloaded GO~ how much data does the game use?
(still has not been released in canada yet ;-![]()
Why does it take 400 Magikarp candy to evolve one into a Gyarados?