I still have no Ghost Types or Dark Types though >>
Dark types didn't exist in the first gen so you won't be able to find any for now. Same goes for Steel types.
Meanwhile I just need a Growlithe to be happy.
I still have no Ghost Types or Dark Types though >>
Dark types didn't exist in the first gen so you won't be able to find any for now. Same goes for Steel types.
Meanwhile I just need a Growlithe to be happy.
Dark types didn't exist in the first gen so you won't be able to find any for now. Same goes for Steel types.
Meanwhile I just need a Growlithe to be happy.
The Magnemite line are part Steel type :/
The Magnemite line are part Steel type :/
I always put my pokedex first :0 and also pidgey is really common so I wouldomg yes finally my zubat <3 and it's cp is 73 with sludge bomb, not too bad ;>
- - - Post Merge - - -
Also, should I evolve this CP 65 pidgey or try to get enough candy to evolve a CP 51 pidgeotto?
today's adventure was a success.
170 arbok was caught from the wild ayyyyy
A while ago, I went down to a Pok?stop (with my dog) near my house. When I was walking there, everything was running pretty smoothly, which was kind of surprising, considering that I've only gotten mine to work one other time. When I got there... the server went down.
So, that's why I only have a Charmander so far.![]()
I have, alot >>Got some great stuff so far
Here's what I have (i deleted duped pokes for candies)
Eevee CP 135
Raticate CP 261
Nidoran♂ CP 10
Zubat CP 27
Shellder CP 100
Spearow CP 80
Venonat CP 123
Metapod CP 27
Drowzee CP 76
Gastly CP 32
Pidgeotto CP 80
Paras CP 85
Bellsprout CP 43
Oddish CP 75
Beedrill CP 189 (my fav rn)
Charmander CP 25
Probably will never level the Charmander since I have nearly caught every starter but him