Pokémon Pokemon Go General Discussion

after a while the only thing I could find was zubats... SURROUNDED ; v ;

Was wondering if by any chance any one been to the white house yet if so what type of Pokemon lurks around the white house lawn.
So the servers crash frequently during a certain time of the day. Luckily I'm able to go out on weekdays around 8 in the morning and the servers are flawless and it's such a joy to play. Then after around 4 in the afternoon, they're slow and janky. I hope this is fixed when the game is released worldwide.
aaaaand now all I'm catching back at home are intermittent weedles. booooo ; v ;
Now I got two 10km eggs in progress. I didn't realize I had another incubator for the other 10km egg until after I took a 3km walk. ; v ;

At least one is halfway done.
I got a male Nidoran and a Seel from two 5k eggs. I wouldn't be disappointed if I didn't already have them >>
My server has been crashed for about an hour now :(
Luckily they worked pretty well when I went to the mall earlier and tons of people were there using lures and helping each other out!
Is it normal or just childish for me to be constantly playing the original Pok?mon theme song while playing Pok?mon GO?

No way! Live your life and blast that song! Odds are more people will be singing along to it than looking at you funny.
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About to head out again but not about to run into any Pokestops. When will be able to recommend our own?
I hasn't seen anyone post this, so please be aware of the current security issue.
Mostly for iPhone/iPad users.

When signing up with Google, you apparently gave the company full-access to you google account. They can pretty much access everything related to that account in Google. So Drives, Documents, Emails, etc. You can remove the access/permission, but some people say that it makes you restart. However, some people say they were able to continue.

If you revoked the access, let us know what happened. Did you restart, or were you able to to continue?
I used an old gaming email from Gmail that has no personal information and I saw that PokemonGo does have full-access. Since I have nothing to worry about, I'm not that concerned, but I also don't want to risk my progress now anyways, so I'm not risking revoking it. Apparently the company is aware of it and called it an apparent glitch, so users are expecting a fix to it soon.

Other than that, I did join a PokemonGO discord chat, if anyone would like an invite, just ask :)

When you revoke access you can't go back into the app (at least for me, anyway). I saw that earlier and did it and I had to delete and redownload the app.
About to head out again but not about to run into any Pokestops. When will be able to recommend our own?

I wish we could, but theres nothing even close enough for me for a quick walk to request. Could I do my own house?? XD
So 90% of that trip to the store involved "loading" and no Pokemon appearing because of it.

Missed out on a Pidgeot, Shellder, and Bulbasaur that were on my nearby list.
So 90% of that trip to the store involved "loading" and no Pokemon appearing because of it.

Missed out on a Pidgeot, Shellder, and Bulbasaur that were on my nearby list.

mines been crapping out for the past hour too. freezing and kicking me out ; v ; bummer on missing out on bulbasaur :<
My 10k egg hatched into a Lapras!!! And, I used that Lapras to claim a gym, which I now lead, in my neighborhood. Im really happy with the game so far, despite all the crashes and glitches.
i haven't been able to get any pokemon to show up until today..and worse is that every time i've went to catch one, the servers go down. every. single. time :(
I've only been to one Gym so far but only managed to defeat one Pokemon. Makes a lot of sense that the Gym can have multiple Pokemon to defeat but you can only battle with one?? Once your single Pokemon faints it's game over.

if you're fighting your own teams gym, you fight with one.

if you fight another teams gym, you get a full team of 6.