@Bone Baby - thank you, I think I really lucked out!!
overall today was really good for me - I got to stock up on balls, leveled up to 10, caught a clefairy (finally!), a growlithe (WOOT) and I finally had enough candies to evolve my eevee into a flareon - btw, is the eevee evolution random?
2km away from hatching my 10km egg - better get some walking in this weekend! XD
Sounds like things have been going pretty well! Yeah, sadly the eevee evolutions are random. I have 3 Joletons... >>
- - - Post Merge - - -
Got to level 6 & caught a bunch of pokes that I didn't have yet when I went out shopping. Also, Valor seems to be ruling the 10 gyms that I passed so I went ahead and...joined in on Valor because I'm a cool cat.
Forgot to mention I got a 10km egg, 2 2km eggs, and 6 5km eggs!
Just sitting here on the sidelines like we Instinct members do. I've seen a lot of flaming happening between Mystic and Valor, not on here of course, but in general. It's really funny how Red and Blue are practically at war, and we Yellows are just chilling