suddenly that machamp i found in the wild isn't so cool. some people in my town have really op pokemon, like this one gym i pass by has a 1100 cp lapras, and 3 1000+ arcanine. not too cool anymore.![]()
I found out that there really is a CP cap on every pokemon, and each pokemon has it's own cap. My Golbat will cap at only 500 CP, while someone I know has pokemon with 800+ CP. That means that if you wanna get competitive, you'll need the better/stronger/rarer pokemon -_- This sucks.
as far as i know, its based on your level. not the pokemon itself. I could be wrong.
finally signed up! can you really only catch 19 different pokemon total? :< I used a lure but the only thing I caught was a rattata ; v ;
all original 151 pokemon will be available, altho nothing is known about legendaries yet.
you can hold up to 250 pokemon to start and can buy space for more.
the pokemon you can see is based on your level. level up and you'll find more.
perfect! thank you! I sent an extra rattata off to the professor - I'm assuming it's like the same concept as releasing a pokemon?
you get stuff to evolve pokemon, +1 candy c:
- - - Post Merge - - -
and yeah releasing pokemon
- - - Post Merge - - -
just went pikachu hunting at 10 at night, and caught one like 15 blocks away. i went into a deserted primary school, it was the creepiest thing.
perfect! thank you! I sent an extra rattata off to the professor - I'm assuming it's like the same concept as releasing a pokemon?
yep, basically.
make sure you're keeping the pokemon with the best moveset and highest CP.
once you start catching a lot of pigeys and ratatas, evolve them before sending them to the prof. gets you exp and all it uses is that pokemons candies.
cool, thanks! :> how do I get more candies
send more of the same pokemon! each pokemon you send is one candy of that type/evolution chain. just remember to keep the high cp pokemon.
got it! thank youuu - sorry, I'm sure this is stuff that everyone has figured out already ; v ;
So does this mean once they implement the other Gens, we'll have to pay to continue the game? Since you can only hold 250...?