Pokémon Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Multi-Battle Thread!

Well I'm back now and I have Pokemon again, so in theory I'm available for multi battles almost any time.

My primary team does involve at least two UU/OU "pseduo" legendaries (though not Uber stats like mewtwo or kyogre, heck blaziken has more stat points) so let me know if you want me to switch them. I have a backup team for replacing these so it is no problem, but really they are no more overpowered than the starter pokemon of each region.
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Well, I just prefer no legends if that's okay.

Happy to battle when I get home.
I think you must have literally sent that message just as I closed the tab. Sorry.
I'm here but playing counter strike lol.

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My team is being kinda douchey though...

If you trust me, I could play both at the same time, lol.
Now we need 1 more person I vmed ziggy

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Well I guess norski gonna have to play 2 lol

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Norski against us lol

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Wow really :/
Don't worry keep on eating until we get player 4. Then stop everything throw the plates on the floor whatever and race to that 3DS.