Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

can't wait for this game <3 Litten is my favorite one of those starters, probably pick it.
Quick Overview:

- Game releases November 18th in Japan, North America, Australia and New Zealand. November 23rd for Europe
- Starter Pokemon are: Rowlet (Grass/Flying), Litten (Fire) and Popplio (Water)
- Rowlet knows a new move called Leafage. The move Leafage attacks an opponent by striking it with leaves​
- Region is called the Alola Region
- Professor is either called Professor Hala or Professor Kukui

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Here's a video showcasing some game play and the new starters.

EDIT: NVM, it appears it was already posted on the previous page.

Litten is pretty cool though, can't wait to see their evolutions.
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Gonna pick Rowlet because owls are dope.
And now I know I'll pick Sun. Both the legendaries look good, but I'd rather see Solgaleo when I start up the game.

Also, predicting that Popplio just turns into a clown, like how Oshawott turned into a four-legged samurai.
The Owl is the best! But I remember very clearly last time! They made the best looking Fennekin turn to a hideous creature! So they better make the Owl evolutions amazing! Otherwise I'm going with the fire one!
The Owl is the best! But I remember very clearly last time! They made the best looking Fennekin turn to a hideous creature! So they better make the Owl evolutions amazing! Otherwise I'm going with the fire one!

Agree! Hopefully they don't turn the owl into something not like-able ;-; Poor owl. ;-;
Ahh I like all the starters, I'll have to wait until their final evolution before I choose
Chespin was so cool until it turned into a giant white weird thing
New starters and trailers of Pokemon Sun and Moon!

Hey guys! These trailers were just released revealing the starters and more info about the new games!

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Rowlet's the only cute one tho.

I mean, I'll still get Moon, but I certainly wouldn't wanna play with that abomination, looks like a mega Zubat.

Although I can guess that the types of the final starter forms are

Water/Ice??? (Or just sticks as a single Water type??)
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I don't care for any of the starters, but I'm hoping their evolutions save them. The Moon legendary looks... strange, but I suppose Solageo looks nice.
Rowlet's the only cute one tho.

I mean, I'll still get Moon, but I certainly wouldn't wanna play with that abomination, looks like a mega Zubat.

I think we're brothers 0_o
I like Popplio the best as well. It looks like a circus seal! So cute. :)
Holy sht we're finally tall.
No more chibi bodies.
I'm wondering if the trainers are actually teens this time then.

And judging by design, hopefully we're able to dress them up again.
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Eh... The region looks really nice. That's probably what I'm looking forward to the most... As for the rest, not so much. When I first saw the starters, I hated them. They looked like Digimon and I had no idea what I was looking at. Rowlet is defs my favorite of the bunch (actually love it's design, but I think I'd like it better if it were a regular Pokemon, and not a starter Pokemon - it just doesn't give off that started vibe to me), followed Popplio. Then we get to poor Litten, which I don't like. It's the most Digimon-esque looking to me, and the name Litten just looks like a combo of litter + kitten (litter as in trash, not baby kittens). But then again, I really hated the Gen 5 and 6 starters, and they really grew on me, so they'll probably do the same. I think my biggest issue is just the fact Litten looks so out of place. Majority of starters are a combo of green/red(/yellow/orange)/blue, where with this lot it's green/black/blue, and it just looks really out of place.
Legends are ehh... They don't seem to have that counterpart vibe every other generation has had.. It's like a lion and a bat? I don't see the connection. I get X and Y had a deer and a bird, but they still were in the shape of X and Y which made them look like counter parts, whereas these two just look like polar opposites, and not counterparts at all. I prefer the Sun legendary more tho (but I'm still going to get Moon).
I am a little disappointed by the originality of all the Pokemon though. Maybe it's just me being picky, but like Rowlett just looks like a modified Rufflet design AND name wise. Popplio looks like a modified Oshawott, Litten looks like a modified Fennekin, then the Sun legendary looks like Entei, and Moon legendary like Yveltal meets Noivern meet some cartoon bat character I remember watching on TV growing up that I can't remember. Again, this is probably just me being bitter because I'm not used to them. Give it a month and I'll probably be harping on about how great the designs are. I mean, literally in the ~40 minutes from the reveal to me posting this, my POV has already changed from "omg these are so horrible" to "these aren't that bad".

Also, predicting that Popplio just turns into a clown, like how Oshawott turned into a four-legged samurai.
I'm just annoyed because Popplio looks like it should evolve into Samurott more than Oshawott LOL